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Everything posted by SAMBO85

  1. Seriously... Thats going above ma head. 1october, 7 month still stuck on same date. Melbourne Processing Centre - ENS cases which were received on*2 December 2011. Melbourne Processing Centre - RSMS cases which were received on*16 December
  2. hey veena....as i remember u got ur visa approved day before ur visa was expiring ya? fingers crossed for me, ma visa exp next friday...let c
  3. hey kk did u lodge at parramatta ya? just fr ur info, one of my friend lodged on 30 the june drc 119 at parramatta and he got his visa approved today.. u should personally book an appointment and talk to immi that whats going on with ur file, pepole who ldoged after you got their approved...wts wrong with ur file?
  4. Hey kk Very sad to hear that u still in que. The one march cases u told, any idea wt dates QUOTE=KK SANDHU;1935959350]Cook 119 drc
  5. Tasi...r u hvng similar dates. Wr s ur lodged
  6. Mine s feb at melb,non drc. Any advise , shd I call diac or w8. Thx
  7. Did u get this info from ur ma?? Fingers crossed, hope If m lucky enough to get picked from them.
  8. Hey alfredv. So does ths means they hv started processing application but drc only.
  9. Non, hrsk,I lodg n feb so nxt mnth wil b 8 month Wch s standard process time for non drc. Let c, wt happen thn.
  10. Ya, dnt knw why thy r on same s.... T frm last 3 mnths. Nt mvng even a week further......
  11. Hey rbp, did u lodged by ur own. Whn and wr and hw Thx
  12. My agent s saying just 2 w8. Wt I ws thinking w8 until mid of sep and thn email or I got one more option, need ur advise. I m n melb tmrw, ws thinking 2 go to diac Melbourne office n morning. I m bit afraid 2 go there and ask abt applica status bcz I called 2ce last mnth for the status. As I know tht it comes into their systems whnevr u call and some1 told m tht if u do it, it's nt gd fr applica process. Am I rgt or wrong, so wt u say shd I go tmrw or w8 until mid sep. Thx
  13. ya rbp, thx. I thought so. It's valid for 1yr ya. Hey bro, I m very scared. It's ma 8th month 2 start soon and no news. Lodged at melb n feb. Wt shd I do, any suggestions bcz ma visa exp 30sep. Nt very far.
  14. HeY rpb, r u tkng abt au fed police or polic cert from home country???? Confussed
  15. Hey alfredv,that's good that u got a co. U r nt very far nw. Hey guys, plz correct m if I m wrong, as per ma knowledge u only need police certificate again if u hv travelled 2 ur country in-between the application lodged???? Alfredv is at afp certificate or ?
  16. congrats bro...very happy fr u wt ws the occu
  17. congrats gagans, happy for u :biggrin: wt ws ur occu?
  18. actually i didnt really read the proper details of additional work n contract before but whn i talked to him yest and than i read it carefully and there it was mention if any additional work require they will notify me but they didnt notified about anything yet...they didnt charged me yet but they will be going to
  19. Same here. I m fed up wth my ma. I called him yeste and guess wt he said he s going to charge me extra fr additional work . U knw wt , in his terms additional works means chasing up for my app with diac and writing mails to hd of dept. But wt I think s tht paying agents lot if money is wt they wr suppose to do after lodgement. Am I rgt?
  20. Same here. I m fed up wth my ma. I called him yeste and guess wt he said he s going to charge me extra fr additional work . U knw wt , in his terms additional works means chasing up for my app with diac and writing mails to hd of dept. But wt I think s tht paying agents lot if money is wt they wr suppose to do after lodgement. Am I rgt?
  21. Hey alferd Any idea, I lodged in feb at Melbourne. Hav ur agent gv ny info. Seriously don't understand wts gng on?
  22. W....f is happening wth Melbourne . On the same dates from last 3 months. Look at para, jumped to march from December. Does ny1 hv ny ideas wts happening wth Melbourne,why thy r nt moving from their place. Very frustrating :-(. Plz god help all who lodged in Melbourne
  23. This link say that for internet e applicant only
  24. And r u trying to say that visa no on ma pass
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