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Petar Petrovic

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Posts posted by Petar Petrovic

  1. 6 hours ago, CivCdn said:

    Depends on if you would qualify for another RRV. 

    If the visa expires while you are outside, then you will no longer have permanent residence status and will have to re-apply.

    How do I know if I qualify for another RRV? How long would it take to extend travel facility on the current RRV once I enter Australia? 

    I basically want to extend RRV while still not permanently moving to Australia. I can pay a short visit and extend travel facility. 

    What do you suggest in this case?

  2. Hi guys, 

    It's me again. Here is the situation, I got 155 Resident return visa. I submitted all the docs and they approved it. I have certain ties with Australia that were enough for them to give me visa.

    Now, I have travel facility until end of December 2018 on that visa.

    Does it mean that that I have to go there by the end of December 2018 to activate 155 visa? What if that travel facility expires? Do I lose visa immediately?

    I was thinking to go there and apply for extension of the travel facility so I can still have that visa? Is this proper way of thinking?

    Thank you very much!






  3. Hi again, could you please clarify what you mean that I might be misunderstanding the expiry date? Thank you!

    Further info:

    I got 190 visa in 2013 and activated it 2013. I visited the sponsor state. I was in Australia for 3 weeks. No entry since then. 190 visa expires in February 2018.

    In late 2017, I got 155 visa - I have to enter Australia by December 2018.

    Is there something I am getting wrong?


  4. Hi all, 

    I have not been here for a while. My 190 visa expired and I got 155 resident return visa. I still plan to move to AUS, I just had some bumps on the road to make it happen in the last 5 years. 

    First question

    Now, I want to activate my 155 visa soon. Am I still obliged to visit the sponsor state of my 190 visa? / or I can activate my visa by landing anywhere in Australia?

    Second question

    Do I have any obligation regarding my 190 visa anymore (it expired)? Over the last 5 years, I think I changed my mind about the state where I want to live. Do I still have to permanently move to the sponsor state (for 2 initial years)?






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