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Posts posted by ScotsQuine

  1. Anyone who thinks the driving is better here than back home must not drive much in either country or is one of these "everything is better in oz" folk


    'Everything is better in oz', no not at all!! You have good and bad drivers regardless of which country you live/drive in, pretty foolish to think otherwise!


    I haven't read of any driving practices on this thread that I haven't seen take place in both Aus and UK. Undertaking, tailgating, excessive speed, fatalities etc all occur unfortunately! I've lived in 5 different countries and bad driving it seems is not exclusive only to Aus and UK drivers...

  2. Do you mean so that they can learn to drive badly as well?


    Otherwise it would make more sense if the locals actually went on a driving course



    Unfortunately your quote could also relate to those still living in the UK, there are just as many bad drivers who could benefit from going on a driving course as there as in any other country!

  3. I wish they would flash their lights when letting you go. Usually ends in some kind of Mexican stand off.



    That unfortunately could lead to even more confusion, different countries, different rules!


    In Scotland if someone flashed their lights at a junction it would mean that they are letting you in/you can go first. In Singapore, the same light flashing means that the car flashing their lights are telling you that they are going to go first so you DO NOT move!


    Perhaps if it was mandatory for all immigrants arriving in a new country to take a 3 month driving course there wouldn't be so many moans and groans about it?

  4. When this happens to me I flick my headlights on for about 30 seconds, this puts your rear lights on, and from behind it looks like you are braking! Car behind you will brake, you don't lose any speed obviously because you didn't slow down :) My dad drove a lorry in the UK and they would use this trick on a daily basis because cars would be driving way to close behind them! It's not just an Aussie problem, the UK is just as bad.

  5. How long do you have to live in Australia before you can apply for citizenship? And what's an RRV?


    My British passport expired the other year; I'm waiting until I get married in June to renew it now due to the cost.


    You have to live in Australia for 4 years with a minimum of one year on PR before you can apply for citizenship. RRV = Returning Residents Visa

  6. Thank you ScotsQuine that's all I needed to know. Pack my lamps but not the bulbs!!!


    You're welcome... Happy packing :)


    Not sure where in Aus you are moving too, but if you find a Masters Home Improvements store, keep an eye out on their light globe aisle. They quite often do specials, I stocked up on globes when they were half price :)

  7. Sorry I didn't make myself clear. If I buy lightbulbs in oz will they fit UK lamps.





    Globes (as they are called in Aus) come in the same fittings as the UK. Standard bayonet and also small bayonet, as well standard screw in and small screw in. Not worth the hassle of packing them tbh. They are not expensive to buy here.

  8. Sorry continuing.. I def want to leave home or nz just it feels secure here now after so long I guess it's a bit of a rut. Anyway it's march one place or another anyone lived in nz??


    No just the 2 of us no morgage , no kids , just 2 dogs might complicate things a little but they go where we do


    , flat pack the job is yours hope your good at cutting and blow drying :wink:



    We lived in NZ and we knew within the first 3 months that it just wasn't for us. It took another 16 long months to find another job and move overseas! NZ is more expensive than OZ (in my opinion), but have you checked out the job situation there for you both compared to the UK?


    You're both still young, no kids, so honestly you can move anywhere easily! I live by the 'Nothing is set in stone' motto, maybe explains why I've lived in 5 different countries lol

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