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Everything posted by jt8277

  1. Thanks jonbclark, Probably worrying about nothing, just 2 days to go and I will flying there, and want to make sure I have covered every possible thing... which I am sure I would have forgotten something. How did you decide which licence to get, because there is different ones, with different lengths and costs, is it worth just paying the most to get the longest licence? Ben
  2. Hi, I will be moving to Sydney on 08th January 2014, and the job I will be doing will require me to travel around a lot, and think swapping over my UK Driving Licence is not only a requirement but advisable. I have one or two concerns about the process that I am hoping someone can help me answer: I have read the loads of information on forums and the various NSW Government Websites about transferring your licence over, and think because I have had my Car Licence since 2000 and my Motorcycle Licence since 2009, I don't think it is going to be a problem... or so I thought... ...I recently read that they look at the date at which the licence was issued rather than how long you've actually had the licence so it is advisable not to renew your licence even if it is due to expire because it will show you've only had the licence for a short time. I obviously read this after I have just recently changed the address on my licence, and now it will show the licence was issued only a few short months ago. The last thing I need is to be given a Provisional Licence, this will hinder my professional driving for work, plus I have had my licence for over 10 years. The UK Licence has on the back when the licence was obtained and when it expires... So do you think this will be a problem? When I get settled the first thing I would like to do is get a motorcycle again (so missed it) and I would like to be unrestricted, like I am in the UK. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Yours Ben
  3. Hi Love Shoes, Well maybe I stay in touch with you and when I have finally found that job that is going to get me over there, I will need a place to rent... I have a Bachelor of Arts Honours Degree in Computer Studies and thought this would be professional enough of education to help me. I don't have any specialist accreditation's to my name like Microsoft ones or Networking, my computing career has gone from Systems Maintenance to more Management Information type jobs, producing statistics for management.
  4. Thank you Love Shoes, Good luck in whatever you decide to do.
  5. Hi Malcomza, I thought there must be other Brits in the same situation... I haven't quite applied for 300 jobs yet, but I have only been at it for a couple of months. I too was told by a Real Estate Agency when I visited a Emigration Roadshow in Scotland a couple of months ago that I should be focusing on the Melbourne area (I only thought that more because he wanted me to get a property from him) - I have applied for a position in Sydney so waiting to see what happens on that one. I don't want to appear too eager, that I will take any position offered anywhere in Oz just so I can get in the country, I am a loyal person and will stick with a company if the job is the right one, I am happy to go to Sydney, ACT, Adelaide, etc despite them not being the initial location of choice. I do however draw the line at Western Australia (nothing against the people who live there both Aussies and Ex-Pats) but it is not a location I wish to live and work in.
  6. I only wish I could Shayman. Financial commitments force me to ensure I have enough funds to cover them, so my only option is to secure employment before I move. I have tried to get a job in a bar here in the UK to get extra cash (slightly different I suppose) but have been told with the qualifications I have I am way over qualified to work behind a bar and they feel I am likely to leave quickly.
  7. Thanks Freckleface, That would make even harder for us Brits looking for work off-shore... I have always applied for positions that I am always prepared to take, so I always take into account the salary, the location before applying because I don't want to waste the companies time. I unfortunately have to give three months notice with my current employer, but can get everything sorted and be out there within that time frame. I did focus on the Queensland area as my main location of choice, but are now prepared to go to any state, and even applied for the more remote jobs that I thought people would be less inclined to apply for because of its remoteness. Thanks for your comment, and hope it is not too long before something comes along.
  8. Hi Katiem, That is really useful. I was planning on a reccie around the April time, primarily to validate my Visa before it is withdrawn and at least then it gives me 5 years to find a job. I have never thought of using LinkedIn to find a job, but will look into it. I have come out of Seek on several occasions and focused on some of the Universities because that is where most of my experience lies and thought having experience in the Higher Education Sector as well as the IT Industry would be of significant benefit. I have a letter that is tailored to every job I apply for and like you, have portions of it that is changed to make it personal, I also make a point of trying to find out the Advertising Manager of the company, so it is tailored to him/her. I have always tried in these letters to make it clear that I am prepared to be available in any capacity to speak with them. Maybe I will select a couple of companies and when I have secured a holiday (won't be quite three weeks - only wish it would be) and suggest to them that we meet when I am in the area. Your information has been really useful and helpful for my situation, and glad to speak to someone else that was in the same position as I am.
  9. I had figured that, it getting closer to the Christmas Holidays would be an issue. I think it has been a false economy in the UK, where companies who specialize in providing Visa Application assistance, that the job market is so strong in Australia and not so competitive like it is here... ...Maybe I should have become that Brain Surgeon... oh well IT it is...
  10. Thanks for the reply MicheleW, I guess you're right. Believe me there is nothing more that I want but to move to Australia, I simply do not have the funds to support myself until that right job comes along. I have tried to make it as easy on Australian employers to contact me, and provided them with all the information I think they need, to make that decision of whether I can get there in a timely fashion. Yours J
  11. Hi Parleycross, You name it, I have done it in IT. My only problem is not having any specialist qualifications like Microsoft Accreditation's, Cisco, Citrix and the like. I currently work in Management Information for a local University, and have applied to other Universities around the West Coast and Southern Australia, but nothing has come back apart from, sorry you have been unsuccessful (don't get many, but better than what you get in the UK). I simply do not have the funds to take a career break (like Quoll said). I originally focused around the Queensland area and even some of the more remote areas of North Queensland, but no joy, thought about Adelaide, nothing, now have emails about jobs coming in for ACT, Sydney, and Melbourne, but not much I feel I can apply for.
  12. Hi, It has been some time since I last posted on here, and since that last posted, I have finally completed my Visa Application and on October 09th 2012 I was granted a Subclass 175 Skilled Independent Visa, which allows me to settle permanently anywhere in Australia. I have chosen the area where I would like to emigrate to, however, I seem to have one big obstacle to get around... ...despite the numerous job offerings out there in the IT Industry and applying for more jobs in quick succession in my entire life I have not had a single bite, and not sure what I am doing wrong. I know you can say it has ...Only been 2 months... but it has been two months since I got my Visa, and want to avoid having to visit Australia on vacation simply to avoid my Visa expiring before I have had the chance to experience the country. I am not sure what to write, but if there is anyone out there that can point me in the right direction, I would be greatly appreciative. I receive three emails daily from Seek.com.au, with numerous jobs available, and have noticed the number of possible jobs I can apply for has dwindled. I am having a bad time at work at the moment and would like a fresh start, and only wish I was able to leave my job and move out to Australia and better my chances by being in the country when I apply. As I cannot do this, I am resorted to interview by Skype... Do Australian companies frown upon interviewing by phone and Skype? Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Yours JT
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