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Leanne Stevens

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Posts posted by Leanne Stevens

  1. 17 hours ago, Ceebs-x said:

    I do appreciate what you are saying, but I’m not a time waster. I’d stick with them if I felt like they were open to helping even with basic questions. 

    They shouldn’t have said they were happy to answer any questions following a consultation, if that wasn’t going to be the case. They should have just said I’d need another consultation, which would have been fine knowing that straight from the start. 

    Wasn’t overly impressed with the initial consultation anyway. Person didn’t seem to give straight answers about anything, was all very vague and didn’t know much about the process for my occupation. Granted as they aren’t in my occupation it is excusable, I just expected to be overwhelmed with information and I’m not any better off than I was before it. Maybe I expected too much, haven’t done this before so could have went into it with too high an expectation. 

    Again, everyone’s experience is different, doesn’t mean someone will have the same if they go with them. Just voicing it anyway! 

    Hi Ceebs-x, I'm the director of Emergico, thanks for your comments, it is good to hear them and have a chance to respond.  I can't look up to see your file without your proper name but if you want to PM me or email me, leanne@emergico.com I am happy to investigate.    As others have said, it is very difficult at the moment to provide precise advice to anyone when most States are still closed for skilled migration; we are emerging from COVID and everything in migration is continually changing.  In an initial consultation we can look at your situation and provide general advice, but of course that might change the following week, if you are not going ahead straight away.    We would usually follow the initial conversation up with some factsheets about skilled migration, you should have received these, if not I can easily re-send to you.    Due to the changes in the MARA Code of Conduct earlier this year, all registered migration agents are prevented from continuing to converse with a prospective client without a formal service agreement in place, this is for the protection of both clients and migration agents.   I am not sure when you had your consultation, but maybe that was the case.     If you do send me your details, I will take a look to see if there is any more current information we can send you which may assist with your queries.  Regards Leanne Stevens ASM  MARN 1171279. 

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