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Posts posted by Sunshine111

  1. Leaving as an adventure & not because you hated the uk is a good basis for returning. Make sure you consider the move for all of you & how you’ll benefit. If you are moving back to a good support network, even more pluses. Your daughter is young enough to adapt & I was utterly amazed at how much support & better catered we seemed to feel by the system, coming back with a 5 & 1 year old. I have struggled a bit but nothing to do with the uk. I put too much emphasis on returning for family, but strangely has been chicken soup for the soul. I needed to come back. Trouble is when the seed is planted to return, it’s one of those things that you need to put to bed..   choose where you come back to wisely & put it down as a couple of years plan & review, go with your gut.

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  2. On 15/01/2018 at 00:22, Tricky said:

    Just wondering whether anyone has been in a similar situation and can offer advice or offer advice even if you haven't. 

    My wife and I have been in Adelaide for 7 years, and two years ago had a daughter. 

    We like living here, and although sometimes we feel a bit isolated from the rest of the world and that it's tough to just 'pop' somewhere else we have no major issues with the place. We have a house here and are citizens. 

    We have however started to talk about how our daughter is the other side of the world from family. Granted they have come to visit and we have been back there with her once, but it's still a limited amount of time and we can't really afford a European trip every year. 

    We are now trying to decide whether we should head back. We didn't leave the UK because we hated it, we left for an adventure really. 

    Obviously only we can work out whether it's worth it financially, whether we sell our house here or rent it out just incase, etc. We know that jobs aren't a guarantee straight away, as we knew when we came here however we were quite lucky in that regard. 

    Has anyone had similar feelings, moved back and it has/hasn't worked out. Reasons as to why? We just wanna make sure we make as best educated decision as possible. 

    We would be living 30-50 minutes from family as we would plan to move back closer to a city instead of country villages. We don't expect to see family every day and we realise that we will never know for sure if we made the right decision. 

    Enough of my rambling. Thanks in advance. 


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