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Mrs Fabricator

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Posts posted by Mrs Fabricator

  1. This comment from DIAC is very common. Basically it is saying "You've given us everything we need. You are going to get your visa. No, we don't need anything else, thanks. Sit tight, and you'll get a visa right when we originally said you would...8-9 months after you applied."


    The thing that took me the longest to get my head round about the whole process was that the processing time has very little to do with actually how much time is spent looking at your applicaiton. A well put together application with plenty of evidence will probably only be looked at for a few hours. And it will still take 8-9 months...because that is the time DIAC have decided it is going to take due to staffing levels, the number of visas they want to approve in this category each year, etc.


    If you get told by DIAC you have met the requreiments, sit back and relax. You ARE getting a visa. And you'll get it when you have waited the 'statutory waiting period' that they make up every now and again.


    I'm not saying it isn't frustrating when you are sittign there knowing they have already decided you meet the requirements. I'm not saying it isn't fair. I'm also not saying it makes any sense whatsoever...and yet...that's how it works in the world of DIAC.[/quote



    I was on the ball with my application and got it all done as soon as they asked for it. My agent told me that it is sitting in a pile and they wont look at it until they ready, aparently they like to keep to their strick time frame, and while it would seem mad, as you say they are limited to a certain number of people to grant visas too. The waiting is ok, just have to accept that it will happen when it happens...... my oh already has his visa so if push comes to shove and we ready to go I can go over on a tourist visa.......

  2. Hi all, I have been keeping an eye on this thread, it is very informative, so thank you all for that. I have applied for my 309, got my case officer, done medicals and police checks, they have all the info they need...... I used an agent rather than do myself for various reason, I was wondering have any of you been told that you visa will be granted just not sure when? I have just been told that they will be in touch with a decision eigther yes or no in 8 - 9 months..... so far it only been 3 months since I lodged, I was just curious.........


    Becky :)

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