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Posts posted by travelchic

  1. It was just that someone on perth poms thinks that the changes with AHPRA will include not allowing diploma nurses to have registration. I have looked on their web page and although it does say there are changes, it doesn't say what the changes are. I have got my letter of eligibility but am a diploma nurse. I have to validate registration by sept 2014. I suppose I am just worrying that they'll cancel my registration before I validate if they stop diploma nurses. However, the person who posted that couldn't give a direct link to that info so it may just be a rumour. I would have thought they would have contacted me and let me know if that was the case.



  2. Hi All, I got my in principle letter of registration through this morning via Email!! Yippeee!!


    It has advised that I have a year to take/send proof of ID docs to the Brisbane office, to complete the registration. Which I'll do in Feb when I pop over.


    The ID docs I need to send include; Passport, Visa Evidence, Proof of Address...it also mentions sponsorship or proof of employment letter...well as I have'nt got a job yet and I dont need a sponsor i'm assuming that passport, visa and address proof will all suffice?

    Sorry I'm being a tiny bit thick!

    Also just FYI my letter states "Following your application of July 23rd 2013....so thats taken three and a half months, as I was originally advised between 8 - 12 weeks that was pretty spot on, considering I had to resend my docs with magistrates signature on due to my own mistakes...:embarrassed:


    Sandom1, if you don't mind me asking, do you have a nursing degree or diploma.



  3. Use the surgical nurse code. Don't mention 254499, just use the description, then factor in your details for surgical nurse. You need to mention what you do ie pre op assessments, liaising with anaesthetists and surgeons, post op obs, wound management, IV drugs, liaising with community/district team, pain team, identifying post op complications, resus, physio et mention if you are a link nurse for anything and any other responsibilities you have like mentoring student nurses, co-ordinating shifts etc. I don't want to put about what's on mine because I am a medical nurse but my manager wrote along the lines of...


    demonstrate the ability to assist senior staff in creating and maintaining the environment to allow a high standard of care, ensuring staff welfare and teaching of nursing and non nursing staff.


    Invole patients and careers/relatives in the planning and delivery of care, working with other professionals to ensure patients needs are met including health promotion appropriate to their condition. Have knowledge and confidence to assist with interventions during emergencies, demonstrating professionalism and taking appropriate responsibility.


    Can carry out all forms of care without direct supervision, is a mentor of student nurses and new staff and is an excellent role model.


    confident, competent staff nurse with the ability to assist with the management and organisation of the clinical area. Conscientious nurse, consistently demonstrating high standards in all areas of role and responsibilities.


    The rest of it is aimed at my speciality and is of no use to you. Reading it I sound like super nurse lol.


    Good luck.



  4. The description on 254499 is a list of things that all nurses should be competent at so use that as your basis. Then add to it your duties as a medical nurse or a surgical nurse. You can't pick both. You can only use 254499 if your occupation is not on the list for reg nurses ie infection control nurse. You can't use this code for WA SS either but I can't comment on other states/territories.




    Description for medical nurse 254418Provides nursing care to patients with conditions, such as infections, metabolic disorders and degenerative conditions, which require medical intervention in a range of health, aged care and community setting.


    Description for surgical nurse 254424

    Provides nursing care to patients with injuries and illness that require surgical intervention.


    If I was you I would think about which type of nursing you have more experience in where you work now. If its medical use code 254418, if its surgical use code 254424. Whichever one you use, add to it the description for 254499.


    Hope this helps.



  5. I am a medical nurse and my reference was fine. I'm not going to e-mail you my reference because I don't know you and your not a regular user of this site but I will give you some pointers.


    you need to include dates of employment, area of expertise and a list of your duties using the ANZSCO definition which I have pasted below for you.


    Occupation Detail for 254499 REGISTERED NURSES

    Unit Group Tasks:



    assessing, planning, implementing and evaluating nursing care for patients according to accepted nursing practice and standards

    working in consultation with other Health Professionals and members of health teams, and coordinating the care of patients

    providing interventions, treatments and therapies such as medications, and monitoring responses to treatment and care plan

    promoting health and assisting in preventing ill health by participating in health education and other health promotion activities

    answering questions and providing information to patients and families about treatment and care

    supervising and coordinating the work of Enrolled Nurses and other health care workers


    Hope this helps.



  6. Ha ha. Can't think on an empty tum. I thought it was just me but some of those true/false/not give questions are really tricky. And the people you talk to about it laugh and say how hard can it be. I wanted to take a test in for everyone to do at home and see how we'll they do lol.


    enjoy your dinner and start afresh tomorrow.



  7. I have done academic and general and I had to give a balanced argument on both 250 word essays. Make sure you keep going back to the question to make sure you're not going off on a tangent..


    You are allowed to take stationary in with you but it has to be in a clear bag. I used a food bag. You have to use pencil for the test with the exception of the writing test where you can use a pen or a pencil. I would recommend using a pencil so you can erase mistakes. I used a highlighter on the reading test to highlight questions i had already answered making it easier for me to locate where other answers might be. I would wear a cardigan or a jumper over a top too. The test centre I went to was really big and cold. You have to leave your coat and bag in a safe place so don't take anything valuable. You can take a bottle of water in with you but it has to be in a clear bottle. You are allocated a place to sit and on your desk is a piece of paper with your candidate number on and the time to return for your speaking test in the afternoon. Keep this bit of paper because you can check your results online 13 days after your test. Results don't show till after 12pm though.


    When I was waiting for the speaking test there was people asking others what they were asked in the hope that they would have a heads up. Everyone is asked something on a different subject so this is a useless exercise. I don't know if anyone else feels the same but when I practised at home I would almost always be half a mark down but on the day the test just seemed much easier than the practise material I had been using. I hope this helps.



  8. I scored we'll on speaking but I agree with the above post. It's not just a chat. They firstly ask you some quick questions about yourself then they ask you about specific things. In my first one they asked me about the countryside. The lady asked did I like the countryside. You can't just answer yes or no, you have to explain why you do or don't like the countryside. Then they asked me did I think the countryside was under threat. Why did I think it was or wasn't. You get the picture. Then I was asked to think of my favourite room in my house and talk about why it was my favourite room for 2 minutes. Doesn't sound long but it feels like forever. Then they asked me about buildings. The differences between old and new buildings, which did I prefer and why. They also asked how important did I think a reception was in a business.


    The second speaking test i did they asked me about national and international news and social networking. Then they asked me to think about one of my friends and talk about them for 2 minutes. They asked about the differences between friends at home and friends at work and why I behave differently with each. It is quite difficult when you don't know what they're going to ask you. One of my friends was asked to think of a character in a sci fi film that you would want to be and discuss why. I would've been stumped on that one lol.



  9. oooooooooo i get the picture well certainly a better understanding of it. Ty so much for that think i will print of a job description also from nhs jobsite at it seems it runs similar to what you had written.


    Great feedback


    ​Thx again xx p.s when did you send yours of im about to do mine within next 2 weeks x


    i sent mine to an agent who sent it by courier the next day. Then I got an e-mail from my agent saying that ANMAC had received the documents and that all was in order with the exception of my transcript which didn't mention the amount of hours practice and theory I did. They said there was a 12 week turn around. It took 17 days for ANMAC to receive the documents. It's a long process lol



  10. Hi there. I have sent my skills assessment off and ANMAC contacted my agent to say that they had received it and that all looked in order apart from my transcripts. So I assume my ref was acceptable. My ref went along the lines of:


    Demonstrates the ability to assist senior staff in creating and maintaining a safe environment. ensures staff welfare, teaches nurses, student nurses and non nursing staff. Assessment of care needs. Development and evaluation of programmes of care. Involves patients, family and care givers in the planning and delivery of care. Works with other professionals to ensure patients needs are met. Discharges patients safely ensuring they have health promotion appropriate to their condition.


    My manager then goes on to describe my job role within endoscopy which won't help you unless you work in endoscopy. Let me know if you do.


    then she adds that I am infection control link nurse and what's involved in that. She says that I have the ability to carry out all job roles within endoscopy and that I have the ability to demonstrate procedures ( endoscopy) to other staff members and to assess their progress. She also says that I mentor students and am an excellent role model ( big head).


    then to finish she wrote a few lines about me being confident, competent, conscientious ( you get the picture)


    hope this helps.



  11. Don't really drink in widnes. Have been a few times but came home early coz it was rubbish. I work in warrington and have been on a few nights out there too and found that was just as bad. So unless the drinking is in liverpool I don't bother ha ha. My son lives in huyton. He loves it there. Where in oz are you going?

  12. Pablo, I love love love coopers. My friend always drags me into the blob. But that's a different story.


    I only ever go out in my scruffs In Liverpool? Ok well maybe not total scruffs but I don't glam up. I go out about 2pm on sat and get the last train home and have an absolute ball. I have spent time chatting to a group of Canadian fellas in uniform :wink:, a man from New York, loads of Irish and Scottish people, a group of German students, and they have all said that they love liverpool. There are so many different people. But best of all is fashion. Liverpool women have the ability to make anything look fashionable IMO.

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