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About Tamogen

  • Birthday 04/01/1980

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Newbie (1/6)



  1. Tamogen

    Hello all!

    Hello there, I'm new here so thought I better say hi. Looking to come over at some point in hopefully the not too distant future. Hubby is a prison officer, I am currently a housewife although I worked in the prison service for 10 years. Due to the prison closures that are happening up and down the country, we decided to chance our arm and head for warmer climates so that my hubby may continue his career and I can look to start a career in the care profession when my little ones are older and less reliant on myself. It's not often that a potential opportunity to improve your life comes up so we decided to attempt to grab it with both hands. I already have a whole list of questions, some of which I am trying to start to plough through. I know which Visa we should apply for, I know about the EOI but I would like some guidance with using a migration agency as opposed to doing the application myself. What are your views? Should I try to go it alone or are agencies and their fees good value for money? Thanks.
  2. Having taken some very helpful advice here as to how to start looking at Visa options, we decided our best route was for my hubby to try for a 190 skilled prof visa. However, filling out the draft EOI on skillselect website is either causing me grief or I'm just impatient, one of the two. We filled in the first draft page, this asks for type of Visa. At this stage the info required is very basic, Name, DOB, current citizenship and the like. It asks for an email address which we provided then you enter a password.... So far, so good. The problem starts on the page after, you submit this info then I was informed an email would be sent to the email address with a pass phase and your password. Checked email... Nothing. Checked today, again nothing. we can't proceed with the EOI until we get the email with the relevant email info. Any idea how long it takes to come through? Shall I try again? Im assume that seeing as it states at the the top of the page that the form I filled out online that I have completed 3/7 of the draft EOI that I haven't proceeded in getting anywhere yet with regards to showing an interest? I know the website states it's having techniqual difficulties but to fall at the very first hurdle is ridiculous! Thanks!
  3. Oh forgot to add, my husband has an uncle and aunt who live in Aus and are Australian citizens. Would anybody know if this helps us out at all?
  4. Thank you all for the replies. Commander, we feel the same! My husband is Tornado trained, hostage negotier ect and is a damn good officer. He should have been snapped up too! I am looking through all the options all the replies have suggested. Thanks for your time.
  5. Hi, my husband is a full time prison officer and has been working for the prison service for 12 years. I am a house wife at the moment although I also worked as an OSG for the prison service for 10 years until my youngest was born in 2010. With the uncertainty of impending job losses throughout the prison service, due to many prison establishments being sold off to private firms, we have started considering a move over to Australia. My husband would very much like to continue his profession and although I only have GCSE qualifications, I can turn my hand to a variety of unskilled jobs. We are in the very early stages of gathering p as much info as we can regarding this matter and tbh, I'm finding it rather daunting. Im assuming we go for a works Visa to apply for? Are there prison officer jobs going seeing as I never seem to find that profession on any list of job vacancies? Are there good firms that can help with the application and move over or is it best to do all the donkey work ourselves to save cash? Any help gratefully received.
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