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  1. Thank you for your responses - I really appreciate receiving a recommendation. I think I'll start off with Go Matilda. I understand if your occupation/skills are not within the SOL then the chances of securing permanent residency is slim to none. However, I'm thinking my current occupation will have a lot of cross over with other occupations especially other analyst roles that do appear on the SOL. I'm hoping a migration expert will be able to provide in-depth specialist advice on how I can get around this or point me in the right direction - what I need to do to get a permanent visa. Early last year my wife and I spoke with a company called Global Visas - they were confident of securing a permanent visa for us under my wife's application - even though our occupations are similar her subject of degree (business studies) scored higher. Other visa experts we briefly spoke with were not interested in us - which concerned us why global visas felt they could secure a visa. Unfortunately after reading reviews on Global Visas we were put off and postponed our application until now. Has anyone on here ever used this company? If so, please could you feedback your experiences? Just wondering if I made the right decision. One more question?? For visa purposes, why do they ask if you have a relative living in Australia, if it doesn't count towards anything? Also does anything change for me if my parents move to Australia as well? As they have their visas and are moving once they retire. Therefore my only brother, parents, nephew, niece, and sister in law will all live in Australia? Surely there must be something that says a family should be reunited.
  2. Hi, i'd love to move my wife and children to Australia for a better life and would like some advice. I'm a data analyst with project management experience and qualifications. I know neither of these occupations are on the revised SOL however, I was wondering if anyone could recommend an migration expert / agent that could help me secure a permanent visa? I also have a brother who holds Australian citizenship, his wife and children are Australian by country of birth. Frustratingly none of this seems to be worth anything when it comes to permanent visas. Thank you, any advice or help will be really appreciated.
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