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Posts posted by hilton

  1. I was in a similar position to original poster myself, but fortunately I had a job (although it was tough, long hours and low wages) which allowed me to continue searching for a better job. I applied for 100's of jobs and sent even more speculative e-mails, with only about 5% replying. It is very demoralising applying for jobs you are more than capable of and not even getting a reply.

  2. Hi


    Looking to see if anyone can help. Going to Oz on a WHV in a few weeks but don't know if I'm having last minute nerves or not . I'm worried that I'm giving up a good job here and will going on a whv affect my chances if a job when I come back. Can anyone that's been an done this give any advice as to wether they found it any more difficult to get a job upon returning from there time in oz!!


    Thanks in advance!


    I was in a similar position to yourself, I was in more of a solid/steady job rather than a good one after I graduated whilst a lot of others in my class failed to get work linked to degree


    I decided to do a year WHV, was in two minds about leaving the job as I worried it might not work out in Oz but I decided to give it a go anyway. When I returned after a year I was lucky enough to get another job, my employer seen it as a positive that I went away for a year and experienced a different country

  3. Hi Y'all,


    Was looking forward to moving to Brisbane so much after a holiday here last year. We took the plunge as my partners sister lives in Brisbane and her father Melbourne and she had residency. Whilst we love the weather we feel that we've made a huge mistake coming over as my partner said she thought immediately that she had made a mistake but didn't want to influence me and give me time to see how i felt. Struggling in the jobs marker (Im a qualified gas engineer) ive had knock back after knock back and have been led to believe i would have to do a plumbing apprenticeship in order to regain certificates that ive sacrificed so much for in the UK. Although i asked for RPL i was told this wasn't going to be the case by TAFE and now dont have the resources to redo my certifications. Theres also the issue of missing UK sports and activities that i had taken for granted for the last 28 years of my life. It was a dream for me to move out here and an opportunity not to be missed i felt. Just feel like ive been a failure or maybe was my expectations too high or too unrealistic in what to think? Although i never burnt any bridges before coming over and carefully researching areas and scoping out the job sector have I underestimated or am i just another whinging pom lol.


    I to moved to Brisbane as a qualified professional in construction industry. It took me 7 weeks to get a labouring job and roughly 5-6 months to get a job in my profession. I think you will settle if you find a decent job. I certainly started to enjoy it more when I was working. In my circumstances I left Oz because my WHV was up and my employers revoked the offer of sponsorship when work slowed up. When I returned I realised how much the simple things as you said like watching football at a sensible hour meant to me.

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