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Posts posted by Freckleface

  1. Hi all.....after reading this thread I am now really wondering if NT is the place my hubby is most likely to gain employment?!!

    Thought it was a good bet??!....http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/northern-territory/241918-racist-work-ethics-nt.html



    Jodi your situation is nothing like the one described on the other thread. For starters your husband has qualifications and a skill in demand. I understand why you are nervous but don't let the issues experienced by unskilled workers influence your thought processes. The only take home message I think you should take from the other thread is that your husband should do his homework about the jobs his is applying for and he should prepare for any interviews he is invited to attend.

  2. We have used Taubmanns in several houses that we have owned for a number of years and are really pleased with the finish and durability. I should add though that we use professionals to do the work so that probably contributes to the excellent result.

  3. Manu, what people are trying to tell you is that employers will not contact you through Seek. You must find the jobs on the site and contact them. Jobs in the Southern Inland area are not plentiful, so it is not surprising if you cannot find any jobs right now, you just need to keep looking.


    You could also try ringing agencies who specialise in engineering vacancies. Google "engineering recruitment agencies Australia" to find suitable agencies.


    Most of the work in Australia is in the big cities or in the big mining centres. Southern Inland region has no big cities. There is mining but I can't help you with information on where.



    The part I've highlighted isn't quite right. There is a background function in Seek where registered employers can review candidates who have completed a profile. I wouldn't rely on it if I was looking for work but it doesn't hurt to have a candidate profile on there.

  4. Going to a beach is more fun than pathetically waiting for the lazy case officers.


    Oh sorry. My statement was based on the amount of fees paid for the application vs the amount of wait time involved.

    If they are charging ridiculously it would only imply to me that they have more staff dedicated to the process. They also get revenue from taxes which clearly suggests that application income is only for the applications. If they are getting paid lavishly and applications are still "in progress" I would assume they are lazy.



    My neighbours son is just one of the case officers who worked all weekend. I'm sure he would rather have been at the beach with his family and friends instead of working to processes visa applications for mouthy migrants.

  5. Thanks Gbye grey sky's.


    We are not expecting to live and be 'rich' off one salary but we know we could survive. From what I have read on this forum almost all families migrate with only one income earner initially and there are a hell of a lot of nurses doing this and to more expensive places. I think, anything is possible if you want to make things work enough, we are realistic, we don't want materialistic things until we are in a position to afford them and as long as we keep our feet on the ground and take things one step at a time I think families can survive off one income. Yes, this will scare those with a higher cash flow but this thread will also scare others who were tempted to come but will now believe that a nurses salary is not enough to live off.


    I will be back in a years time to tell my story, and I will feedback on the negativity of so many posters on this forum. Initially when I first joined (different user name which I forgot) I worked in finance and I did query whether I should migrate. I was basically told as i had children with an ex-partner 'NO' I could not. A few years later I came back querying my options as I was considering retraining as a nurse... I was told this was a ridiculous idea and that by the time I had retrained I would probably be not entitled to a visa. I was told I wouldn't find a permanent job offer before arrival. I did.


    In my home life, I was told being 9 months pregnant during an interview at uni, I would never get offered a place on a nursing degree due to all the competition for places... I did, despite no healthcare experience. I was told a mum to three children (one young baby) could not complete a degree... I did, with my husband working 140 miles away and not living with me for 6 months. We were told we were ridiculous in renting a lovely 4 bed detached house with gorgeous country gardens on a student bursary was unrealistic. Not only did we rent that house, we paid off all our debts and saved up money for the visa process. I was told I would not get a UK nursing job until near the end of my degree. I did, 10 months before I qualified and I got one of the highest salaries of my entire cohort.


    So, forgive me when I continue to fight my cause when people tell me it is not achievable because I know what I am capable of, I have done hours of research each week since 2008 and I have helped so many people also pursue this pathway due to the knowledge I have gained. I believe life is about your outlook. Life in Australia is not about a large house, fancy furniture or meals out. It is about being financially comfortable in the long run, having space for my children to run around and a place we can call home.



    I have been following your journey (in a non-stalker type of way lol) largely because I recognised a kindred 'can do' spirit in you. For what it's worth I not only think you will be OK, I think you will end up doing very well.

  6. Peach from memory you are in Canberra so you could apply in person by visiting DFAT at the RG Casey Building in Barton.


    You can't just walk in but you can call them on 131 232 in the morning and explain your situation and get an emergency appointment.


    At the very least they will be able to give you sound guidance to ensure you will be allowed back into Aust if a passport can't be issued as quickly as you need it.

  7. You are becoming a citizen on Aust day so you may end up with your picture in the paper or on the news as they often have snippets of local ceremonies as well as the main ones. I'd be inclined to wear business dress for this reason but also because I tend to stick to the old rule of when in doubt defer to overdressed rather than underdressed. At worst you will be viewed as taking the ceremony seriously.

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  8. This is Rainbow Valley in the NT at sunset. When the sun hits the rocks at a particular angle they begin to look as though they are turning molten.




    Had trouble sizing the photo and uploading it so I hope this comes out OK.

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