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The Fisheys

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Everything posted by The Fisheys

  1. The Fisheys

    Dental Care

    It's more complicated than that. The Cochrane Collaberation (summary of all research into the subject), say that in their view the impact of third molars in incisor crowding is a maximum of 1mm per arch. There are many causes of orthodontic relapse, but failure to remove third molars is not one of them. There is a considerable amount of controversy about this. Wisdom tooth removal is painful, unpleasant, and expensive. There are risks associated with it, the main one is parasthesia, and / or dysaesthesia of the inferior dental nerve, (the one numbed up for lower fillings / extractions). (ie permanent numb lip). Having said that, if wisdom teeth need removing it is best done whilst you are young, as the jaw gets a lot denser as you get older. Also if they are causing problems, repeated infections etc., or have associated pathology, again, they should be removed. It is also worth remembering you don't have to have all four out. Do some research yourselves, speak to an Oral Surgeon, and don't rush. Good luck.
  2. Before we came to Oz we lived in Marbella, and I got a flight from Ryanair once for €1 to Liverpool, and once I even got one for €0 with a €6 booking fee. By far the funniest flight I ever took was with Ryanair. I was on my own, so got on the plane last. As I was queuing up, there was a young lady trying to get on, but she fell foul of their hand luggage rules, she had a bottle of Vodka. It put her just over weight for hand luggage so they wanted €40 to put it in the hold. She didn't have it, so being a gentleman, although I didn't know her, I offered to pay it for her. She declined my offer, and proceeded to drink it! Anyway, I got on, and seat 1B was empty,.........sort of. There was a bag of sandwiches on it belonging to the man in seat 1A. So I asked him very kindly to move them, he very rudely refused, telling me that he had paid extra to get on first, so I would have to sit somewhere, in fact anywhere else. He was rather rude about it, so I pressed the call button, the stewardess came, and basically told him to move his sandwiches or pay for a seat for them! So I sat down, and he just started moaning and generally going on, so much so that the chap in seat 1C moved, he said, "I am not listening to you all the way to Liverpool," so, suddenly I had an empty seat next to me. Anyway, enter stage left aforementioned young lady, by now, a bottle of Vodka to the good, so, again, being a gentleman, I offered her my seat, and moved to seat 1C. She was very grateful; told me I was a gent. Just as we took off she turned to the chap in 1A to say what a nice man I was, but, tragically, the Vodka got the better of her, and she threw up over him, and even funnier, over his sandwiches.
  3. The sky won't fall in, it will be pretty much as before. At least we will be able to get ciggies and booze duty free again! People are anti politics right now, that's why UKIP did so well, that's why we voted out; because the political classes virtually unanimously wanted us to stay, there were jobs in it for them, MEPs, all kinds in the two, the two Parliaments they have to have with our taxes, it was just a rip off and people are sick of it. This is part of a pattern, look at Donald Trump, he might not become president, but he's on the ballot, and he isn't up against a great candidate so look out world!
  4. Pity Tony Blair isn't still an MP
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