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Everything posted by robbothejoiner

  1. I was more trying to re ignite an old post in the hope that others could shed some light on the subject also as opposed to asking the same question again. But thanks anyway.
  2. I was asking if they got the address so I could ask what it was. I take it you have no idea and were just commenting for another reason???
  3. So as I said in my first post " I charge £25-40 per door..." Yeah! Prices are different depending on quantity. But i wasn't asking for help on calculating my own pricing structure. I was looking for stats. Real people's experices. Comparisons. But never mind the small details. Some people got it and helped. Others tried, in their own way and I should have been more grateful. By the way. I live in one of the busiest cities in the UK. I've done my fair share of congestion. Leaving at 6am, arriving at 6.45 to start at 8am. (I love my flask) I have the t-shirt. I've seen the other posts on congestion and tolls too) Yes. ABN's, white/blue cards, insurance, super etc etc. All on another post. Baby steps. Right? What can I say? I'm a simple guy looking for simple things. And yes! There are simple answers to what I asked for. The rest can wait, for now. Again, I hope this doesn't put anyone's nose out of joint. Apologies again if I have. This time, it is not intentional.
  4. Thanks Rallyman. I'll give the "getting a job idea" some thought. Might as well let the Aussies rip into me for a spell too!!! Lol
  5. Can we get out of the "extras" loop? I'll leave architraves and the likes for another post. Why are you asking me how much will I charge to fit a door. If I knew that I wouldn't be here now, would I. Lol. My question is and was always supposed to be this: how much were YOU charged to have your doors fitted? Just the doors with basic ironmongery. Basic ironmongery being a pair of butt hinges 102mm. A tubular mortise latch and a pair of entrance handles, lever or knob style. I didn't think I needed to be as detailed with the question. Thank you for correcting my terminology on the facings. I've learnt something today. Any further corrections welcomed. Hopefully This time I don't upset anyone. Doubt it though ?
  6. You're right. I would never tell tell someone to ---- off! But can you not see what I mean? Again, going kinda off topic here but hey, that seems to be the way of things here. I was simply asking for the price on "fitting a door" not "fitting a door and a.......and a...... and a...... and so on and so forth. I understand people have all sorts of business degrees and qualification and want to help out in their own way. I'm trying not to sound rude in any way but I'm not asking what people "think" things should cost. I'm asking "what" they actually do cost. Everyone has their own way of running their business. Some right some wrong and sometimes both and neither. I prefer to offer the best value and put the extra hours in to make "what I need" eg: cheapest competitor is $100 to fit a door. He does 6 a day. I'd try to do $90 per door and fit 7 a day. Can you turn round to me and say this is wrong and know you are 100 percent right. Do customers not look for value in Australia? Is there not the option on Aussie websites for "lowest price first" etc. These are all questions I never thought I'd be asking. I know not all people look for the lowest price, but my target customer does. If you are fitting one of the cheapest doors on the market, you're more often than not looking for the fitting on the cheap too. I really didn't want to bore everyone with the tedium of business management but it seems to be what people on the forum want. Again I apologise if this is too blunt or forthright for some people but am trying to steer back on track with the topic.
  7. Again. Mis quoted. I was genuinely asking: If I give somene a price to hang a door, would they expect door jambs and facings to be included? I am asking if, in Australia, this is the norm. Things will be different in Austrslia. By what is said above it looks like I have to ask. If someone called me today asking for a quote to fit a door, I'd give them a price for just that. If on the day, they were looking for jambs and facings included I'd politely tell them to ---- off! Insert your own word. I have apologised for my earlier rant. Again, I thank EVERYONE, for their input.
  8. Just fitting a door to existing. This is a genuine question. If someone asks for a price to fit a door, would they expect new door jambs and facings to be included? Surely they would ask for this in addition? No? As as for how long it takes to fit a door. That's not how price work, works. I didn't think. If you charge $120.00 you take as long as necessary to leave as good a finish as possible. Whether it be 1 hour or 3. Too many guys taking X amount per hour to fit a door and "hanging it out" to make more money. a little unfair on the customer I feel. Although price work, I understand can seem the same. One day could be 2 hours per door, another 50 minutes per door. But both customers should be happy as the price was pre set and upfront though. Also on the time point. I've spent a good bit of money on top end tools and maintaining them to make things quicker. Why should I earn less than the guy fitting doors with a hand saw and screw driver if my finish is just as good or better?
  9. Thanks for you help everyone. $120 for door? Suppose after tax and insurance it's not as good as first looks. On our value fits here we're using Dale Hardware, from Gainsborough, in Melbourne. And I'm talking about here in the UK. I don't know how that works either. It doesn't seem as cheap in Oz for materials, however I'm comparing to Oz DIY prices. Anyways. Thank you again for your help.
  10. To whom it may concern, This is to certify that we, Mr & Mrs ********** have had Robert Young from RYJoinery carry out the following jobs for us at the above address. · May 2007 - Supplied and fitted laminate flooring throughout our entire house over 4 days. · October 2007 - Supplied and fitted 3 sets of sliding mirror doors in 3 bedrooms over 2 days. · November 2008 - Altered Kitchen worktops and added additional kitchen units in 1 day. · February 2010 - Supplied and fitted 1 interior door in 1 day. · December 2011 - Mounted 3 flat screen TVs and 3 shelves in 1 day. · March 2013 - Removed handrail and replaced with small partition wall in 1 day. · March 2013 - Repaired loose glazing in front door in 1 day. We were given Roberts details from a friend who highly recommended him. After getting in touch with us to request this letter we have booked him in for another few jobs. We wish Robert all the very best for the future. Yours faithfully, This is one I got. I've editted the address, tel no and email of customer. This 98% preferred printed out. dated and signed by pen. And certified by a JP / Lawyer etc Hope it helps.
  11. I have had to get customer testimonials from 10-15 (looking for 10 good ones) according to my agent. If you think your situation is tough try this. I have worked for 8 years self employed and no two days are on the same job. All for private/domestic clients. Sometimes 3 different jobs per day. And pulling recent customers is fine. Last five years books has them all there. Years one and two are tough. Lots of no answer/disconnected lines etc. Got a few though. People can be real diamonds when you ask for their help. As awkward as it may feel. Got 12 just now and 3 supplier references. SA302s requested from HMRC and accountant testimonial and profit loss statements also requested. I'm told customer references with continual work in preferred. I can post one I have that has been green lighted by my agent. Yes I paid the money. She has helped us greatly might I add. Anything else I probably won't know but fire away. I will try.
  12. I also apologise for being far too abrupt. Sometimes simple things are just that. People like to overcomplicate things to make themselves feel good. I asked a simple question.... how much does it cost? And in response.... well.... your read it once. It gets incredibly infuriating. Again. Sorry.
  13. . There's a time and place for blowing sunshine. Maybe I should have left no comment at all! But where's the fun in that? I would like to point out to the forum administrator that Johndoe is only speaking his mind and no bad feeling (on my side) nor harm has been done. Now I'll try again on another site and try to avoid the super posters.
  14. OK Johndoe thanks for..... well. Your time, if nothing else. Please do not put words into my post that I did not submit. I never mentioned under cutting anyone. Neither did I mention overcharging. I assume when you number crunch, you use numbers? No? I don't see any in your response! I am not looking for business advice. I am looking for figures and stats. OK you're a wonderful number cruncher. 2 out of the 3 businesses you talked to failed solely because they never listened to you. Nice of you to follow up on them for two years!!! I needed that info. Thanks again. I like blunt. But useful blunt! Ripped off by a dumb tradie for $800 to fit 4 door! Blunt and useful. Your long winded self me me me did I mention me, post, well. Wasted 90 seconds of my life. And now another 2 minutes writing this. Yes I want others to read this. To see I am not being rude. Just blunt. These posts are supposed to be helpful and imformative. Not just to me. But others. Thanks for your useful links attached to your post also. *Note to self! Don't add links to posts.
  15. Hi, looking for some help. Yes, "aint we all" I here you cry. Looking to move from UK to Brisbane late 2015 and basically AM going to start my own business over there. I am self employed here in the UK and have been for 10 years and made it work. Because that's what you have to do in life. Make thinks work for you. Read some really negative things on these threads and no doubt there will be more to follow here. But..... you got to start somewhere. So here I am. I'll tell you what I am looking for. Have you had a quote aor a job done from a Carpenter? How much did it cost. Or even, if you have not had work carried out, how much do you think it would cost. Now I know here I charge £25-40.00 per interior door fit. I know I charge £6.00/m2 to lay laminate flooring. It's £20.00 per metre to install fencing and i know how to transfer the exchange rate from GBP to AUD. However I realise we live in the real world and that doesnt work. I apologise in advance if I sound bullish, or blunt, but sometimes you just got to ask. I have seen places like Doors Plus etc charging $768 to supply and fit 3 white primed 4 or 6 panel doors. An offer I put out at £165-£180.00 I did try to retrieve quotes from 4 different carpenters for fitting of 5 Interior doors. Shockingly, none got back to me. Maybe saying the job was located in Rocklea was my downfall here but you have to go where the work is.... right? I appreciate you taking the time to read this and appreciate ANY feedback. Good and bad. Life's not all sunshine and flowers. Sometimes you got to start with good manure! lol Thank you, Robert

    <p>Hi, we are right at the start. We are definately going (if allowed in). As mentioned I am a carpenter but my wife is a pharmacy dispenser (not on SOL) and she has not worked for 3 years since having the kids but plans to go back part time once Zoe starts nursery (September) to help when looking for work in Oz. </p>

    <p> Perth seems to be most popular as a destination. What stage are you at yourself? How was the skills test and how did you go about organising it? Lots of info on here. It's brill. What areas in perth you looking at? Sorry for all the questions.</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p> Rob</p>


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