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Posts posted by lesleybruck

  1. Hi all hubby is currently swapping licence over in qld, he’s got exams next week and is a bit stressed as training body have sent him all the relevant info etc and it looks like needs to know all the design side from fitting mains all the way through to house, he said seems needs to know all the calculations which in uk don’t do as electrical board run the mains not electricians. Has anyone had experience of this as he’s starting to stress, he’s done the online course, done log book etc it’s this final bit, he’s worried about all the calculations he’s doing his course through MRAEL Australian trade training college.

  2. Hi all this is a bit complicated but basically moved to oz hubby did logbook etc took exam but failed on one section. Assessor was a nightmare never returned calls emails etc took months to just do exam let alone coursework. We was in qld aswell, eventually assessor told hubby that they don't really want brits coming over and getting the licence. Anyway was told could resist just that bit of exam not the whole lot. Tried for months to make this happen was really fed up of trying to sort out new exam date. Eventually for other reasons had to move back to uk but desperate to come back to oz. Does anyone know of a way can just do part of the exam he failed or will he have to do the whole thing again plus coursework/logbook etc. Without licence its hard to get work, also don't really want to return to qld would prefer to move to another state would the logbook etc transfer to another state or should he just go qld to do exam etc any help is appreciated I know it's complicated.

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