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Everything posted by cind3r3lla

  1. Hi KimberleeG92, Yep, we are now in Kalgoorlie. Here's the pro's and con's of living here, based on how we feel as a family who moved from Perth. Pro's + no traffic + small town (therefore, going to work or grocery takes 5-10 minutes. Maximum could be 30 minutes if you work in the mining area) + few people (so you become familiar with some faces you meet) Con's - nowhere "near" to go to during weekends (except if you want to do camping/BBQ'ing every week) - local activities are not as organized as the ones in the city - lack of medical specialists - unavailability of some TAFE/special courses (i listed it down if you plan on taking some courses) despite the cons, we are sticking around until an opportunity comes up. economy is bad. xoxo
  2. I have been searching the thread for information about Kalgoorlie. Most recent replies were kinda outdated. For people who are living there, how is the situation there right now? Are the primary schools good? Medical clinics available? Is it safe and good enough to live there as a family? Tia!
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