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Kate Saidi

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  1. Does anyone have any experience/ advice on finding places at good catholic primary schools in Sydney? We are emigrating in April with our two children of 5 and 3. Our oldest child goes to cathoilc primary school here in the UK so we wanted to continue that education on. What evidence may we need of being practising catholics? Am I right in thinking we need to be on a permanent visa? Am slightly worried from posts saying competition for private school places is fierce, is it the same for catholic schools? We are unsure where we will end up living but we are willing to let the school determine this but perhaps Northern beaches or Maroubra??
  2. HI! We are emigrating to Sydney in April and would love any advice at all about where to live. We are interested in Maroubra or Northern beaches but open to anywhere if it gives us the right lifestyle. My husband has a job at the RPA hospital in Campertown. We have two young children of 3 and 5. We are willing to commute up to 40 minutes to the hospital but that would be the maximum. We are looking for probably what everyone wants; good primary catholic school, good parks, open space but not too far from amentities, house with 4 bedrooms possibly pool, at most 20 minute drive to beach. Our budget is $1000,000 which I know won't go far in Sydney! Any opinions would be much appreciated. Thank you! :biggrin:
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