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Posts posted by 2and3

  1. We have verified over Easter and are going to SA. We are going at end of July 2012 (as we need to finish our half completed house renovation).


    My husband has an apprentice and he finished all his college courses next year, so he may take over. Ideally we'd like to sell it, but what do you sell, as all tools etc will be coming with us? How much do you ask for a van, mobile number and repeat customer?


    We are very confused at the moment, worst case senario just we'll just shut up shop and disappear. Seems a bit of a waste though.



    Are you able to keep it running in your name and take the apprentice on ?Depends on him and how able he is. Perhaps you just want to cut and run?

    Have you regular customers/a good client base? Cause really,it has to be worth something. I mean, How much would we all love to be handed a 'business' with regular clients when we arrived in OZ ??

  2. Hi there,

    Under the terms of 'mutual recognition' you can work in any state with any state licence.

    However, most employers only consider applicants who have the respective state licence, ie if you work in NSW then a NSW licence is required.

    But, if your OH's employer is happy to do this then there is nothing wrong or illegal about it.

    I would suggest he apply for NSW licence as it may be beneficial in the future ie if he's made redundant and needs to apply for another job. And with some states, namely QLD and VIC,that are refusing SA licence holders it may be only a matter of time before NSW follows suit. It costs AUS$188 to apply for a NSW licence and you can read through this THREAD on how to get it under the terms of 'mutual recognition"

    Having said that I believe that from July next year a national licence may be being introduced.

    Hope this helps

    Regards Derren



    So if hubbie was to set up on his own, as a contractor,it would not in theory matter how he got his A grade??

    And how about the contractors license, does that differ from state to state ?

  3. Not sure what evidence of operation non financial means? Are they want proof you are working?? send your accounts??


    Here is another one we have just had today - for vic ss -


    Please note our panel assessors have recently requested all applicants for the nominated occupation Electrician to provide any ‘qualification transcripts’ and ‘licences’, if these are available. I acknowledge that you have already provided many documents in this respect, however if there are any that you have not yet included that would be classed as transcripts or licenses please send these now.


    Any idea what Transcripts are ?? Feel like perhaps we have not sent them something really important to all this??

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