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ren ren

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Posts posted by ren ren

  1. I'm another aussie trying to get home. Been in UK ( greater manchester /yorkshire) for 14 years and have married and now have two children - Hubby got his visa just over a year ago and validated it last May. The only thing stopping us now is waiting for our house to sell - so incredibly frustrating when the thing that is stopping you is beyond your control. I must admit I have been worried about the cost of living in Sydney - we have a good comfortable life here and a bit scared to go back as a lot has changed in those 14 years. I did a comparable shop when I was last over there and was pleasantly surprised that it only cost about £10 dearer than my shop here and with the wages being higher we should hopefully come out even or better off. I too like some of the other posters kept my medicare card current and my Driving Licence ( when I switched it over to a UK licence was told my australian one would be cancelled and I had to send it in with my app - however a couple of years ago I received a renewal notice for my aussie licence so someone messed up somewhere :) ) I also kept bank accounts etc to try and make it easier when we returned. My biggest worry is trying to figure out what I want to do when return home, been in the same career for almost 20 years ( since I left school) and kind of feel like its time for a change...who knows maybe hubby can get a massive paying job and I can become a lady of leisure :)

  2. Oh my a May one approved! we applied in May too so maybe ours will soon be here :)



    Hi all.


    E-mailed my CO a few days ago (CO is PS) to remind him that I would be going to Thailand on Tuesday for 10 days for a friends wedding.


    He responded saying he is now in a position to grant my visa.




    So... applied May 10th 2012 visa granted September 27th 2012 (but need to leave Aus before I get it!)

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