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Posts posted by GilraenH

  1. Congrats devilbunty2k!


    I was was advised by my sponsor to front load meds and police checks with my application. I had to repeat my med though because the year was past, but as a nurse my med was exactly the same as a PR med. shame about the time scales.


    Has anyone else been advised to do this?

  2. What is worse? My employer's department who do the lodging of the nomination told me to go ahead and apply for the visa, gave me the trn number and RCB cert ticked that it was lodged but they hadn't actually lodged the visa so my application was invalid and I have to wait on the refund to relodge our application. :rolleyes:

  3. Hi friends, I require your suggestions please! My girlfriend who holds a Bachelor of Nursing Degree from Australian University in Sydney. For nursing registration, she had to get IELTS each band 7 or OET Each Band B. After 3 attempts, she finally managed to get OET all B's 2 days back which makes her eligible for nursing registration with ARHPA if I am correct. Her student visa is going to expire at the end of this month. I heard for ARHPA, it takes 5-6 weeks before she can get her assessment so that she can apply for 485 visa (TR visa for 18 months). I just want to know what can be done at this moment of time so that she can remain in Oz after her visa expires. May be I am missing something, but I would really appreciate if anyone can guide us. Thank you


    where is your girlfriend from?

  4. thanks for ur reply- much appreciated. i don't plan to start work immediately on our arrival will be getting settled in and spending time with my little boy.


    so i assume that final part that you mention i can just do on my arrival? can i apply for work before i have done that, would i be offered work with eligibility only?


    i would like to at least know i am registered with an agency when i get there.


    sorry for asking more questions!


    Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk 2


    You need to ensure that you set up the UK end before you go. NMC will send a statement of good standing to APHRA, and transcripts if you need them. You need to arrange a Statement of Service (basically a reference which includes the dates of employment, hours and roles/duties). Trying to sort out later would be a big problem with the time difference


    If you went to Uni you need to arrange an academic transcript/syllabus which APHRA prefer sent direct to them from the Uni.


    Given the difficulties that APHRA can give some nurses in terms of additional paperwork asked for; if it was me I would do this before coming over and get eligibility. This is valid for a year. When you get to australia you can then take your time to complete and finish registration. You need to be registered to work, not just eligible.


    It takes several weeks to arrange paperwork, proof of english education etc

  5. Hi all, I am a newbie, my husband may be commencing employment in Brisbane 2013.


    I have a stupid quesiton Im hoping you can help with! Just wondering if my visa needs to already be granted before I can apply to APHRA? Or can I do the applicaiton whilst awaiting my visa? I am probably going to be the secondary applicant on a 457 visa.




    You can apply anytime, APHRA doesn't need you to have a visa to apply. You will need to go to Australia to finish the identity process though to get full registration rather than just eligibility.

  6. Excellent well that sounds like less hassle! With the uni transcripts, do I supply the uni with the address of the specific AHPRA office I want to apply to (Darwin Office) for to send the transcripts to? Do AHPRA let you know when they have received the transcripts? I'm just concerned about having documents sent to AHPRA before I've sent my full application.


    Thanks for your help :biggrin:


    I sent my application to Darwin and the NMC stuff was requested before I sent the application. APHRA like a nurse to sign off the statement of service, rather than just a HR person. Ask your UNI first as this takes the longest to arrange.


    Good Luck. :biggrin:

  7. Tee hee hee, I spoke to the NMC international office and asked if they had any insider information on speed of different AHPRA offices to process applications and they said.................."Go with your intuition" so really, absolutely no idea from them, but what they could tell me was this "each application will take time". What a wasted call, funny though.


    So a large dose of BS! Well they are right about each application taking time!!!! And the sun comes up and the sun goes down..........:rolleyes: Seriously for the safe of your mental health, if you can at all avoid the big 3 offices (Sydney/Brisbane or Melbourne) do, more stories on here about them taking for ever than the other offices, like Adelaide, Darwin or sometimes even Perth. :biggrin:

  8. Hi fimbo,


    I am in a similar situation. Luckily, for the last 6 years I have worked for one employer who has written my statements. I tried to get a longer work history for my skills assessment but couldn't get this in the end as the agency I used to work for have been taken over. I'm not sure if the requirements for AHPRA and ANMAC are the same, but for ANMAC they had to be signed by a clinical manager. Does your agency employ a clinical/nurse in the office who could write briefly your duties etc? That should do it. Anyone else know?

    Also, I am waiting to speak with the international department in the NMC who should be able to advise on which AHPRA office is processing applications from overseas nurses the fastest. i will post this info when I get it this p.m.


    I'm not sure that the NMC would know which office was completing the fastest. I'd be interested to know if they do.


    Quieter offices do seem to be quicker for some. One nurse got her registration eligibility email in 16 days from the date she posted it in the UK. That was the Adelaide office. Some have been quick at Perth too. There doesn't seem to be rhyme or reason to any of it TBT. Good luck. :biggrin:

  9. Hi guys, can anyone please help me! At my absolute wits end with AHPRA. 7 months and counting.


    Because I did the nursing diploma as opposed to the degree in the UK, they're asking....


    Every applicant applying for registration as a registered nurse (Division 1) in Australia, is required to meet the NMBA’s minimum education requirement of a bachelor degree or comparable qualification together with experience, to be eligible for registration as a registered nurse (Division 1) in Australia


    "In order to determine if your qualification together with your experience is comparable to an Australian bachelor degree, please provide the following: Certified evidence of additional education (either post-graduate or professional course in relevant field) or certified evidence of anyprofessional development courses you have undertaken since gaining your registration "


    Now, I have sent them everything I have. I have very good references and over 5 years neurosurgical and neuro interventional-radiology experience.




    Obviously they're the most difficult bunch of idiots to contact, donotreply@AHPRA and all the rest of it. I'm absolutely sick to death.


    PLEASE HELP ME!!!!! :-S


    Chris, Sydney x


    You have a comparable qualification. EU Directives determine whether or not your course allows you to be a nurse, you cannot qualify in the EU without your course meeting those standards, but APHRA sometimes are very very slow on the uptake about this. Did you send your academic/syllabus transcript to them for your nursing course?


    Have you attended any development courses? Any e-learning? Anything that satisfies an irrational desire for a bit of paper confirming something unnecessary??


    Keep breathing this will get resolved with patience.........:biggrin:

  10. How much is the skills assesment?xx


    http://www.anmc.org.au/ current fees on this page.


    APHRA will give you a year to turn up to complete registration in Australia, unless you meet the full identity requirements before going to Oz, so it is best to wait until a few months before you go.


    If you do meet the full identity requirements for APHRA getting registered first will save you money though.


    Get your ANMAC docs certified to APHRA's stricter requirements and ANMAC will forward to APHRA for you when they are finished with them, saving you time and money too. :biggrin:

  11. Hello :)

    Russ is a RMN, which ANMAC assessment should he be going for? The full or mod assessment? Sorry if this has already been answered. Also getting a bit confused with AHPRA, for Perth, where does Russ have to apply and how much is it?



    ANMAC assessments are skills assessment for all nursing and midwifery. Full is if you are not already fully registered with APHRA. If you are fully registered with APHRA, eg been on a working holiday and was registered already you can go for modified. :biggrin:

  12. Hi ,

    just wonder if anyone has any advice:wink:. My husband has 10+ years of experience but was only able to get 1 reference in the format required by ANMAC ( from his most recent employer). The previous employer in the US doesn`t give out references due to privacy laws and he sent the email from his manager explaining the situation to ANMAC. ANMAC says that unless they have the references they will only count 5 years of experience ( enough for ANMAC but not enough points for DIAC). He has all his employment statements of course proving he indeed does have the experience. We used to live in Saudi in the past, now it`s impossible to get any "fresh" references because the manager has moved on just as we did:eek:. The reference that he has from there is not in the format required by ANMAC. I can`t help it but it really seems dumb to me:mad:, official statements prove the experience but they need a personal letter ?!!!!

    Did anyone encounter this situation ( especially I need to know what happened with DIAC and how many points were you awarded)

    will appreciate any advice


    I don't know about the US but here I have a supervision file which includes monthly meetings, reports etc, I also have a compulsory KSF appraisal which states the competencies under the Agenda for Change Knowledge Skills Framework that I am required to have for my post/role and how I measure against them. I must reach certain levels at 'gateway' appraisals so I can move up the incremental payscale.


    Did your hubbie have annual appraisals? Does he have payslips or would the HR department confirm he worked for that employer between the dates you are asking to be allowed? Would a statutory declaration help if accompanying any of that information.


    Someone told us here on the forum that the ANMAC staff were really approachable and even read the forum, could you ask them in person what would satisfy?


    Good luck Maruska! :biggrin:

  13. I'm awaiting transcript of nursing diploma syllabus and general transcript from uni and have requested it to be in hours with full breakdown of theory+ placements , I was hopingthat someone who has had successful APHRA application wouldn't mind sharing an example of this so when mine arrives I can check it is in correct layout? Please pm me if you don't mind doing this , it would be greatly appreciated as dont want to get anything wrong when I eventually send thingsoff if can help it x


    Is your uni sending it to you or direct to APHRA? My uni would only send it direct to maintain the 'integrity of the information' and the 'standing' of the university. They did send me a photocopy though.


    With almost 5 weeks after they received it they have not queried the info sent by the uni. Good luck with your application. :biggrin:

  14. No only for few years as I had to pay hpc reg for paramedic which was too expensive! This is what I am wondering do I still have to be registered in the uk or is the qualification enough with relevant experience? X


    It is very difficult to get registered with APHRA. Have you looked at the requirements to do so? Their standard on recency of (nursing) practice for instance?


    The Nursing CV they ask for. The CPD/PREP required by both NMC and APHRA to keep your skills up.


    They ask for a statement of good standing from your current regulatory authority (NMC).


    Why not talk to the NMC/APHRA and ask their advice, your's is a pretty unique situation and you need expert advice.

  15. Hi, I have a question relating to my qualifications, I am unsure if my quals will be good enough. I qualified as a nurse in 2004 but only worked as a nurse for a short period of time before I joined the ambulance service and worked as a paramedic which I have done for past 8 years. I am interested in working in Australia as a nurse, pref emergency or community which is my background. Would it be poss for me with what I have, even though I don't have much experience as an actual nurse? Will I be knocked back or accepted? Would like some advice before starting visa application process.




    Did you maintain your nursing registration?

  16. Hi,

    After reports from others, I expected mine to take 6 months minimum so applied early and mine only took 3 weeks as well, had the biggest shock. Like you, I didn't want to go within the year, I actually emailed the APHRA office and explained the situation that I had been offered a job but didn;'t expect to go until a certain date and they extended my eligibility letter by 3 months and sent me a new letter. Tracey

    Congratulations!! Where did you send yours Tracey?

  17. Thanks again for the response, you have been very helpful since i joined here. Im looking to work in Perth from beginning of March. Im travelling to Asia first (begginning of Jan) for a Month and then travelling the Eastcoast of Oz for a few weeks & then hope to start work in Perth as im sure I will need money by then after all the travelling!!:biggrin:. Where abouts are you planning to work or working?


    I live in Leeds. I think I need to shop around more for the Notary public as would like to save the money really. I had spoken to a couple more who had similar prices. I think im going to try the local magistrate court tommorow.


    Louise xx


    Good Luck! I love the sounds of your plans! I have to wait on APHRA and then go job /sponsorship hunting. Hope to know more soon. :biggrin: 2 weeks and counting now since APHRA in Darwin took the money.............

  18. 175 permanent residency visa, what other documents will she need to register, cheers.


    • NMC statement of good standing or similar wording, costs £34 and is sent directly to APHRA.



    • Verification of her qualifications, either from her old school of nursing or Uni, or both. Depends on her qualifications. Usually sent direct from Uni. NMC had to verify my RSCN and RGN qualifications and they did this by sending the EU directive to APHRA.



    • Statement of Service, written by her boss (immediate boss and should be a nurse) stating what she has worked for the last 5 years (full-time/part-time) and her position/positions and what they entailed. This should be signed by her boss and include the bosses qualifications too.



    • CV written, not in the usual Australian style, but in a specific APHRA format which is on their website, and signed as true on the date signed.



    • photographic ID including a passport with the visa to Oz, other id as stated on APHRA application form (bank statement/car insurance docs etc)



    • Copies of the O and A level certs/letter from secondary school saying attending school and taught in english or a Statutory declaration stating you were........... all instead of IELTS



    • CPD certificates to back up any mandatory training or professional development. I sent just over one years CPD as an illustration. Send as many as you like, but I wasn't sending 25 years evidence to them.

    All of the documentation needs to be certified by a Justice of the Peace or Notary EXACTLY as APHRA asks.


    I have sighted the original document and certify this to be a true copy of the




    Date of certification:_______________

    Contact phone number:____________


    Signature of Applicant witnessed, photograph certified as a true likeness and every page annotated and the statement on the last page of each document.


    I can see this all in my sleep every night........it haunts me. :twitcy:

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