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Image Comments posted by dmjg


    This shows the issue with progress. I put a narrow bed in under the deck to grow climbers outside the kitchen window. Last year it was covered in melons. The peas and bean got a good start, then I put the roof on Boxing Day. They are not amounting to much now unfortunately. I may have to remove it and put the boards back on unfortunately.


    It's actually some old 1/4 curved timber that runs along the edges of windows to keep the glass in........ Im too tight to buy proper stuff and use whatever I have to hand. The peas loved it last year. I tried to grow cucumbers on it this year, you can see how successful that wasn't! I can't grow cucumbers, after 3 years of attempts I'm going to give up next year I think.


    I had to rip out four boxes of lettuce just before I took the photo as they all went to seed. Not happy as I had planted them all for the MIL but she arrives tomorrow. They didn't make it!


    It's just the herbs, I'll put more photos up in the next few days, Marjoram, chives, thyme, sage, rosemary, and a huge hamburg parsley, there should also be coriander but it's being a bit shy!
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