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Everything posted by Spiringy6

  1. I wonder if there is anyone out there who can help? I'm at the end of my tether being bounced back between AITSL and the state departments trying to work out what I need to do. I graduate in 1988 with a BA in Film & Media Studies, French and Education (2 years of education theory) but decided not to do my final teaching practices. In 2003, decided on career change and undertook the GTP with Cambridge University and the Cambridge Partnership - I've got a lovely certificate from the University with a breakdown on the back showing 60 days of Faculty training and 140 of teaching practice. This gave me QTS to teach in England. I now have 8 years of teaching primary. I know GTP isn't recognised in Australia and have been trying to do 2 things: Ascertain if my degree content will count as the academic part of my training. or Find out how to top up my qualifications to PGCE level. Edgehill University have said I can undertake their Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Masters level) whilst I continue to teach in my school. I should be able to complete the necessary modules for this by next summer (starting in Jan) and could also potentially receive a Postgraduate Diploma in Education due to credits from my GTP. I then came across a statement saying that only experience after ITT is recognised - what would I count here (post degree, post GTP or post PG Cert)? Does it mean that my 8 years of teaching all count for nothing? Time isn't on my side (now 44). Is there anyone out there who has managed to pick their way throught the minefield and come out with a satisfactory conclusion? Or who can give me some advice? I'd love to hear from you.
  2. Hello everyone. We are trying to work out the best route for us. Hubby and I and our 2 boys want to move to the Sydney area next year. We are both degree qualified with postgraduate diplomas in personnel management (hr as its now known). Hubby is now at a senior level in a reward and benefits hr specialism whilst I changed career and became a teacher 8 years ago. Hubby will be 50 in 2 years which I understand will mean that he would no longer qualify for a visa - I've another 6 years before reaching that milestone. My qualified teacher status is through gtp which isn't recognised although part of my original degree in the 1980s included education but I didn't pursue qualified teacher status at this point. Would it be possible for me to apply using my hr qualifications ( which are on the skilled list) even though I haven't worked in a role for the last few years? Any advice would be great fully received - is there a way to make the move for good or have we left it too late and it's going to be just a pipe dream for us?
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