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Posts posted by Tibby

  1. Quoll - you are right. At my last interview they said that I would be at the top end of the pay scale with my uk experience. So, some schools will go for the cheaper option, even though I have a proven track record of 15 years etc etc. Thinking of touting myself out to the highest bidder. Will teach for food etc etc...

  2. Thank you for your responses! I have applied for both state and private schools, and I am with 3 agencies - the trouble is that I'm an English teacher and, as in the UK, we are ten a penny, and as you have mentioned, I'm expensive! My husband works in the CBD so remoter areas are not on the cards I'm afraid, I just can't get.


    I shall carry on regardless - just a bit demoralizing after the career I had in UK - just need to keep an eye on the bigger picture of why we moved out here!!


    Thanks again all!

  3. Hi all. After a few months of settling in etc, I am now looking for my first teaching post in and around the suburbs of Melbs. I have 15 years experience including 2 as Head of Faculty in the UK and have full VIT registration, but I can't get work! CRT is my last chance and I'm with Tradewind for that, but I really want a full time position, even if it is only a year's contract.


    Has anyone else struggled to get a job? I've applied for about 15 and had 3 interviews, two of which went well but I was pipped to the post. The others have never got back to me. It's getting a bit stressful now! :arghh:





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