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jason d 82

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Posts posted by jason d 82

  1. i still can't figure out how the australian government works


    we have in one hand, people who willing to go through red tape and apply for a PR but told to wait for years and years just because the visa subclass is literally at the bottom of the barrell, meanwhile working and paying taxes all these time


    on the other hand, people like OP who is an australian citizen who want to go back to live and work and PAYING TAXES in australia, but got so caught up in red tape that took 2 years for the problem to be solved


    meanwhile this happens http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/political-news/carr-slams-high-court-as-asylum-bill-starts-to-sink-20120628-213sf.html


    soooo...we pay taxes for them to play on human lives such as ours too?

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