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Posts posted by Bugbrock

  1. Hi possibly 

    your in the same position I was in my visa had expired by 2 years. I had no strong ties to Australia. All the migration agents I spoke to told me my chances were slim. So I applied wrote a detailed statement explaining my circumstances why I hadn’t be able to come when I had my visa and how I would still be a benefit to Australia.after 2 months I got the 12 month RRV. So it is possible!!!!

  2. Hi guys

    need some advice I have a 190 visa which runs out in June I am in the uk & have not got the 2 years stay in Australia for the 5 years RRV visa. I've read you can get a 12 month RRV Can I still apply for for this if so how ? Also my son who was granted a visa on my original 190 visa  he has turned 18 can he get a RRV as well? much appreciate any help 

    Thank you 

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