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Posts posted by Bob1

  1. From the Australian Dyslexic Association website - Dyslexia is recognised in Australian under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) and under the Human Rights Commission. The issue with schools is that dyslexia needs to be recognised under the special needs section in every Education Act in Australia for additional funding as is the case with NSW.The Australian Working Party have produced an excellent document "Helping People with Dyslexia: A National Agenda" which outlines key recommendations.

    The ADA supports this worthwhile document and the governments written response to the working party clearly states that dyslexia is a recognised disability in Australia.


    My son is dyslexic, identified in Year 2, received addition modifications in Primary. learning support in High School, use of a laptop from Year 8, extra time in all exams including NAPLAN, now at Uni where he also receives additional time in exams and for assignments. Star quoting the DDA if you get no joy.

  2. I'm really glad that your perception of Australia from reading posts on this site is positive as I think it can come across as very negative by a certain few who dominate the posts and persist in running it down. There are many happy people who don't post any more - because they are happy. Caronandrod is an excellent post - it is all about your own attitude and being determined to make it work. You can come up with negatives - the flies are a pain but they in Perth they come out in November and are gone by Christmas generally, it's hot but everything has a/c, it's expensive but you can also buy things cheaply if you know where to go. I can't think of any negatives, I love it.

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  3. All university admissions are done through an admissions centre - like UCAS in the UK and they are the people you need to contact. The link is above - http://www.qtac.edu.au/

    I'm in WA and the equivalent for us is TISC. I have checked the TISC guide and it says that students have to show english competency. For overseas students a GCSE in English is sufficeint to illustrate competency, so certaihnly in WA she would be fine, however I would still contact http://www.qtac.edu.au/ to be on the safe side. They'll also give advice about how A levels are translated. They have scrapped undergraduate medicine in WA, it is now done at post grad level. Don't know the situation in QLD. Competition is fierce and you also have to pass the UMAT interview process to get in - many fail at this even if they have top grades. I think she will be at a disadvantage even with three A' at A level when competing against Aust. students, only in the way they will transfer her scores into Aussie equivalent. Here students results are ranked and it will be hard for them to slot her into the ranking system - fine if she is just doing a science degree but difficult if she is heading for undergrad medicine (if they are still doing it?.

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