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Mrs Keeneyboy

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Posts posted by Mrs Keeneyboy

  1. Hi Bob, apologies if this has been asked on here already, I had a quick scan through but couldn't find an up to date answer. We have a 5yr old cross **** zu/Llhaso Apso, I have read on your website that there is an embargo on this breed/cross travelling on Singapore Airlines. How will we go about getting Lottie to Perth later this year. I began the vaccination process for her July last year, everything up to date until July this year when boosters will be due. Also do I need to be doing anything else now such as blood tests?


    Thanks in advance


    Mrs K x

  2. Hi Bob, apologies if this has been asked on here already, I had a quick scan through but couldn't find an up to date answer. We have a 5yr old cross **** zu/Llhaso Apso, I have read on your website that there is an embargo on this breed/cross travelling on Singapore Airlines. How will we go about getting Lottie to Perth later this year. I began the vaccination process for her July last year, everything up to date until July this year when boosters will be due. Also do I need to be doing anything else now such as blood tests?


    Thanks in advance


    Mrs K x

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