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Posts posted by Malkitek

  1. I'm sure you have sent your application off now but I sent mine to Canberra and they received it on the

    4/5/11 and I was registered on the 5/5/11 and on the ahpra website as being registered, the staff were really helpful.


    wow thats amazing! Congratulations!

    Gill x

  2. Ooh I remember registering on my working holiday visa! We turned up at office in Sydney with our paperwork, thought it might take two or three weeks, and were a bit annoyed we got registered in half an hour! Meant we could work instead of lying on the beach! How times have changed!!

    Gill x

  3. Just wondering what everyone sent in fees when they applied to AHPRA. I've heard of people paying the full registration, application and assessment fee out and some have only sent the assessment fee as you only get eligibility to register now and have to go in person into the office and then you pay the registration fee


    thanks x



    Hi, I paid the whole lot and am actually registered, but have also neede to re register again this month having not yet reached oz! I do like being on the register however! It's comforting to know I can work when I get there!

    Gill x

  4. Hi Bev,

    I sent a document (on headed notepaper) I made of all study days, training, mentoring, teaching etc with info on what learning outcomes etc I had achieved, then got my Charge Nurse to sign it as correct! I also downloaded a copy of my training record from the health board intranet. Mainly concentrated on last 12 months but NHS training record covered 4 years. Was a bit nervous as Oz seems to have higher hours of p.d but thought I could only be judged against U.K guideline?

    You're doing so well at speeding through the applications!

    Gill x

  5. Hi All,


    Can anyone with recent experience tell me if AHPRA accept IELTS test results and certificates of good standing when they are transferred from the ANMC after they’ve completed a skills assessment? I’m asking because under normal circumstances these two documents should come directly from the issuing authority – common sense suggests there shouldn’t be a problem but we are talking about AHPRA…


    Any input would be gratefully received.





    Hi Simon,

    I recently have had registration confirmed, and I had to provide only a c.v, evidence of professional education and marriwge certificate for change of name, all rest of documents were covered by my anmc assessment,

    Gill x:biggrin:

  6. You will need Skills assessment for QLD SS 176 and nursing registration.


    Do not let the next bit put off, I am trying to sort the following problem out with QLD gov................


    I got granted QLD SS last August and applied to AHPRA for my nursing registration at the same time, got my letter of "Eligibility for nurse registration" from AHPRA on 10 Jan 2011, but this is not good enough for Queensland. They say they want my registration certificate, but I won't get this til I appear at the AHPRA office in Brisbane with my letter of eligibility and ID. So they are refusing to send my state sponsorship nomination form on to immigration. So now I am going on a 457 temp visa so I can get out there and get that certificate.Work then while I wait for my 176 to come through. Only problem with that then is I need to offshore for 10 days and then return to validate the permanent visa. I am trying to get this rule changed with QLD but they are waiting to hear from AHPRA to confirm eligibility is all I get. They will be waiting cos AHPRA don't reply to emails. Absolute nightmare, but don't let this put you off.

    If I was you I would get your registration form in with AHPRA, not sure if you need IELTS or not, they keep changing the rules. I started this whole process this time last year so had to sit IELTS. Sure someone will have the up to date info on this. AHPRA are useless and keep changing the rules......

    Hopefully QLD will have changed their rules in time for you, so you don't and others don't have to endure the rubbish I am dealing with currently. On QLD's SMP criteria for nurses it says you must have eligibility to nurse, I have this and have pointed this out but not good enough. I will get them to change the rule............DETERMINATION !!!!!!!!!!!:arghh:


    Helen ,

    What a nightmare, this is so ridiculous, especially after having to deal with the ahpra in the first place, is there no-one with some sense you can get to take this further?

    Good luck, you're definetly detemined!

    Gill x

  7. Hello!

    After 3 months I finally have an email from AHPRA who say that they haven't received my file from ANMC yet in Sydney, do I know where it was sent? Now maybe wrong but presumed ANMC knew where to send it, although this is the first time Sydney has been mentioned!!!??? I'm sure my form went to Melbourne? Then they have the cheeck to say that as I was registered before on a WHV in NSW in 1998, that they don't need my IELTS results! Thankfully as I am awaiting a 176 visa, I'm not under time pressure, but I do would like someone to shout at a bit!:arghh:


    Has anyone needed to get ANMC send their file twice, will they do this?


    Gill x

  8. Hi All

    The anmc have agreed to send my file to the ahpra, so i have just added my c.v and the fee. I had to pay an assessment fee, application fee and renewal fee? $450 in total. Has anyone actually managed to get registered this way?

    Very stressed by how confusing this is all, way before you have to even think about organising the reality of moving and living in Oz! Is it a test, do you think, to prove how keen you are??

    Gill x

  9. Hi fellow nurses,

    I have a successful skills assessment from ANMC, does anyone know if it is possible for them to send my info onto AHPRA, as it frustrating that is mainly the same information required? Sorry to say, but glad I'm not the only one struggling with this all, especially as my hubbie keeps telling me we don't need a migration agent (but I'm doing all the work!)

    Gill x

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