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Posts posted by nic1171

  1. Bouncy - make sure it lists main duties and whether they were supervised/unsupervised. It's a bit like a condensed job description just bullet pointed. Mine earlier years ones weren't massively detailed and they were accepted. I think it's more around confirmation That you were employed as a nurse

  2. Well, I applied a month ago and received only one signal from AHPRA. The credit card was charged. Gave them a call this week asking whether the ANMAC documents have arrived. Thus they told me everything is fine for now. However, a case manager would start with the application end of November earliest. Doesn't seem to be a fast lane...


    It often depends on the individual office, some are faster than others, mine only took 8 days from receiving documents. I suppose it depends if your CV and evidence of professional development is ok, I think this is where people experience delays. I sent mine to Darwin. Good luck

  3. I don't know about the others mate, but unfortunately no one was kind enough to send their CV to me. On the other hand, you can help yourself with the tips posted in this thread. cheers.


    To be honest what is the point of sending individual CVs when each and every one of our CVs is different. From the info Ahpra give http://www.ahpra.gov.au/Registration/Registration-Process/Standard-Format-for-Curriculum-Vitae.aspx it really is straightforward and if folks are so stuck at this hurdle perhaps it isnt the right time to be emigrating as this is one of the easier parts.


    FYI I have forwarded my CV to several on here with no words of thanks from some, not all but certainly some and Im now concerned that Ahpra may have duplicates of my CV circulating!


    The info regarding professional references is also there.


    People are willing to guide but not spoon feed

  4. The only problem is the NMC posted verification documents to ANMAC who kindly forwarded them the AHPRA but AHPRA are awkward and want another posting straight to them! What a pain.


    Is it because your yearly renewal has arrived? During my time waiting for Anmac this happened I had to get new request but was no problems when documents went to Ahpra

  5. Just list your key responsibilities (can be taken from job description), confirm your hours of employment, length of time with current employer. From template they give you list each area with an example of how you meet that area. Its not much use emailing you copies as our roles are all different. Make sure its written on headed notepaper from your organisation

  6. Its not so much that the essay is difficult its the way you set it out. It has to have clear defined paragraphs and like above post re being clear about what your writing about. I used English Ryan on you tube and managed to boost to an 8 but unfortunately that particular test I dropped my listening to a 7.5! However Ive since gone down the 190 route and hoping for the golden ticket any day!

  7. They do but for points purposes you need at least all 7s in each band for 10 points or all 8's for 20. Not sure why they give an overall. My overall each time has been 8.5 but I only got 10 points as kept getting a 7.5 in one :-(

  8. Hi All, I have a question regarding APHRA offices. Does it make a difference which office you apply to, I want to move to melbourne or Sydney areas, not sure which as yet, my AMNAC application is in for assessment, I was going to apply to Victoria APHRA, any advice would be welcome if there are differences to where you apply. I was going to ask AMNAC to forward my docs after the assessment was completed. Thanks. Paul


    Hi you can request any office I sent mine to Darwin though will be heading to Brisbane and no problems was really quick too

  9. Okay, really stressed now. I submitted all my documents to ANMAC and they've emailed back today to say they've received my IELTS but require me to have done academic not general IELTS. I'M so confused. It doesn't state which IELTS they require on the 5 selection criteria areas, just says requires IELTS above 7 in each part.

    I'm British, have done all my education in UK and got 9 for general IELTS. Is it true I have to do ACADEMIC instead?!


    Its definitely the Academic version and is stated on the site (http://www.anmac.org.au/faqs#006), its unfortunate but probably unlikely they will accept general. Best just swallow the bitter pill and resit the Academic and at least be happy you have gained 20 points for visa purposes with your previous one so all is not lost!

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    I never knew that about automatic scanning, often wondered why it wasnt allowed, will be more careful on other sites now

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