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Posts posted by valandmatt

  1. Yes, I'll be within 5 mins walk of all the Vic Point facilities. 

    Hi Catlady2014
    We emigrated in 2012 and live in Redland Bay where our daughter and grandchildren also live. We also have a son and grandkids just over the border in NSW. This forum was so helpful while we were waiting for our CPV and I still "lurk" now and again! I know when you first arrive it will be very hectic with lots to do but one day you may wish to start thinking about making new friends etc. There are many clubs to join, in and around the bayside area, but if you're interested, there is a coffee group which meets once a week at various local cafes for age 50+ ladies, predominantly English, but certainly not exclusively, to chat and laugh and swap stories and hints and tips for living in Oz. I'll pm you my mobile and when and if you're interested give me a call. Or feel free to ring if you just want to chat. All the best for your move. The Redlands is a beautiful area. Val x

    Sent from my SM-G920I using PomsinOz mobile app

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  2. Hi All, i have been randomly inquiring in this forum to get some feedback on the timelines for 173 holder applying for a 143. I seem not to get any responses yet or maybe i have missed replies.

    If anyone of you has undergone this, can you shed light on the matter? Really appreciate it.



    Hi Ginny, It took about 6 months to get our 173 to 143 visa granted. It seemed to take a while to complete the AOS, but then we're in Brisbane and Centrelink seem to have a bit of a reputation for dragging their heels! This was in 2013 so they may have improved since then. We just had to keep IMMI updated and all was well.


    All the best


  3. Hi, I applied for the 143 visa about 5 weeks ago, I have the 173 and my son got mail from WA PVC this week to lodge the AOS $10k within the the next 14 days, am surprised I thought that request would come just before grant of the 143.

    Hi Fran, the part of the process which involves Centrelink is what takes the time, you will be frustrated at how slow they will be at processing your AOS. Just email PVC in 14 days time and explain that you have made contact with Centrelink, and that the AOS process has begun. So long as you keep them in the loop, you'll be fine. Ours took 7 months altogether, and no amount of phone calls speeded up the process. Centrelink are slow.....end of!!


    Val x

  4. Our situation is that we are in Australia on a 173 and have applied back in May for the 143. We received our acknowledgement in a reasonable time requesting AFP checks and for our Assurer to set up the Assurance of Support all within a time limit of 28 days! The AFP checks were quite quick and straight forward. However, Centrelink was rather more drawn out but eventually, our Assurer got a letter of acceptance dated 25 July. All paperwork was sent to PVC Perth and we have heard nothing since. I sent an email at the end of August, and they eventually replied saying that they were waiting to hear from Centrelink regarding the AOS. So another phone call to Centrelink (almost an hour on hold before anyone answers). They said they had sent the paperwork straight away, but would send it again. Still nothing from PVC, so sent another email at the end of Sept and to date we have not even had a reply!


    And so we wait..........

  5. Hi I lodged our visa 173 which was acknowledged 27.7.2012. It seems that 173 are slower than 143?? still waiting to hear. Can anyone tell me if you can obtain an Oz driving licence with a 173 or have you got to be a permanent resident? We have done it this way to spread the cost! Thanks.

    Hi Nuttynan, yes you can do most things on the 173 visa, we are on this type of visa and had no issues changing our driving licences, bought a property, medicare cards etc.


  6. Hi everyone

    Finally the time has come - I fly out to Brisbane tomorrow night. Can't quite believe it is happening. Will give an update after I arrive and when the jetlag has worn off. Good luck to all who are still waiting.

    Regards, Cath


    Hi Cath, have a safe flight, I bet after all the waiting, these last few weeks have been rather hectic. Whereabouts in Brisbane are you headed to? When you're settled and in need of some friendly faces and a natter, there are a few of us in and around the Redlands area, been here since last September/October. If you fancy a cuppa, please PM me and I'll organise a meet up with the others as well.


    Good luck with your new life - its great here, and we don't regret a thing!!


    Val x

  7. Hi everyone

    I am hoping to get my medical done soon but my acknowledgement letter only gives a 'file reference No.' Is this what is referred to as a TRN No. My application was paper based so it will not be done via ehealth. I see that I should have a HAP ID - can anyone enlighten me as to what this is and how can I get one.

    Thanks, Cath


    Hi Cath, we had our meds done earlier than asked as we felt if we were going to fail anything it would be that - we went to Maidenhead panel doctors and they did the paperwork using just the file number from the acknowledgement letter - all went well, and it was a relief (no reason to doubt our health, except hubby's blood pressure). However, about a month later we received a letter from DIAC requesting we get the meds and police checks done in preparation to getting a case officer in approximately 3-4 months time. This letter had the HAP ID on it. A TRN number is a Trade Recognition Number - this is if you are coming over on a skilled on demand Visa - so not us parents! So by the time we did get our CO she already had our meds and police check documents so there was no delay.


    So, if I had known this request letter was coming, I would have waited for the HAP ID number. I think some panel doctors (like ours) can do your medical without it, but I believe some don't.


    Hope this helps, Val

  8. Pheobe, it seems so ridiculous that there is such a long waiting time for something that's so serious and effecting your eating etc, and the pain you are in also, my heart goes out to you. Yes, its good news you now know what the cause is, I can't image the worry you've had, but to have this hanging over you for the next 12 months (at least) is just awful.


    I don't envy your next decision, but I wish you well.

    Val x

  9. Happy New Year Fran! :xmas18:


    You can take your luggage allowance in more than one case (or bag) in fact, they prefer it if you do as they don't like to lift very heavy cases. Health and Safety etc! And, don't forget you can have a few kilos of hand luggage as well as a (biggish) handbag. I reckon you'd get away with 40kgs in total!


    Dave and I have just returned yesterday from a visit to the Brisbane bayside area and I thought of you when we passed the turn off for Hemmant! We had two lovely Poms in Oz afternoons too during our visit. We met up with Val and Matt and Angie & Ted (Brummiebabies). So much in common to chat about - it was really wonderful.


    Keep us all posted on your Australian adventure Fran, have a safe journey!


    All the very best to you! Val x


    Hi Val and Happy New Year to you and Dave! Glad to hear you're home safe and sound - we did think of you on New Year's Eve - that flight is an endurance test at the best of times!


    We also really enjoyed our afternoons with yourselves and Angie and Ted and hope its not too long before we have another! Fran - do contact one of us if you or anyone else is in the Bayside area and we'll arrange a meet-up!


    Val, I hope you are able to return to Oz permanently very soon and look forward to seeing you again.


    All the very best for 2013.


    Val and Matt x

  10. Hi all, just got a phone call from my agent my visa has been granted - 173. I got my Case Officer on 21st November. Some smashing way to start the week. Flight booked for Brisbane on 13th January. Thanks to you all for the support along the way and wish all of you still waiting the best of luck. Will keep in touch and let ye know how things are going for me after the big move.


    Wonderful news Fran! Wonderful feeling isn't it? At last the long wait is almost over! What a fantastic Xmas present too! All the best for the future here in Oz. Where abouts in Brisbane are you heading to, there's a few of us in the Redlands area, are you going to be anywhere near?


    Congratulations, Val x

  11. Hi Angie and Ted, if memory serves me right, You,re flight is tomorrow the 19th. So, have a good and safe flight and have a wonderful reunion with your family. I'm sure the one you're leaving in the UK will be out for a visit before too long. We hope to See you down under before too long when you are settled, the wine/beer is on ice with your names on it! I can't believe we've only been here a little over 3 weeks and we've already found a property and had our offer accepted! With a 40 day settlement, we should be homeowners by the end of November!


    Val and Matthew x

  12. Hi all, just wondering if someone knows the answer to this question.We are in Oz on the Temporary 173 CP Visa - do we qualify to purchase a property or do we have to wait until we have applied for and hopefully got the Permanent 143 Visa. I have contacted a solicitor who didn't know but will try and find out and get back to us in a few days. I also asked our Case Officer if she was aware of any restrictions and although she did not know the answer, at least she sent a link for the FIRB (Foreign Investment Review Board) but that is not very clear either - it talks of non-residents and purchasing new-build only.We have found a property we would like to purchase - in fact we have put in an offer today - so if anyone can throw any light on this would be much appreciated.Val x

  13. Greetings to everyone from Oz! Can't believe we've been here over 2 weeks already! First week was fab - we got a wonderful welcome from all the grandkids and of course the weather was glorious - the brightest blue skies I think I've ever seen! Jet-lag was a pain for the first few days. Have been up and out walking by 7.00a.m. each morning!


    The second week we've bought a car, got QLD driving licences, registered with Medicare, and found a house we've short-listed!


    Good to see on the tracker some of you have got CO's at last - hang in there its worth the wait!


    Hope to see some of you soon!


    Val x

  14. G'day everyone! Well, we made it, we're here after the usual long flight, uneventful..... oh except for the announcement "we have a medical emergency - is there a doctor on board" Actually, there were several doctors came forward which was nice to know! When we landed a quarantine person came on board to see the little girl who had been ill, but eventually they let us off, just a small delay. Mind you I almost called for a doctor for OH on our first night as he stepped onto something sharp in the middle of the night and cut his foot! OMG there was so much blood - and all on the carpet too! The next morning as we were up sooooo early, we walked up to the local coffee shop for brekky and all of a sudden the fire alarm went off - a fire engine arrived and the firemen rushed into the coffee shop - they'd set off the alarm whilst cooking our bacon!


    Apart from all this excitement, it is so lovely to be here - its rather hectic as there is 11 of us until next Monday, but then it will calm down and we will be able to start doing all the things we should be doing, like buying a car etc. The only thing we have done is open a bank account which was really easy, just waiting for the cards to arrive. But basically we're just enjoying being here with all the grandchildren.


    Val x

  15. Hi Angie,

    I sent an email when I'd calmed myself down. I asked for a bit longer but pointed out that the cheque he had in his possession would be just as good as a "bank" cheque.

    We did toy with the idea of putting the money in our daughters account BUT if we had, there would be nothing left! She loves spending and has a poor memory when it comes to paying it back. I know this because I lent her the money for new garden furniture last October and she swears she paid me back - she didn't.

    We'll just have to see what the ANZ bank manager can come up with when she replies to the email I sent her this morning. If the worst happens, I can move the money to said daughters account at $10K per day then she can do the silly bank cheque. Gggrrrr!

    Anyway, have a lovely break in Devon - hope the weather improves for you!

    Val x x

    Hi Val, and thanks for your good wishes, and thanks to Phoebe too! It all really feels surreal now, but we're also cramming in visits to the dentist for a check-ups and hygenist and the doctors for a supply of statins and eye drops to see us through the next couple of months! This certainly brings us down to earth!


    Would it be possible for your bank to do a CHAPS payment to your daughter's bank account????? Just a thought! Good Luck with getting it sorted soon - you'd think they would make it easier for parents to part with their hard earned cash!


    All the best to everyone.


    Val x


    Glad everything went okay with the packers Val. I would like to wish you Bon Voyage now as we are on holiday in Devon with my brother when you leave and I'm not sure we will have an internet connection. All the very best and see you on the other side of the pond! Angie xxx

    Thanks Angie, and enjoy Devon, lovely countryside. And then you'll be on your way too before you know it. See you "downunder"......ha ha! Val x

  17. Hi everyone, well the shippers arrive tomorrow to pack up all our wordly goods! Have been just a tad busy last few days, late night tonight and early start tomorrow, but by this time tomorrow it will all be over and I shall open a particularly nice bottle of champers I've been saving for such occasion! Well its not going in the container that's for sure! Mmmmm! I can taste it now.......roll on tomorrow night![/QUOT


    Well I think you deserve that bottle of champers Val! Hope all goes well tomorrow. If it's anything like us the packers do everything - we didn't lift a finger .. oh except for making drinks and preparing lunch. Cheers!! Angie xx


    We survived! Yes the shippers were so lovely and so efficient - so much so that one of them packed the lead from my laptop - my fault for leaving it (i had unplugged it and then got distracted and left it) but easily found only four boxes opened!! That was the worst tragedy! We have now "moved in" with Matthew's sister and the only thing left to do now are the teary goodbyes - emotions, can't control them once one person starts I can't stop! But at the same time we're so excited.


    Nutmeg - our flight is on Sunday 23rd Sept arriving Tuesday - so not long at all. Daughter texted to say that weather is 35 degrees and good summer predicted! We did camping when we were out last, and absolutely loved it! Byron Bay is a good place to start! And yes - escorted night time trips to the loo definitely required! Creepy crawlies I expected, but not the frogs! So many of them!!!!!


    Val x

  18. Hi everyone, well the shippers arrive tomorrow to pack up all our wordly goods! Have been just a tad busy last few days, late night tonight and early start tomorrow, but by this time tomorrow it will all be over and I shall open a particularly nice bottle of champers I've been saving for such occasion! Well its not going in the container that's for sure! Mmmmm! I can taste it now.......roll on tomorrow night!

  19. Well, we have arrived. The eagle has landed!

    Almost exactly 21 months after first dreaming the dream we touched down at Sydney airport with 13 (yes, thirteen!) suitcases courtesy of Singapore Airlines.

    Collected our pre-bought car today and move into our apartment in Fairlight, NSW on Tuesday with completion on Monday. Now the wait for our container to arrive at the end of October. Staying with our daughter across the bay in Manly until then.

    But even hiring furniture at reasonable cost is easy here, with next day delivery!

    The last few weeks have been a whirlwind of activity, even though we had so much notice of the work to be done. Don't underestimate it.... make your decisions on what you're taking and start getting rid of unwanted furniture especially (auctions, private sales, ebay, etc) right NOW!!

    Time really accelerates towards the end, so don't be disheartened if you're at the start of the road.

    Good luck all. We'll keep you posted on "things to do (and not do!)" once you get here.

    John & Eirian


    Hi John and Eirian, wonderful to hear you've arrived!

    Totally agree with "its never too soon to start de-cluttering"

    Keep in touch.

    Val x

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