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Posts posted by CMF713

  1. Hi,


    my technical interview was pretty straightforward. It was done on Skype with power point. The bloke doing the interview asked me about what I did and put me at ease,then we started. The format was he would show me pictures of things (starter motor etc etc) and ask me about them.


    I made sure I answered with as much technical information as possible and incorporated health and safety, Engineering hygiene etc etc into as many answers as possible.


    All in all it took about an hour and three quarters.


    Sure you you will be fine, as long as you know the basics and can explain how things work and workshop practices.


    good luck.

    • Thanks 1
  2. Hi Rita,


    the whole skills assessment took about 12 weeks from sending the application off. I first sent all my certification off and got that part back with an invite to apply for the technical interview. Once I applied for the technical interview I had about a 3-4 wait before I had the interview I got about a weeks notice of the interview. When ever I was getting anxious I normally just got up super early and gave them a ring to check on my progress.


    Hope this helps


    Cheers Chris

  3. Finally had my technical interview for Diesel Motor Mechanic (321212) at the end of last month and was successful (phew) and got my certs this week. Now just waiting for our EOI to be processed, we submitted last week (nominated 190 for WA) and just wondering how long this phase takes?


    Thanks everyone.



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