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Posts posted by Guest51810

  1. This may sound strange but have you had an ear infection lately? I've quoted this post but I notice in later posts that you're still having problems. My (prescribed) gout (which I never thought it was because there was no heat from the inflamed area) disppeared when I lost weight and slowed up on the drinking........so........the supposition is? But wait a minute, I was experiencing frequent ear infections at the same time that I was dx'd as having gout..........since the gout has gone, so have the ear infections.


    Nah don't think so, I occasionally get a shooting pain in my ear but that's it. I'm just falling apart haha. I wouldn't pass a MOT

  2. Yeah she mentioned that to me too but it was coming in attacks rather than constantly sore so I'm not sure which one it was. Try taking antiflammatories aswell and more water. I think the last time I had any pain was on herm so I've been clear for quite a long time. Now I've said that it'll probably start later lol

  3. It sounds like yours is similar to mine, I still don't know if it's gout. I found that out by the power of Google lol. People kept saying to me "don't be stupid, that's only when you drink loads" but it's not. The doctor told me to rotate my ankles when I wake up before I first step on the ground and she also said I could put the front of my foot on a step and gently push my ankle down if that makes sense but don't do it really fast. I think that was all the said other than diet changes.

  4. It was a pain in the back of my ankle and I couldn't walk a lot of the time. I was walking around victoria bus station in london almost crying at one point. So it sounds the same, mines was at that but too. My cankle lol :laugh: I went to the doctor in Guernsey and she just said to do some foot exercises and take ibprufen and gently suggested to lose a bit of weight

  5. I'm surprised whatever I had last year hasn't come back. I get stiff ankles occasionally but nothing like before - that was agony!


    I hope you're feeling better soon Diane

  6. Hope you feel better soon! Mines was in the same area as johndoes - the back of the heel. I was almost crying in victoria station in london one day with it. At least you've picked up on it now and it'll hopefully clear up

  7. I think that's what I had and I started anti inflammatories and just tried being more healthy and trying to drink water instead of sugary juice etc. It's not been back so far

  8. I think I would prefer adopting a toddler to a baby, not sure why. I never realised there were less children to adopt. I guess I always thought there were lots and lots. It must be a hard thing to do though, I admire them. Would need lots of patience. I admire people who foster too. I think I'd grow too attached and wouldn't want to let them go!

  9. My mums demented with me because I've been going on about it since yesterday. I told her it was her fault for saying she really wanted grandchildren and then telling me early 30's was a bit too old :laugh: serves her right lol.


    Well if you don't regret it then that's all that matters. I actually think is rather adopt than have my own but it sounds so difficult

  10. Well, I went to University, got a profession, did some travelling ( where incidentally I found the right partner!) , set up a life and had kids at 32 & 35. That works for me. It might not for everyone but it suits me. If I hadn't travelled , maybe I wouldn't have met anyone suitable who knows??! If I hadn't had kids , I wouldn't worry, I'd just get on with enjoying my life with all the freedom of a child free existence!


    I like this.. 32 is my plan too IF I end up at Uni. It sounds like it worked our well for you :)

  11. Your time will come. Maybe you're just being more sensible, and bypassing the mistakes and failed relationships/marriages some of us have along the way! I was in two long relationships (one a marriage) before I finally found my current oh, and by that time I was fifty. So you've got a long way to go yet before you have to worry!


    If you check my posting history I've had this panic attack about the right age before lol. I was with someone for quite a long time but they were quite a lot older than me. I started thinking that I'd need to have them earlier than I planned because I didn't want him to be too old by the time I was ready in my late 20's or very early 30's. Even though I wasn't sure if I even want them and he was the same.


    I think sometimes it's easy to be made to feel like you should have to want to kids. I always thought I wouldn't and that I'd be happy around other peoples instead. I don't particularly like babies tbh. I love toddlers though. Maybe I could adopt a toddler instead lol. Although I know that is very hard

  12. Yep sometimes I wish I was ready to have them at this age since it's easier when they are growing up. Don't have a partner so there's no point me worrying. Can't help it sometimes though! I'm at a iffy age where I'm still young but on the side of 20's that it's expected of us to settle down soon, have kids, have a job sorted, marriage etc.

  13. Stacey, what do you mean by old fashioned people ?

    Every generation of young people assume they are wiser than their parents. It has always been so but probably isn't true.


    Risk is relative of course as I have trying to say.

    A woman's reproductive system is at its peak in her early 20's. The risk increases as she ages.

    By mid 30's the risk is significantly greater than early 20's and as she hits her 40's it is significant;y worse again.


    This is simple physiology.

    Calling it old fashioned won't change much.


    But find the right man is probably the first step anyway.


    I've had someone tell me I need to choose between travel/a good job and having a child. That I can't have all those things. I find that a tad old fashioned. They didn't mention it from the physical point of view, it was more like women should stay home with their children instead of working full time.


    There was no way I would have wanted to have kids at 22 but some friends have. Definitely not for me. I can't even imagine having one in the next few years to be honest but I don't like people telling me that I might be too old in my early 30's. It makes me feel rushed. Although your right - I need to find a guy first!

  14. The old fashioned people got to me and I started thinking that maybe leaving it till my 30's isn't right but I've just thought of 5 women who have had kids in their mid 30's and they don't seem too old at all. They already had kids before though

  15. After speaking about kids talking etc my cousins little boy apparently started talking tonight about a lady who was standing in his house. He said his papa was coming to visit him tomorrow and when Kirsty said who are you talking to he said "the lady over there". :laugh: I think I'd be creeped out lol

  16. Might be an age (shhhh!) thing! Those views are quite old fashioned! í*½í¸‰


    Oh definitely. My gran mentions my age quite often too. I had a boss that told me I basically couldn't have travel AND uni because I would be too old to start thinking about having kids and having a career. I thought that was harsh and old fashioned lol. Never mind.. I'll have them if I decide I even want to and once I'm ready and can afford them. I could barely afford a puppy at the moment never mind a baby :laugh:

  17. My nearly 4 year old boy has started answering back! All the time. Driving me nuts.


    Haha I can imagine! They are funny.. Well when they are somebody else's lol. My cousins boy is 2 now and he's started being stroppy and saying "I need" instead of "I want". I didn't even realise they could talk that much at that age :laugh:

  18. Sensible lady, your Mum Stacey.


    Yeah but she also admitted a while ago that she got married etc too young. I'll still with my 30 - 32 plan. Or I might not even have them at all. That would soon shut her up lol. It's not fair - men can be in their 40's and it doesn't really matter

  19. Well my mums on parleys side about the age thing. I ended up having a heated discussion with her :laugh: fair enough it can be harder to conceive but there's no way women should feel pressured into having them when not ready just incase they seem a few years too old. As long as they are ready and have the energy etc that's the main thing

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