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Everything posted by zk2102

  1. <p><p>Ooooo, that was nice to come home from work to. Thanks for the links x</p></p>

  2. 2013 Cygnets, Robin in the garden and the Mandarin Ducks in Richmond Park.
  3. Beautiful 'Bloody Nose Beetle' taken in Dorset. New Forest wild ponies
  4. Love this thread These pictures were taken in my garden. We have hundreds of parakeets in the area. Love watching our honey bees too, which unfortunately becoming a rarer sight.
  5. The swans on our village pond have just become parents to three gorgeous signets. They only took up residence last year after our other pair were killed by an out of control dog we've all been watching them for months, building the nest and caring for the eggs. Such a beautiful sight on the way to work in the mornings.
  6. zk2102

    DSC 0137

    Dream world, Flo rider. 5 dollars for half an hr. loads of fun :)
  7. zk2102

    DSC 0149

    D'ya know what, I was in docklands at Canary Wharf yesterday and it does look similar. Not half as warm, clean and unpretentious tho!
  8. zk2102

    Our Reccie to QSD

  9. zk2102

    DSC 0217

    From the album: Our Reccie to QSD

  10. zk2102

    DSC 0177

    From the album: Our Reccie to QSD

  11. zk2102

    DSC 0133

    From the album: Our Reccie to QSD

  12. zk2102

    DSC 0066

    From the album: Our Reccie to QSD

  13. zk2102

    DSC 0046

    From the album: Our Reccie to QSD

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