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Posts posted by samdom1

  1. ditto me too hope not , however it will get complicated i think if they do . for example: if Anmac assess you before this potential change with Aphra - as having acceptable qualification in nursing equivalent to oz nursing , and Anmac give you the green light and successful LOD , how can Aphra say no?


    Hi ladies, Ahpra took weeks and weeks for me too, in the end I had to send repeated messages to them via their website


    Also my diploma was what seen as the acceptable qualification even though I have a degree...as I needed it to be longer than five years for the points for visa, so unless its changed dramatically since September 13 I'm sure you'll be fine :yes:


    Hope it comes through for you both soon, the waiting drove me crackers!!



  2. Hi All I'm confused...please read below, I received this email following my inquiry into proof of identity docs needed...how can I provide prospective employer/original offer of employment if I havent got a job, often employers have asked for my AHPRA number at application...which I dont have unti Feb when I'm going to complete the process face to face....Help????


    I refer to your correspondence to Alison in the Victorian Office of AHPRA regarding my email notifying you of your in-principle registration on 14 November 2013.


    To respond to your enquiry, you will need to provide your British passport, Australian Visa and proof of your Australian address in addition to either an original signed statement from a prospective employer verifying your identity or an original offer of employment letter. This means you cannot obtain registration in Australia until you have met the visa, residential and employment requirements. This applies to all applicants who have been deemed eligible for in-principle registration

  3. Yeah definitely a rumour debs because my migration agent told me the diploma was more sigificant for registration purposes, im sure you wouldnt have had your letter of eledgibility in sept with your diploma if they were intending to make such big changes....might be worth asking them directly via their web enquiry form? X

  4. Hi All, I got my in principle letter of registration through this morning via Email!! Yippeee!!


    It has advised that I have a year to take/send proof of ID docs to the Brisbane office, to complete the registration. Which I'll do in Feb when I pop over.


    The ID docs I need to send include; Passport, Visa Evidence, Proof of Address...it also mentions sponsorship or proof of employment letter...well as I have'nt got a job yet and I dont need a sponsor i'm assuming that passport, visa and address proof will all suffice?

    Sorry I'm being a tiny bit thick!

    Also just FYI my letter states "Following your application of July 23rd 2013....so thats taken three and a half months, as I was originally advised between 8 - 12 weeks that was pretty spot on, considering I had to resend my docs with magistrates signature on due to my own mistakes...:embarrassed:

  5. Not exactly true. If all your documents are in order, they grant you registration there and then if you present yourself in person at the office saying that you need to work..............I know of several who have done this in the Brisbane office. Don't know though if that will be the case at the current time if they are going through changes.


    Thanks Kev, I think this is what I will do in Feb if I havent heard by then...but surely I will have heard by Feb! (Fingers crossed lol)

  6. I noticed AHPRA took the fee from my bank account today, I don't know whether to see this as a sign they are processing it and it won't be absolutely ages before I get the LOE...or if It's just wishful thinking!


    Hi joeybee...they took the funds out of my bank at the start of the process...three months ago! sorry to be the barer of bad news xx

  7. I'm in the same boat too, resent my docs after being signed by magistrate and after chasing them three weeks later I received an email sent from a donotreply address explaining they'd been received on the 5th September ...still heard nothing since.:unsure:


    I emailed via the web enquiry form again yesterday and waiting for a response...My next option is to stay up till midnight and phone them!


    Sooo frustrating! :huh:


    I know your right Lorna :smile:...it will soon be distant memory, but the long wait is driving me potty!!




    We (being myself, hubby and 3 kids) sold everything we had in the UK. Arrived in Oz on 9th June 2009 with 5 suitcases and 14k GBP


    We stayed in a motel for the first few nights, and then told we had to leave by the following Monday as the room had been double booked and the other people needed the room more than us:err:.


    Anyway it gave us a kick up the bum to find a rental. We wanted to be NOR so started at REAs in Joondalup. Everywhere we went was the same story "sorry you'll have to wait until open house, submit application and wait'. By this stage I was ready to go back to airport and get the next available flight home, but as luck would have it, Hubby insisted we try one more REA, So off we go, we get there ask the usual questions, basically said we need somewhere ASAP, didn't care where it was as long as it is liveable. Poor woman must have felt so sorry for us, she said she had a place available in Quinns Rocks, not even advertised yet, and it was ours if we wanted it. So on the Friday after we landed we signed a 12 month lease on our first Aussie home. Moved in the following Monday. So basically we managed to open bank accounts, medicare, enrol kids into school and refurnish a whole house in less than a week of arriving.

    Then it seems our luck ran out. Hubby was a maintenance electrician in England, and obviously no electrical licence meant no electrical job in Oz. He applied for literally 100s of jobs, from Trade assistant to Hungry Jacks and everything in between, never heard back from ANY of them. I was also applying for jobs, as in England I was an elderly care assistant, fortunately I was offered a job, which came at the right time as we were running out of money fast.


    3 months later out of the blue an ex work mate of hubbys contacted him on F/B and said he'd heard we were in Perth and was he interested in job at his place. Hell Yeah he was. The job was perfect for him, and best of all no licence needed as it was a electrical design programming job (I think). Any how things started looking up both had jobs we enjoyed, although I had to give mine up as DH job involved a lot of FIFO at a moments notice. Everything was plodding along nicely, kids were settled, PIL had been out to visit, we had really started to settle. Then in August 2010 we found out I was pregnant, yay life was great.


    Then BAM things went to ****.... scans showed possible problems with the baby, first they though DS, then perhaps CF, as it turns out baby was perfectly healthy, I just had a **** sonographer. So back to happy,happy,happy. Or so I thought.....


    Dh went into go into a major depressive episode, it started of with a day off work here a day off there nothing to concerning, then days turned into weeks. He said it was the stress of his job and he can't do it anymore, he was sometimes spending 3 weeks at a time away from home, coming home for a few days then being sent away again. So unbeknown to him I started applying for jobs for him, (by this point he had his fitters licence). He recieved a call a week or so later from a company, offering him a job interview, and a few weeks later started a new job. Problem was because he was so down and depressed he wouldn't/couldn himself to drag, and point blank refused to see a gp. Fortunately his new boss was very understanding and allowed him to work from home . Anyway around jan/feb 2011 I finally lost my **** with him and told him straight. I was 2 months away from having baby #4 tired, fed up emotional, hormonal and needed some support and told if he didn't sort his crap out I'm packing up mine and the kids stuff and going back to England, withOUT him. (Admittedly not my finest moment). Anyhow obviously something clicked and he finally got some help, got him self back to work and motivated again. By the time the baby was born things were all good again.


    NOW....... Things are great, Hubby is still in his job that he loves, we've moved SOR now and things are actually really great at the moment. We have had some really crap times but we have also had some amazing times and for now I love living here. We are about to start looking to buy our own home, planning some amazing adventures and have no desire to go back to the UK not even for holiday as yet.


    Sorry for all the depressing bits but I think it has made me more determined to make it work here, becasue if we can handle all that crap on our own in a foreign country, come out the other side and still love it here then Australia is doing something right for us.


    Wendy your story was far from boring or depressing... honest, and realistic and I'm sure I'm not alone when I say Thank you for sharing it with us all xxx I love your determination I'm made like that...strong women eh we might get knocked down from time to time (and boy have I too at times!) but we just brush our selves off and crack on! Always something good round the corner I think so and your story shows that too x

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