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  1. I have just received my invitation to apply for the visa in that last round with the nominated occupation of "retail pharmacist" which will be off the the new SOL list...so if I haven't applied before June ends will my invitation still be there till the 60 days end...??..please help me out with that one...
  2. So basically I applied already at the Australian embassy for a visa label and paid the fees...yet due to some technical issues they couldn't stamp my passport...and they advised me that I'd keep the receipt and when I get to Australia I can get my label from there... Yet I have a wondering...who's in charge of printing visa labels over there...?..I mean...should I seek that one out at the airport or should I head to the closest DIAC's office to where I'll be staying in order to get my passport stamped...?? thanks a million you guys...
  3. here's the link https://www.ecom.immi.gov.au/elp/app?formId=SMV-SE-489
  4. basically i applied for the 489 visa cuz i needed more points back then "didn't know that the state nomination would get me to skip the whole points system and get me an invitation for the visa straight ahead"...but i'll be applying this week for the skilled independent subclass 189 "with my same profession...retail pharmacist" to accelerate my pathway towards the PR rather than waiting till i'm eligible for the 887 subclass...yet still...the 489 visa allows you to bring your partner... and i don't know...i'm beginning to like the WHV option....although...i wish to know what would be the approved evidence for a fiance...??...a governmental declaration would do...??...or a church contract has to be included...?? and yup blossom...things are alot easier in most of the world as long as you're not stuck in the middle east...heheh... guys i'm speechless of your help...that's far too kind...i seriously donno how to thank you enough...
  5. the second we're together in australia we'll be married i suppose...we wouldn't need to live for a year for the defacto evidence... yet here's the link for the subsequent entrant for a partner for the 489 visa...it should be as simple as filling it out..."provided that we're married, engaged or a defacto"...
  6. thank you guys for the help... i was granted my visa on december 2012....and i don't know...i've read about different cases where the couple didn't actually live together...but they knew each other for more than a year...and were seriously going towards a commitment...and planning to apply as a defacto....i mean...the department wouldn't approve the fact that we've known each other for a whole year..."and basically moving together isn't that common in egypt in the first place"...and on top as soon as i arrive to australia i don't mind making a reservation within a church or with a reputable priest for our marriage....all of that wouldn't be applicable towards applying as a defacto...??? and what would be the required evidence for engagement if we would apply for a subsequent entry as a fiance instead of a defacto...??... and if it's possible to let me know how great the eligibility for her would be for that WH visa...??...she's 24...a dentist...a graduate from cairo...and living right now in egypt...and has a year of practical experience...and how long would that visa take...??...
  7. good day everyone...basically me and my gf met online a year ago...i'm egyptian she's an american...we both live in egypt though...5 minutes far from each other...and i've received my skilled sponsored visa "a provisional one...subclass 489" from south australia.... the issue is that...she's living with her grandmother...who was against our relationship all the way...but we're now at a stage that we seriously wanna get married and there's no turning back in this relationship....so there's no other option left for both of us but for her to move to australia via a subsequent entrant visa....but there are certain things that i need some guidance with... i guess the only option for us to state how we're related is the "de facto" yet here're some problems that i need a help with.... 1) we never lived together... 2) we have phone records dating one year back yet her number was owned by another girl and still up til now the contract with the mobile provider is with her friend's name.. 3) we have plenty of emails and a long chat history that would back us up... 4) it would be easy for me to get declarations from family and friends about our relationship...but it'll be harder for her to get those declarations from any relative...cuz most of her family is against our relationship... 5) i'm moving to australia in a month....and i have no problems to make an arrangement for a wedding as soon as she arrives and send the department the evidence i'd receive regarding that wedding from church or from the priest i'd arrange that whole thing with him... how far eligible are we with such criteria....or what else we could do in order to add up more credibility to our story to they eyes of the department...??...and if we chose to apply as a fiance rather than a de facto.....what would be the approved evidence for our engagement...?? please help us with any tip or information you might have regarding that issue cuz we're in great need for any help... regards Joseph emiel
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