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Posts posted by worriedhead

  1. Hi there, my g/f was granted a partner visa under the family tree, not sure the code.


    I think family visa's usually pull a little but more weight than employment visa's etc, however in regards to having Hepatitis B I would not worry about it. It seems like you have followed roughly the same routine as my g/f did. The letter that states that your liver etc is functioning fine, and the fact you only require 6 month blood tests to find when the Hep B does eventually blip up is the same as my g/f and she was granted the visa.


    They take the specialist letter seriously, I made sure that the specialist knew of our immigration situation before they wrote the letter as to sway it in our favour (it helped that our specialist was also from overseas).


    It's always worrying in the time before the decision but they are usually so busy processing papers that it may take a few weeks/months before they get to yours again.



    Hi thanks for your reply. My medical has now been referred. So I just need to wait and see what happens. Just one question, when DIAC requested the blood tests and ultrasound, did they specify where you need to get done or you just arranged it yourself with your gp?

  2. Hi there,


    We processed our application through a RMA and were advised not to take a health test until asked. Immi aksed for it 6 months into the application and after completing the initial test discovered the Hep B. Immi then requested further test by a specialist, including further Hep B blood tests and liver ultrasounds, which were all sent to Immigration after completion (those tests look around 2 months).


    After Immigration recieved final test results they took a further 2-3 months to decide on the Visa. The Hep B specialists that we saw were recommended by our personal GP, and it was important that they knew our situation so they could write the final letter to Immigration the correct way. Immigration then send the findings to Medicare for a response from then they decide on the visa based on their comments.


    Hope that helps.


    Hi there, I find your post very useful. Just wondering whether you can ans few of my questions. I am applying for dependent visa 457. Which visa did your gf apply? I declared my condition I.e. chronic hep b on my medical. Even though the immi didn't ask for blood tests, I did it anyway just in case as I am pregnant also. Anyway, I went to the panel doctor, told him about my condition, and presented him with a specialist letter (which has included my blood results normal liver function tests, normal ultrasound and the fact that I do not need treatment just bloods every 6 months). It was written in February when I discovered my hep b and need a specialist letter for fertility treatment. The panel doctor said the letter is sufficient and even though it is not addressed to him/immigration. Hence it was sent together with the medical. Now I am worried whether they will accept the letter. I am concerned with the delay this might have caused. My husband is already in Australia and I am desperate to be with him and to make it to australia before I am not allowed to fly in advanced pregnancy stage.....

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