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Everything posted by Alon

  1. Thx for the responses so far Nickachu that was very helpful I'll look into that
  2. Hi all, Me and my friend (both 22 y old) just booked our flights to Australia, it's our first backpack trip and I would be glad to hear your opinions about our plan. We're setting off Israel at the 5th of August, flying with Korean Airs and making a 5 nights stop at Seoul, from there we're landing at Brisbane. Our plan is to settle at Queensland and find a job there, most likely fruit picking, for about a month(I know it can take time to find a job so probably more) or so and then start our trip by heading north to Cairns Once we get there we will take a flight to either Melbourne or Sydney and look for a job at Coffee shops or w/e (I'm an experienced Barista and he's a waitress), how much time we stay there will be depended on how much money we will need. After we're done with that, we will make our way back to Brisbane(not by flight obviously), probably head to New Zealand before we go back home. From the research I've done, we will catch the most comfortable weather both at the North and the South of the country, could you confirm that? We're both holding an American passport, we haven't settled our WHV yet but we will next week (shouldn't be a problem, right?) What concerns me the most right now is that I have NO IDEA what to do once we land Bank account wise I mean, how am I opening a bank account there ? Do I just enter a bank and tell them "Hey I'm on WHV, can I open an account?" or is it something I can already do from home ? if so, how ? So what do you think ? Any response and tip will be appreciated, Cheers (: P.S We set our return date to Mid Jan, but we will extend if needed
  3. Sup, So I'm gonna go on my working holiday trip to Australia, which is also my first backpacking trip, at either April or June, after researching a bit I figured Queensland has the best weather at these months. Shortly, The plan is to work for like 2/3 months and then travel.. I hope you can help me with these questions : April or June - when would you recommend me to make the flight ? How long does it usually take to settle and find a fruit picking job ? I don't really have a BIG plan, basically I want to land at Brisbane with 1 night at hostel ordered in advanced and just.. get along, is that something people do ? Any advices ? Thx alot!
  4. Firstly, Thx for the replay.. Secondly, I'm looking for a fruit picking job, which by my research basically can be found anywhere at any time, so it doesn't affect me that much(right?).. I don't know much about Australia yet, so I can't point out on a specific location I wanna be at.. all I know is : I've already made up my mind that I wanna travel there The must realistic date for me is March/April I wanna do a fruit picking job for 3/4 months and then explore the country Knowing that, I now need to find out what is the best place for that.. Lets say I work April-July -> is July a good time to travel somewhere in the country ? if so, where ? Thx alot again!
  5. No specific destination yet, I'm trying to figure out what area will be the best for these months - that is if there is such place at all.. which is also something I am trying to figure out..
  6. Hi all, I am having some weather doubts about my trip, thought you might be able to help. My "plan" for now is to get to Australia at early April, work for 3/4 months and travel after.. Since I'm not too familiar with the Australian seasons and weather I am not sure how good that idea is anymore.. Any thoughts ? Will it be winter all over the country by the time I finish working ? When is the best time to start a working holiday ? thx alot (:
  7. Yea I have already sent them 1 mail, they responded pretty quickly but didn't exactly answer my questions lol, tho they did send me a list of what the pack includes : · Pre arrangement of your job before you leave your country, · Pre arrangement of the associated accommodation at your place of work, · Your Working Holiday Visa arranged, · Pre-arranged Australian bank account, · Your Tax File Number arranged, · Access to our mail holding and forwarding service, · Australian mobile phone sim card, · Helpline access for working holiday advice and assistance, · Pre-job orientation at the Go Workabout head office · Transport arrangement to your location of work, and · A Go Workabout Starter Book. This book tells you everything you need to know about your job, orientation meeting, accommodation, transport, arriving in Australia and traveling in Australia. We offer a variety of different job options with our Complete Working Holiday Pack, such as · Farm and Fruit Picking · Hospitality and Housekeeping · Bar work in Country Pubs I doubt that the price is negotiable, anyway I think I might look for other options..
  8. All I know is what they said - "You can expect to earn between AUD $17 to $20 per hour."
  9. That is my research ^^, posted about it in couple more forums, no one seems to heard about it, but the agency have been alive for couple of years and looks serious so I dunno, trying to figure out.. Yea I guess you are right about the bite the bullet, but it's my first backpack trip so I feel I need a plan shorted for the start of it first.. Tel Aviv, Israel
  10. Hi Billy! have you booked your flight before knowing exactly what you gonna do when you get there?? good for you! I ain't brave enough for that, wish I was tho. I have a friends who've been to Australia and did some wwofing/work so I heard about it from them and decided only like 3 days ago that I really wanna do it. I am looking for fruit picking job aswell, that's why this http://goworkabout.com/Travelling-to-Australia/Apple-Picking deal really got my attention, it sounds perfect for me. The package costs 500$ which is alot, but if its either pay 500$ and earn 2 weeks of wages or get to Australia unemployed the first option sounds better to me(let's say they pay 19$ p/h, 6 hours a day, 5 days a week2X = 1140$ -> WORTH IT). Other than that, I have no plans atm, 3/4 months of fruit picking and a bit of traveling in the wild is what sounds good to me for now, don't know about specific places and such yet.. Where are you from?
  11. Thx for the replies.. End of February/March
  12. Hi all, I'm 21 years old, from Israel (holding an american passport aswell) and looking to go on my first backpack trip. My destination is to do a working holiday at Australia, and while trying to figure out the best way to do it the first "promising" thing I ran into was go workabout service ( http://www.goworkabout.com ). After looking a bit in the net and reading posts here in the forum I still couldn't find neither any reviews from people who actually did it nor other better option to get settled quickly with a job. So my questions are Is this service is reliable ? Do you know anyone who did it ? And would you recommend it ? Any help will be appreciated, thx alot!
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