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Posts posted by valandmatt

  1. Yes our daughter has an agent for her house and they are very good.


    It's just good to know I'm not just being *silly* feeling as I do.


    It's very early days yet gonna do the *tour* first to see how hubby feels before we make the visa decision, after all he has to be as certain as me that he wants the move. His mam is also still around (sadly mine's not) and I think this is having some influence on him even though he say's it isn't........men:cute:




    My hubby's Mum is still around too and its hard to make that decision - luckily she is very active and independent although she's 86 - and I don't think she truly believes we are going - especially as the visa is taking 14 months-ish - she doesn't understand why we have to wait in a queue!


    Your extended time in Oz should help with the decision making.


    Good luck, Val x

  2. Ah VaVa, yes, the years and years and years of cards...........why do we keep them? Yes, for sentimental reasons - but have you ever looked at them since you put them in the cupboard? Probably not - I certainly haven't looked at mine! We went through our loft a while ago and found cards we sent each other before we were married! Remember those hideous thickly padded cards - they were all damp and mouldy and mis-shapen - I'm afraid we filled many a black sack destined for the recycling paper bin!


    That's a result getting money for your old bedding etc - that doesn't happen at our local recycling centre! Wish it did though! We also had so much of our kids school and college work - they don't want it, so why should I keep it? Although I did keep a few good bits - can't get rid of everything - can't be too ruthless! But then it'll probably go in the next round of decluttering! At the end of the day its just "stuff". I'm blowed if I'm going to pay to have it shipped to Oz - only to be put in the loft over there! (Hope I practice what I preach!)


    Just waiting for the car boots to start up at the end of the month - hoping to make a bit of money - or at least find a good home for our unwanted bits and bobs!


    Val x

  3. Hi Phoebe, we signed up for 2 years, BUT with a clause that either side could give a month's notice after 6 months, so we gave them notice after 11 months. I preferred to rent unfurnished anyway as there were lots of hurdles to jump, with regard to furniture/mattresses having proof of fire retardent etc, and of course our tenants did not want to pay for storage, so we paid for our stuff to go into storage. Which actually wasn't so bad as it sounds, as you get to do a lot of the decluttering - STAGE ONE! Then, when the shippers come - decluttering STAGE TWO! Not half so bad as having to do it all in one go!


    It sounds silly now to think I was quite "precious" about bricks and mortar, memories and all of that, but if you do go down the rental route, it does put it into perspective and softens the blow! The only other thing to organise is the EPC - energy something or other - cost about £70, but lasts 10 years! Oh and we also paid the estate agent a monthly maintenance fee as we were out of the country! They inspected regularly and sent reports and collected the rent on our behalf. Good to know someone was keeping an eye on the place.


    Hope this helps, anything else - just ask.


    Val x

  4. Hi Pheobe, we went though the same feelings as you with regard to renting our house. We've lived in the same house for 30 years and the thought of someone else living here was really quite strange. But we rented it out (I never saw the nice people in our house - didn't want to - what the eye doesn't see, the mind doesn't worry over!). We were in Oz for 6 months and did quite a bit of touring of Queensland and drove down to Sydney for Xmas, and to be honest the rental income was really, really handy. Its not cheap what with fuel, camp site fees, food etc, and we were economical along the way! So when we arrived back in UK we were "homeless" for 6 months as the tenants asked for another 6 months to find somewhere to live permanently and they had school-age children. And you know what, it was really o.k. because at the end of it all we still owned the house and we knew we would eventually come back to it - a cushion, if you like. All in all we lived out of a suitcase for a whole year.


    And during our 6 months in Oz that's when my hubby decided he could see no reason not to emigrate to be with the family, so we also applied for the 173 temp CPV and we're hoping to get CO in the next 3 months-ish. Our house is now on the market to be sold and medicals are booked for the end of April, and do you know what - I feel so excited and really quite scared as well, lots of "what-ifs". But we've done it once - our friends won't let us sleep on the streets - today I feel brave, tomorrow I'll be a quivering mess saying OMG what are we doing. We've been married 40 years in June and in all that time neither of us had any incliniation to emmigrate, yet here we are following our kids to the other side of the world to start a new life, can barely think of anything else if its not Oz related - bring it on!


    So yes, if your're passing, we'd love you to call in for a cuppa, (or a beer!)


    Its good to have a plan - and yours sounds like a good one - all the best!


    Val x

  5. Yessssss!

    We got our CO two days ago and suddenly feel quite light-headed about it all. Perhaps it was the champagne we cracked in celebration?

    Thirteen months now seem to have skipped by, and we're busy completing our Form 80, having previously submitted medicals, Police checks, etc.

    For those still waiting or joining the queue, take heart. It comes round to your turn in the end; before you know it.

    Thanks to all who kept us sane and informed over the last year. See you in Sydney quite soon!

    John & Eirian

    How exciting for you! Now its your turn to keep the rest of us sane! Its certainly heartening to see some movement on the tracker, gradually chipping away at the list - don't understand why some seem to be stuck at a certain hurdle? BTW how did you manage to get your meds done so far in advance - did you have a HAP ID?

    All the best, Val x

  6. hi,


    The hap id number is on the letter that DIAC sends to you to ask you to do health check, police check, and AOS- It is not in the letter of confirmation. People who have received the the letter asking for health check... please confirm, thank you.


    @JohnAndEirian: I have noticed that you have just had a C/o on the tracker. May I ask that it is a "real c/o" :), or it is just a letter from the DIAC asking you to do the health check.. ect.. Thank you.


    So how do you front load your medical check before you get CO with said letter and HAP ID? Like others on the tracker, we want to organise meds etc before we get CO. ?

  7. Hallo out there

    I have just telephoned the panel doctor to make an appointment for my medical. They want my hap id no.? She said it was in my letter of confirmation but it is not. Anyone any idea what this is.

    Thanks Moira

    Hi Moira, just looking at my acknowledgement letter and as far as I can see there is only the File Reference at the very top of the page, which is to be quoted at all times. I can't see anything else.


  8. Applied last month and just got an acknowledgement letter(1 month later) stating that they received the application last month. Is the acknowledgment date as in the letter or the date of the letter?


    They also state that they are processing applications received on 21st Oct 2010. Is there a link where I can check allocation dates for CPVs?


    Hi, I think its the date in the letter which is the acknowledgement date. As for 21st October 2010, that means about 16 months to wait for CO. Last June when I applied it was processing date of May 2010, about 13 months. So frustrating.......No wonder when I check the Tracker there is very little or no movement!


    On that basis we were hoping to be on our way by Sept/October, now it's looking more like Nov/Dec! The knock on effect is timing with selling house, etc. etc.


    Have been trying to resist visiting the family in Oz "on holiday" for financial reasons (the price of flights and spending money = the cost of a car when we get there) and to avoid the goodbyes (again) to the grandchildren which I find so hard, but with the knock-back in time, I'm now thinking we should go and wait for our CO there!

    Oh, I don't know.....


    Best of luck with your wait - hope you have more patience than me!


    Val x

  9. Wow after posting on here yesterday that we have been waiting 14mths for a CO we have just got an email to say that we have one. WHAT A GREAT CHRISTMAS PRESENT. NOW Meds & Police checks it says we have to have them done and back to them within 28 days on one letter and on another it says 47 days, does anybody know which it should be?

    Ann and Roy absolutely thrilled to bits :-)

    Great news - What a great Christmas present for you! Perhaps DIAC read the forums! Hopefully not too much longer until you get your Visa grant, fingers crossed! Whereabouts will you be settling in Aus?


    Keep us posted with your progress please - it gives us hope as I'm sure you know - we are not expecting to hear anything for at least another 6-8 months. Val x

  10. G'day Val


    Nothing to stop you getting a visitor visa and going to Oz – just make sure the PVC in Perth know about it. We did so, although we got back to the UK before we got a CO. But I was told once by a CO that it quite often happens that, when the time for grant of the visa comes, they contact the applicant(s) and arrange for the visa to be granted while they are on a trip to Singapore/NZ/whatever, as you say. Then you get almost instant validation, when you return to Oz.


    As for the meds, I'm pretty sure that's OK too – but you had better check. I think you have to go to one of the official centres, though, rather than to a 'panel doctor'.




    Hi Mike, thanks for your reply. That's so good to know. Just to confirm - there wouldn't be a problem getting a one-way ticket on a visitor visa then? So long as we kept PVC informed of our intentions?


    Sorry if this is "dumb", but what do you mean by an "official centre" exactly? :confused:


    Did you do this, inasmuchas you visited Oz during the "waiting period", except you came back to the UK? Now you have your visa, you are going back to Oz in time for Xmas - one way ticket this time?


    I only think we will do this if we sell the house quite quickly, the furniture will be on its way, not much point in staying here (Plan A - heart rules):biggrin:


    If there's a delay, then we'll wait until Visa grant/house sold then go as normal (plan B - head rules) :laugh:


    Val x

  11. Today is a bit of a special day for us since it is the first anniversary of our arrival in Australia on our 143 visa. So what has this year been like for us? It's fair to say that there have been a few ups and downs but by far more ups I'm pleased to say. I have found it more difficult than Tony, the first few weeks were quite hard for me, I felt so out of my comfort zone. It quickly became clear that we could not possibly buy our own home and the thought of renting for the rest of our days has been hard to come to terms with, particularly as it is so expensive. The cost of living is high but we no longer convert prices to pounds, there is absolutely no point, it's dollars in our bank account after all. It is wonderful to be so close to our children, although having said that, one daughter and her family have relocated to Broome. Nothing daunted, we bought a camper and hit the road north and had 5 weeks away seeing the sights and spending time with our family, doing 6000 kms in the process. What a wonderful way to see Australia. Today we have come back from a trip south to Esperance, Albany and Bridgetown. We have met so many people whilst camping who have spent years on the road that it is very tempting to do the same. Amongst the pluses of being here is the first class medical care we have received, no waiting to see our GP and always the same one, he's a bit keen on blood tests though but that seems to be the same with all GPs here. This compares to our poor daughter we left behind in the UK, she is so poorly yet has barely been able to see the same doctor twice. Each one says something different and she has had to beg to be referred. Guess who her employer is, yep, the good ole NHS.


    I have to say a big thank you to the PIPs (Parents in Perth) who have been very supportive. All in all, it's been a big year and a big move but one we don't regret.

    Cath & Tony


    Really great to read your post and that on the whole you've had a good first year! It made me feel quite envious as all we want to do is be with our family (both children and 5 grandchildren are settled in Oz) and wish we could fast forward to next summer (our ack date is 10th June 2011) applied for a 173 Visa. We did spend six months in Oz last year and loved it - we also did camping, but up and down the East Coast, we were based near Brisbane, and also found everyone to be extremely helpfull and friendly, and a great way to see more of the country - as opposed to flying to destinations!


    We're planning on putting our house on the market early next year, and hope it sells without too much delay - fingers crossed. Do you or anyone know if we will then be able to get a visitor visa so that we can "wait" for our 173 Visa in Oz (I know we have to be off-shore) when/if its granted - presumably NZ or Singapore or somewhere is acceptable. And can we have our Meds done while on holiday in Oz? Perhaps someone might read this and offer advice? I just don't think I can wait another 9/10 months (at least) before seeing the family - which will be 18 months altogether before I see the grandkids again - they grow up so fast!


    Wishing you all the best for your 2nd year and hope its even better than the first!



  12. Hi Les, We would have got the 40kgs if we had gone for the 143 permanent rather than the 173 temporary. They only give the extra allowance for permanent visas! Although why you would have less stuff for any length of stay is a mystery to me! I take the same amount whether I go for a cheeky little week to Spain or a 6 week stay in Oz! I guess rules is rules but I wasnt about to rock up at Manchester airport without confirmation so I`m glad I made sure!

    Glad all is going to plan for you in Oz!

    Regards, Val


    Hi Val, we have also applied for a 173 and assumed we would get the double allowance, so glad I've read your post, and will be prepared! But agree, 2 weeks, months or years makes not much difference to the amount you need to pack, especially if you have "extras" from from family to take with you! Our plan is to apply for the 143 soon after arriving in Oz, so to my mind we are going permanently, but thanks for the warning re baggage allowance. Still a long way down the list though, patience not my speciality. Moira's right, not a lot happening on the tracker! :arghh: (another) Val x

  13. Hi Ann, its lovely to "talk" to someone rather than "cyberspace" wondering if anyone will bother to read your post! As we have been visiting Oz for the last 10 years on holiday to visit our son, we did stop off in Perth en route to Sydney once and thought it was beautiful, we stayed in the city a couple of nights then hired a car and drove down to Margaret which was fabulous, and stayed in Fremantle for another couple of nights.


    Our son lives near Cronulla (Sydney) for 10 years and our daughter lives near Brisbane, her family emmigrated nearly 3 years ago and love it. We have 5 grandchildren, so its a "no-brainer" for us to follow them if we want to see them all growing up.


    So, what are your plans? Do you have a house to sell and when, is the question. My head says wait until the spring time, my heart says do it now in case there's a hold-up - it would be awful if the visa is granted but the house is not sold! But then if it should sell straight away????....well I expect you've gone through these thoughts - timing is everything isn't it? We have some shipping companies coming to give us quotes over the next few days just to get some idea of costs etc, or whether we will have to take less then we first thought. I know its a bit early on, but I just have to do something! Val

  14. Hi everyone, have been reading recent posts and have to say congratulations to those of you have recently got your visa grant! We still have a way to go yet and the hardest part at the moment is the waiting - I am sooo impatient! I want to get going! Having spent last winter in Oz I am definitely not looking forward to the cold winter months here in the UK. I miss our kids and grandkids so much and this weekend my son was taken very ill with a virus which attacked his heart (he's 34 - no age) and it just brings home to you how far away Oz is, I just wanted to jump on the first flight to see him - it doen't matter how old they are, they're stil your children! Anyway, he's out of the woods, and hopefully recuperating with lots of bed rest.


    What I wanted to tell you and ask advice is: my Oh and I have just paid a visit to a financial advisor this morning with regard to pensions etc, he's not 65 yet but its just around the corner and the FA told us about something called QROPS whereby your private pension can be transferred to Oz so that its paid in AUD as opposed to having it paid into a UK bank and then transferred into AUD which of course the amount will fluctuate according to the exchange rate. Has anyone heard of this and if so, have you done it?


    My second question is, the FA asked if we had made Wills, we have many moons ago and should probably be updated, but there was doubt if Wills in the UK would be recognized in Oz - does anyone have any information regarding this point, or where we could find out?


    I hope I haven't been too long-winded, and anyway would love to hear from anyone whose acknowledgement date is around June 2011 for a chat, we planning on settling near Brisbane. Thanks so much and love the site, its just so informative and encouraging reading all your stories and whereabouts you are in the process. Val x

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