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Posts posted by PatrickW

  1. I thought the same thing, vickey1, regarding HR and LR applications, but keisha is a HR Sept 2011 applicant, after me, who has already received a CO - which led me to think that batching applications by location might be happening.


    I certainly hope that I'll have a CO by the end of the week! I don't think I have a CO at present, though. As soon as I have been granted one, I expect to be contacted to upload medicals and PCCs, which I've not yet done. In other cases where these have been front-loaded, I think it's possible to have a grant without ABPF notification, but in my case I don't think that's happening.



  2. all so quiet this week? :( after the flurry of activity last week, this silence is deafening...

    hope DIAC wakes up from its slumber and starts allocating more COs and more grants...



    I've been thinking about the sudden spurt of COs we've seen last week, and the relative quiet we're now seeing (since I'm a September applicant, I now check my visa application online at least 3 times a day to await ABPF) and to my mind, the delay seems to make a lot of sense.


    We've had all CO's working on June 2011 applications only for months; rather than batching based on country/risk or anything else, it's been only June 2011 - now that (almost) all June applicants have COs, the normal batching and allocation speed that we're used to from last year can be resumed.


    Based on the large number of COs assigned last week, compared with the number of grants received/visa decisions made, it makes sense that the majority of COs would be processing the applications that they've been allocated in the last week or so; and therefore until we see the number of visa decisions made increase to the approximate level of CO allocations, we can't expect to see CO allocation increase to where they were last week.


    It also ties in with a post I read on this thread a few months ago: that the CO-decision timeline seems to move in fortnightly surges: a week of CO applications, followed by a week of grants (or decisions).


    We are, to my mind, just seeing a bit of lag in the decision rate due to COs processing all the applications they were allocated last week. I expect to see visa grants pick up toward the end of the week, with CO allocations picking up again midway through next week.


    Just my rambling 2 cents' worth.



  3. Give them a chance! DIAC only claim to have processed up to 20 June 2011, despite the progress made in the recent CO allocations. Wait at least until DIAC claims to have passed their application date, with no update from either MNO or silverbobby before turfing them onto the 'stale' list and closing out June.

  4. Thank you vickey1, I'm still shaking. I'm quite nervous about the email that has been sent, but no point worrying until 9am. I'll post another update when I get to work in a few hours.


    Congratulations, jaffas1!


    Brilliant news! And it must be quite a major surprise too!


    I can't believe how quickly they're allocating COs now. I'm a 19 September applicant - so I'd better book the medicals and PCCs! Based on the June progress I was expecting, optimistically, to maybe have a CO by end April/early May - but now I'm hoping for the end of March!


    I'm the only HR applicant in September, so I'll be interested to see if that affects the allocation of a CO, and/or the time taken for a grant decision. (Edit: Oops - I see keisha is HR too, and has a CO; so clearly HR doesn't mean I'll be processed any slower - yay!)


    Incredible! I'm chuffed for you, and for everyone else - things are flying at DIAC! Long may it continue!



  5. Outstanding Honeybun! Brilliant news for you!


    Congratulations!!! Wishing you everything of the best for your adventure down under.


    The grants continue apace! Roll on the end of the June applicants. Just 5 more needing COs.


    Come on for Vika, ScrumMaster, MNO, Jambos and Silverbobby!

  6. I don't know, actually. Yes, it's great for the 176s and 885s, but us 175s seem to have had quite a slow turn for the last two updates.


    Our update on 9 December showed a net loss of 5 days' processing, while today's update reflects a loss of 9 days' processing - i.e. they are taking 3 days to process every 1 days' new applications. Here's hoping the processing speeds get back to where they were in October/November!

  7. Name: PatrickW

    Date of Visa application: 19 September 2011

    Nationality: South Africa

    High/Low Risk: High Risk

    Trade/profession: Chemical Engineer

    Visa type: 175

    Onshore/offshore: Offshore

    Pre-14th July 2010 Category (If applicable):

    Post-14th July Category: 4

    Medicals submitted: Not yet

    Police check submitted: Not yet

    Date CO assigned: Not yet

    Date of employment verification (If applicable): N/A

    Date visa granted:

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