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Posts posted by amanda74

  1. My mistake, Emirates did used to offer this but withdrew it about six months ago. My friend swears that she got the extra allowance a month ago but I'm thinking that like you, she was given a bit if leeway either that or she has no idea who she actually flew with lol:smile:


    I can understand your friend's state of mind. At one point in our 2 day journey I had to ask which country I was in!! Sleep deprivation does the strangest things. :arghh:

  2. My OH wanted to go before last Christmas but I made him wait for just one more so I get that. I'm going back late November and the whole of the family is getting together to have an early Christmas for me.




    That may actually be OK, I think that they just want to see onward travel and that you have intent to leave the country. Although you would have to have a flight booked to leave NZ or you might have the same problem there. It's such an annoyance but the good thing is that most major airlines let you change dates without penalties (changed dates twice with Singapore with not so much of a murmur of paying extra, last time after actually being checked in). I just called about the luggage allowance and they just told me to turn up on the day with proof of visa and it would all be OK. I asked them to put it on my booking but they didn't and I still got it so it must be OK to do that.



    From what I understand Emirates also give the 40 kg allowance with an unvalidated visa so you may have actually got that and not realised that they had given it to you. I was 8 kg over (mainly because my super spanky scales had been packed up and left with the rest of my stuff a week before). I almost had a heart attack because Singapore charges 60 yes thats right 60 Pounds per kg over weight. If they had made me pay for it all I would have been better of cancelling my flight, getting my refund and booking for the next day after off loading stuff I didn't 100% need into to my shipping as it hadn't left the wearhouse at the time. I pleaded with the woman from the airline and told her that I only had limited funds on me as I had transferred most of my cash to Australia and I didn't have my bank cards yet. She took pity on me but still made me pay for 2 kg's as she said that they cannot be as flexible as they usually are about excess because they give the extra 20 kg as a bonus and that everyone gets charged if their over this.





    I called Emirates about the baggage allowance before I booked the flights and was told that they didn't give extra for perm visas. It's 30kg for everyone. I posted a 20kg box with DHL and it cost £200...........Emirates wanted £560 for 20kg excess baggage, glad I found that out the day before I flew!

  3. Singapore for me as well. I asked them a million times (well twice) to make sure that it was on my booking that I had the extra weight allowance so there wasn't any problems at the airport. Wouldn't you know it wasn't on there and I had to get a proper sour cow who looked at me like I was a complete moron when I said that I had the 40 kg because of the unvalidated visa. In the end she finally agreed to ask someone from the airline but saying that she would ask but didn't think that it mattered. When the woman from Singapore came over she just looked at my passport and told her that it was fine. The moral of this story is (I think) that you can just turn up at the airport and they will give you the 40 kg as long as you can prove the unvalidated visa (guy from customer relations confirmed this as well, I was just overly cautious). Unfortunately, it means that it will probably only be you that gets the extra 20 kg allowance but I guess thats better than nothing.


    When you looking to head over?





    I flew with Emirates from Glasgow (they give 30kg's whether you're a tourist or are emigrating). There were 3 of us travelling so we had 90kg in total and I was over by 7kg but the girl didn't even mention paying excess. I think it's your luck on the day as to who you get at check-in (and possibly some airlines are more strict) I chatted to the girl and told her I was emigrating with a small child etc, maybe that's what did it, I don't know and don't care. I'm here now!!! :biggrin: I wouldn't advise you to deliberately go over your allowance just in case. The only reason I was over was thanks to my mother's dodgy scales!!

  4. Melbourne here we come! Flying out today..............:twitcy: Not had much sleep as I've been having nightmares about the flight with a 2 year old. Sods law she's got a really bad cold so is snotting for Scotland and has gone off her food.


    Had a disaster packing yesterday. Thought all my stuff would fit into our suitcases using the vacuum bags but no, there I was in Argos at 6pm buying 2 more suitcases. I'm also DHL'ing a 20kg box. I got a quote from Emirates for 20kg excess baggage and they wanted £560!!!!:arghh: God, I broke out in a cold sweat. DHL only charge £200.


    We can't fit all the luggage in my dad's car so a friend is having to bring our luggage to the airport..........I feel like royalty.


    Hope Emirates have plenty wine on board!

  5. I am in the same boat - I just think it's going to be easy right now as it's holiday season, I think they're receiving a lot more applications lately as more people are seeing shows regarding immigration to Oz and quotas for each month (Im told there is a limit per month) means it's likely to take longer but pushing them for more questions before 4 months isn't going to help anything in my opinion.


    I send my app mid June and all going well, it'd be mid October (going by who seems to be recieving theres at the minute) but who knows how much longer it can be (I also got the 5-6 month period).


    I think after the 4 months, if you've heard nothing, it's fair to ask your CO if there have any information regarding your application (the friendlier the better)..




    My CO (AH) granted my visa in just over 4 months and I contacted him frequently the last month as loads of people on PIO were getting their's granted around the 4 month mark. He told me all along it would be 5-6 months processing time but that's not accurate considering most people on PIO who applied in March have had their's granted by now.


    Good luck to you all who are waiting......................

  6. Bloody hell, how many in one day? :biggrin:


    Congratulations to every single one of you, it's just the best feeling isn't it.


    To every one still waiting don't worry, your time will come, just look there's been nothing for a couple of weeks then most of the people in this thread get granted all on the same day. I'm sure that you wont have to wait to much longer.:smile:


    I've been shopping up a storm today getting ready for the big move which is **drumroll**....the 9th August. Which is the Tuesday after next. Removal people are coming next Friday, so I'm up to my ears in boxes and crap. I'm actually having cold feet and would rather him come back here, but he's having none of it. Oh well, I guess I'll be fine once I see him.


    You're not alone. I get palpatations thinking there's no going back now...............:unsure:

    Booked flights today, leaving 17/8. Flying with Emirates as they have a flight from Glasgow to Dubai then Dubai to Melbourne, no stop en route. I wanted the most straightforward journey as possible seeing as I'll have a screaming 2 year old in tow. Cost £1400 for 2 one way tickets.........eeeeeekkkkkk, no money left to shop!!!


    Good luck with the packing. Our shipment left Ireland on 12/6 and it's only at Shanghai now. I was planning on waiting until the container arrived but at this rate it'll be Xmas. The wee one'll have to play with empty toilet roll holders for a while!!


    Best of luck with the move, think positive and it'll all work out.

  7. Hi Nickster and everybody, sorry I haven't been on in the past few days. LG officially approved my visa yesterday!


    I applied on 03/03/11 and was approved on 19/07/11


    Best of luck to everybody who is still waiting. It's all very worth it in the end :biggrin:


    Congratulations!! Good luck with your new life in Oz, hope everything goes smoothly now the stressful wait is over.



  8. How does this work? is it for everyone?


    Not sure for the UK but definately worth enquiring about. In Ireland you can claim tax back on loads of things, from wheely bin tags (you have to buy tags every week and attach them to your bin or the guys won't empty them!!!) to doctors visits (who charge €50 per visit). Your tax is calculated per annum so if you leave before the tax year finishes you are entitled to some of it back (kind of like pro rata) Anyway, I'm no tax expert so make a few phone calls to revenue here and see if it's applicable.

  9. I know it's not the correct thread but this may affect the majority of y'all anyway. Remember to put in a claim for a tax rebate whenever you get your p45. You may get a nice surprise from the tax man.............for a change!! I did but I worked in Ireland where the tax year runs from January not April so I got back 90% of the tax I'd paid up to June (spent most of it on clothes and shoes though, need the rest for excess baggage!!)


    Keep it in mind folks :biggrin:

  10. OUR VISA HAS BEEN APPROVED!!!! WHOOOO HOOOO!!!! We have had some family medical problems - my Nan doesn't have much longer so that is incredibly sad and I am just so grateful and appreciative that Will can spend this time with my nan and i.... i hope everyone has speedy grant dates, but I am so over the moon with our case officer and really thank her with the bottom of our hearts,,,,


    Congrats!!!! Perfect timing for you, now you have your OH to support you through this sad time with your nan.


    Take care


  11. Don't get paranoid (easier said than done I know). I have researched and researched (part of my neurotically control freak nature) timelines, refusals and everything immigration related for the past six months and I can honestly say I have not come across one UK resident that has been turned down their visa...not one. I've seen plenty from high risk countries turned down, but thats it! If you are worried, give them a call, I always believe you can get more out of people when you call them as you can engage them as a human being rather than being de humanised as just words on a computer screen. Also when you call you can clarify things as in my case my visa had been granted but the e-mail had been sent to wrong address (I've seen this happen more than once before). I honestly don't think that your's will be too long now.




    With CO's that refuse to give any indication of when the visa's are to be granted, I think in the majority of case's this is most probably the right thing to do. I have seen people being given approximate dates of when their visa's would be granted, they have then took this as gospel and booked there flights, then when their visa hasn't come through on time, they have either lost money or had to change their plans. It could in theory lead to people suing the department. You can bet your life that if I had been told my visa would have been through in July and it hadn't, I would have been the first person on the doorstep of AH to give them what for and I am willing to be that plenty of others have done that too.


    I truly believe the bigger issue is the lack of communication from the department. People would feel better if they knew what stage their visa was up to. Yes they may feel peeved at the length of time it may be in a queue but at least they would know that its in a queue and that in its self could be a relief. I know that they could never ever let people know what their processes the visa actually goes through to prevent fraud but some kind of communication that could even just say your application is awaiting review/checking or awaiting grant would give people assurances that they haven't been forgotten about and given the applicant a certain amount of control back. Apparently they used to have an online system similar to the skilled working visas that allowed you to check on your visa application was progressing but it was such a clusterfluck they had to take it down, I dont see when they can't do something like this again but just make it work. It would be massively advantages to the client and the department as they wouldn't have to deal with the thousands of phone calls and e-mails I am sure they get every week to ask for a progress update


    Lets face it, applying for this visa is such an massive event in all of our lives, one that dictates all of our futures. To leave us in the dark without communication is almost in human.


    Right I'll get off my soap box now, sorry I'm still ill and can't even get off the couch so have nothing to do but wright really long things :embarrassed:


    Talking about lack of communication, what I can't understand is if a CO goes off on holiday for a few days (or 2 weeks as seems to be the case with mine) why can't they set up an out of office on their e-mail. It's not rocket science and something so simple would save loads of stress for the applicants. I'm gonna suggest it to my CO (after my visa has been granted of course).

  12. OMG PR VISA GRANTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I just called to get an update and I was told that it was granted last Thursday. It looks like my e-mail was typed in wrong so he re sent it to my correct one.:biggrin: Granted just under four months. So so happy, phoned the husband and got him out of bed but this is one time that he didn't moan at me for ringing him at stupid o clock.


    I really, really want to thank every one for their advice and support, it has been very much appreciated. I'll still be popping in and out of the forum, so if anyone needs any advice just let me know.


    Looks like I'll be leaving blighty on 26th July, sooooo much to do.


    Good luck everyone and I hope you all get speedy grants.:spinny:


    Congrats...........have a drink for me this weekend. Well done and all the best for the future. :biggrin:



  13. WE GOT THE VISA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SUBCLASS 100 PR!! COULDNT BE HAPPIER!! :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:




    Congrats Sinead...................finally getting out of the sinking ship. Good luck with your move.


    P.S. We went with Careline in the end, so far so good (€3500 for 20ft container) Shipment should be halfway there by now.

  14. Hi Amanda,


    I sent a reply but it cut out on me! It's funny how it happened. Last night, my partner booked a flight home to see me because the whole process and being away from him was really getting to me. And of course, the migration agent being unnecessarily horrible hasn't helped things either. So he is arriving on Friday morning! Now we can go back together, probably in three weeks....so it has worked out nicely! Oh and the case officer said that they are finishing Feb's apps at the moment and moving in to March next week! I bet yours isn't far away x


    The 3 weeks'll fly by. Hope mine comes through soon as my OH went to Melbourne 3 weeks ago so I'm on my own here with a screaming 2 year old :arghh:

  15. Hi everybody!


    I have had a very strange day so far!! My partner called our Migration Agent today and he said that the waiting time is now up to 7 months and to be prepared to wait! We have a case officer since March 3rd, so we are just over 4 months in!!

    He said not to contact our case officer ourselves "under any circumstances." I was so upset when I heard 7 months! So I took the bull by the horns and called my case officer this morning!! So my visa has been APPROVED and will be granted next week!!


    Timeline is:

    Case officer assigned March 3rd

    Requested an additional police clearance from UK on same day

    Visa approved and due to be granted next week!!!


    So happy! I would advise anybody applying not to use a migration agent unless their case is ver complicated! He has made this a horrendous experience for us!


    Laura :biggrin:


    Congrats.................good to hear wheels are in motion at Australia House!! When are you heading over?

  16. Hi Amanda,


    Who is your CO? We originally sent in forms 24/3 and had an email today saying all info received nothing else to do but would not be processing visa as back log and processing in order received. We've been told 5-6 months which means 24th Aug or 24 Sept. ALready booked flights, sold house etc, due to schooling issues but now no idea on whether hubby should resign and take the risk or wait arrrrggghhhhh!




    My CO is AH. He told me on 13/5 that they have all the required info and the grant date will be the standard 5-6 months so like you it'll be Aug or Sept. My OH has a job lined up so he's heading out in 2 weeks. My CO said it's OK to go out on a tourist visa while I wait on the spouse visa being granted. I think I'll do that because I don't want my OH and 20 month old daughter to be separated for longer than necessary. It's all a big waiting game!! :arghh:

  17. G'day Folks,


    first post here, but have been reading this forum for a while.


    I'm an Aussie, have been living in the UK for 10 years. Wife of 6 years is British and my son (18 months) is aussie by decent (dual passports). We've been together for 9 years so lots of history available to evidence.


    We lodged partner visa in person on 26th April and paid on the card (payment charged same day).


    Got the acknowledgement from our case officer (AB) this morning instructing to do medical and police checks, which we are arranging - but also asking for specific proof of that our relationship is genuine between May 09 - May 10 and also Aug 10 - Feb 11.


    I thought this was quite odd but reading the email it says "

    may be eligible for the grant of a permanent visa, rather than a temporary visa"


    The email says evidence is usually provided in the form of joint financial & legal documents.


    I'm not sure why they picked those specific days - we provided my son's birth certificate, he was born Aug 09 and so falls within the dates requested!


    Has anyone else been asked to do this?


    Any ideas would be most welcomed.






    I got asked the same and we have a 19 month old who was born in the middle of the specified dates. On reading the crtieria more closely it says if you have been married for 2 years or more and have a child together you may be eligible for a permanent visa so my understanding of being asked to provide evidence for the last two years (in your case May 09 to Feb 11) is to ascertain whether you have enough evidence to prove you have been together for the last two years then they can grant the permanent visa. I was focused on providing evidence dating back to the start of our relationship but it seems they're just as concerned with up to date stuff as well. One big headache!!!!!!:arghh:

  18. Mick,


    THanks for that info really hepful.


    My wife will be going to manchester as well for her medical. me and the kids don't need one as, well I am an Aussie and I am in the process of geting the kids Aussie citizeship and then passports.


    5 months isn't too long either.


    By the way what 'other evidence' did you send? Just to give us an idea of what we need to dig out. My wife was looking the other night in all our 20 years we only have 5 photo's of us together:eek:


    Might be worth getting a Will made (if you haven't already got one). We don't have joint accounts/mortgage/bills so went to a solicitor and made a will just so we had something official to send in. We had bank statements showing the transfer of funds between our accounts, that was all. Send in both your bank statements to show that you regularly withdraw money to contribute to bills etc. I only sent in mine but my CO asked for my OH's. CO also said not to send photos, I don't think they carry much weight with regards to proving your relationship is genuine. You'll need to submit police checks for every country you've lived in, not just the current one.


    Good luck!!

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