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Posts posted by Zumsor

  1. Thanks to everyone for your good wishes and support through the last 17mths. I received the visa 2days after paying the money.

    Am I right in remembering that to get a visa put in your passport it has to be sent to australian immigration in London, which dept did you send it to?

    Wishing you all the best




    Congratulations I will be applying in April next year wonder how long it will all take from start to finish?


  2. Thank you Fiz for your reply and the reassurance that other singles are out there and that you found work, being able to work is something to fall back on - a just in case. Looking at real estate prices even small places are far from cheap I guess that's the main concern selling here and not being able to afford anything there, such a lot to research. Not long to when i go on holiday so will try and find out as much as I can. Thank you I looked at the car situation halfway reading through the doc I decided its too much hassle so perhaps not such a good idea it would be another added stress. It surprised me to read that you wrote new cars are relatively cheap I will look into that when I'm there. Once again thank you for info.


  3. Hello Moira

    Thank you so much for your response so good to hear there are others on this site in similar circumstances as my own. Being single and trying to decide on which way to go is an enourmous mind blowing decision and probably big gamble to take. Love your attitude of at least you are giving it a try and that is probably where I'm at at the moment. I will be visiting my daughter in Perth November having a long stay and hopefully by the end of my visit with only a few months for her to of been in oz 2 years I will be applying for the 143. I have already made a decision that I will put the house on the market on my return but my only concern only that nothing is moving in my area, but hey if it's meant to go it will go. Where abouts are you planning to move to? Keep me informed as it will be interesting to follow your path. How long do you think it will take and when did you apply for the 143? Thanks again Moira.



  4. Thank you Cath for your response it's a good feeling to get a reply and you hit it right on the head about not feeling so alone and knowing that there others on this site with the same anxieties helps, plus we have similarities so I will be interested in following your progress. What area will you be heading for, are you considering renting or buying both are so expensive. Also I would like to know is it worth taking your car over as mine isn't that old and not a great deal of mileage on it either. I visited my daughter last year and looked at prices of cars I couldn't believe the cost of old second hand cars, hence i would be interested if anyone has taken their car over and how expensive and difficult is it. I'm visiting again in November and no doubt will be checking prices out. By the time I come back it will be decision time do I go for it or will reality tell me differently - scary! Gina

  5. Thank you for your very informative post. My head is spinning with the amount of information I am trying to take in as next year I will qualify to apply for a for CPV 143 as my daughter would have been in oz 2 years and trying to work out if i will manage financially. I'm 64 and a widow and although I would like to think I could perhaps work I wonder what the chances would be to even get any employment at this age. It would be nice to hear if there are any other single ladies out there thinking of or making the move to oz.

  6. Hi I'm too thinking about applying for CPV and like you my main anxiety is will I survive on my pension with the rate of exchange being so low. I won't be able to apply until my daughter has been a PR 2 years so that won't be till next year so any information would be advantageous - its a huge decision - a very costly one at that.

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