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Posts posted by tomabbie

  1. That's brilliant hoping to hear some good news myself, I have been in Perth on a 457 for nearly 3 year and wouldn't mind setting up down secret harbour myself.


    My time line is below, the application is DRC through a agent.


    Nomination and application submitted: 26/6/13

    Nomination and application Acknowledge: 26/6/13

    Case Officer: ?????? Currently says in progress in the top right of the page and process next to my name.



    How will I know when I have a case officer allocated??


    Didn't get told I had a case officer just got an email with my visa grant notice. I don't think they are obliged to contact you when you are allocated (though some do), they only contact if they need more info but if you have all the info they need they can make a decision easily and just email you with a decision like they did for me.

  2. Wow that's crazy. In my experience if someone is short with you on the phone, it's usually because they are extremely busy and their facts are often incorrect.


    I called my migration agent yesterday to see if she had spotted any trends recently and she did say that she had noticed things had slowed down. However, she has had regional applications approved that were put in around the same time as my app (July 19th 2013). She said it seems that they are giving preference to regional areas before the cities. I asked her if she had a date in mind for mine to come through and she said she's hoping for early September.


    My original application started in March too so we're both in the same boat.



    What a difference a day makes! Been super busy at work today and didn't,t check my email until just before I left at 6pm and the golden email was there, in fact had been sat in my inbox since 7.32am this morning! ENS 186 granted, been PR all day and didn't realise.


    Super super elated, hope everyone else gets theirs soon! Here is my timeline.


    Nomination submitted: 28.3.2013

    Nomination granted: 18.6.2013

    Positive skills assessment: 12.7.2013 (applied 3.3.2013) Midwife

    Visa application (non DR without MA): 13.7.2013

    Visa grant: 15.8.2013


    Happy, happy, happy. Good luck to everyone else waiting x

  3. Very fed up today, spoke to DIAC today and they reckon its taking 6-8 months for a CO to be allocated for the 186. Wasn't sure wether they meant from initial employer nomination or my application and were very short with me on phone wouldn't tell me where my application was at.

    If its from employer nomination (28.3.2013; approval 18.6.2013; visa application 13.7.2013) then I don't have long to wait but if its from my application on 13.7.2013, have still got a long wait ahead :-(. So much for being in an in demand profession (midwife). Hoping they are wrong because reading this timeline it seems some people's are much quicker.

  4. Just a quick question. My nomination was submitted 28.3.2013 and approved 16.6.2013, the nomination approval email / letter had a case officers name/email on (the submission just had the generic email address on), does this mean this is my assigned case officer?


    My application has been in a month now (had to wait for my skills assessment to come back before I could apply, it took forever!) and have still not heard anything from this CO, does anyone know if the CO who approves your nomination goes on to be the CO who assesses your application?



    Kirstie x

  5. Here's my timeline for 186 ENS (direct entry stream)

    Profession: Midwife

    21.5.2012- arrived in Perth on 457

    28.3.2013- nomination lodged

    19.6.2013- nomination approved

    12.7 .2013- Positive skills assessment received (applied 3.3.2013)

    13.7.2013- Visa application made (non DR, applied without a MA). Front loaded with police checks & meds.

    Now the wait.............anybody know how long Perth office is taking at the moment?

  6. Hi


    I am jumping on the band waggon here sorry.I am in the same position just trying to figure out what is needed for APHRA. An example copy of your C.V would be a massive help ????? i was also not aware you needed to get hours from your nursing training... so thanks for the heads up !!

    Pm me your email and I'll send you a copy of my cv

    kirstie xx

  7. Take a deep breath and prepare yourself for the joys of APHRA. In respect of your questions:


    1 -Personal information is just what it says its, I didnt put a personal staement in this bit because I wasn't applying for a job

    2- Qualifying examinations I put my academic qualifications there eg. diploma in nursing, BSc Hons Midwifery, PGDip Public Health and put my qualifications eg. registered nurse, registered midwife etc in the qualifications obtained.

    3- Academic transcript, it needs to be a breakdown of your degree/diploma from your uni and for the courses that also confered registration with the NMC it also needs to have a breakdown of hours. I requested mine from my unis and had the orignal notorised by notary and that was accepted. You can ask the uni to send it direct but I prefered the knowledge that I had done it myself.

    4- Clinical/procedural skills, yes just put in all the things your competent at and any relevant certificates.

    5- Intern/observership, I didnt do anything about that and left that section out completely and was absolutely fine.


    If it helps I could send you a copy of my CV if you want to see what mine looked like, I also have electronic copies of the documents I sent to them if you want to see what my transcripts look like. PM me your private email and will send them to you.


    My application to APHRA was approved without any hiccups in under a month.


    Kirstie xx

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  8. My transcripts are orignals stamped with the university seal on, I'm getting them notarised not sending the originals. As I understand it as long as the orignals have been seen and certified by the notary they should be fine, I'm qualified on all 3 parts of the NMC register (all done at 3 different unis) and it took one of the universities 3 months to get my transcript done correctly so not keen to let it out of my posession!

  9. Thanks Gordon, unfortunately I sat the IELTS last year before I found out about the secondary school thing. Have got everything else, university transcripts etc and having it all signed by a notary on Friday, the CV was just the final bit and have put all my notable skills and competencies in it now (hard trying to cram 18 years expereince into a few pages of A4!). Have also requested for the NMC and the IELTS test centre to send proof of my registration/confirmation of IELTS results direct.

    Just a bit confused by the fee structure, did you pay the registration, application and assessment fee or just the assessment and application fee as I understand you have to go into a APHRA office in person to register when you get to OZ?

    Thanks for your advice

    Kirstie xx


  10. I spoke to WAGO at a migration fayre last July and was initially liasing with them but they just we're taking sooo long and ended up doing it myself. I got an email from them 2 weeks ago asking me if I was still interested in putting my application forward (I thought they'd done it months ago), so glad I did it off my own back now.

  11. I sent initial emails of interest to the hospitals within travelling distance of Port Kennedy/Rockingham and they directed me to the WA health website. Have put the link here, http://www.jobs.health.wa.gov.au

    You will have to create an account (a bit like NHS jobs if you've ever used it). Type midwife in the box and it brings up a list of vacancies and apply from there. Their application process is quite different from ours so give me a yell if you need any help or advice. Think am definitely going to give the Rockingham interview ago, have had a few people tell me its a nice unit and a shorter commute is always a bonus.

    Kirstie xx

  12. Hi everyone


    Just seeking some clarification about my APHRA application and am hoping those of you who have been successful may be able to help. I have looked at the CV format they require on the website most of it is fine and have just cut and pasted from my own CV and the bit that is causing me concern is the section clinical/procedural skills.

    Maybe I'm being a bit blonde (self depricating joke I am a natural blonde) but do they want me to list everything I'm competent at eg; venepuncture, delivering babies, record keeping, suturing, report writing, theatre skills etc..? I've been qulaified as a nurse 18 years and a midwife 12, it could potentially be a long (and boring) list. Surely it should be self evident that by the very nature of my role that I am competent at key skills. What did anyone else put in this section?

    Also just to check whilst it asks for 5 years employment history from employers am I right in thinking I still need to put the whole of my career on the CV? Really wish I was newly qualified its causing me such a headache to remember my roles and responsibilities as anewly qualifed nurse in 1994!


    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    Kind regards


    Kirstie xx :confused:

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