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3 Piccos

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Status Updates posted by 3 Piccos


    <p>Hi Sorry for the delay.I paid 1900 GBP to PetairUK. It all depends on the size of the crate. A couple of inches makes a difference. I paid about 300GBP to my own vet for the vaccinations. (I don't agree with having dogs vaccinated every year, only when they are pups). Rosie had her vaccinations and then the booster two weeks later so it cost more + blood test. $1300 for the quarantine. I paid $300+ for the Dog Walkers, but this was refunded as the manager at Spotswood stopped the service as his own staff walk dogs whose owners can't visit. I also paid 50GBP for Rosie's crate to be sent to me by a carrier. Money well spent. I felt so much better that Rosie was not frightened of going in to it. We took Rosie in the car from North Wales to Heathrow for her flight. </p>

    <p>When are you thinking of moving to Australia and which state?</p>


  2. <p>Rosie is home with us thank goodness. She is in great condition, if carrying a few extra kilos. She is full of beans and loves the paddling pool I bought for her. Actually, the thirty days went very quickly and we only had that sneaky view of her from the car. when we picked her up I noticed how spotlessly clean all the kennels were. The staff were so friendly and helpful. I have no complaints whatsoever about the whole process. Best of luck</p>


    <p>Hi Gaz</p>

    <p>It will help if you spray the crate with DAP, give your dog Zylkene which is a natural product which calms the animal down. It is not a sedative. Also, exercise your dog until s/he is very tired, and this helps them sleep on the flight. There were lots of dogs on Rosie's flight. Don't know whether this helped her or not, could have a real barker on board with them.!!!! If you want any more information please contact me again. Best wishes to you all.</p>



    <p>Hi Gaz n Family</p>

    <p>We used Pet Air as I said in the post. Golden Arrow is the company that insists that your dog/cat goes to them for four days prior to the flight. They say that during this time they make the crate for your pet, then introduce them to it. Sorry, but I did not agree with that. A complete stranger, in a strange environment is not going to get your pet to go happily in to the crate in two days. I feel it would be more likely they put the animal in whether they are happy or not. They would not make the crate from my measurements, and insisted I would have to take Rosie to them and go back again to pick it up. Backwards and forwards, backwards and forwards. They also are very slow with getting a quote out etc as they don't use internet. Also they did not seem to want to give me much information over the phone. Others are very happy with them and give them glowing reports.</p>


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