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Posts posted by hmsmark

  1. i read this message and i thinking a guy in the UK wants to move his family to Australia because of the work life balance issue in the UK. i am like "if only you lived in U.S" people here live to work and you will absolutely have no time for your family except on vacations. its all about work work work and work here. and i am pretty sure the UK has a better work life balance than the United States.


    Exactly why I am anxious to leave the US!

  2. Hopefully tomorrow! Have you checked your status? A few people have changed to ABPF online, but not yet had contact with a case officer.


    Good luck




    I check status regularly. Nothing changed. It'll come... eventually.

  3. While I'm happy for all the people who got their COs over the past week, it makes me worried/sad. I'm seeing August and September applicants getting COs and my 13 July application is still collecting dust!


    Ah well, I've been on these threads long enough to know this happens. Hopefully I'll be pink soon...

  4. There is one Sept cat 4 offshore who has got CO. Very very confusing but good news.


    Was he/she contacted by a CO, or did he/she simply get the Application Being Processed Further line on their application status? ABPF can mean a CO, but not always....

  5. My agent was contacted by a CO on Mar 8, 2012, my timelines are in my signature. Following has been requested:


    1. Form 1022 - for any change in contact info and change in circumstances

    2. Passport Photos

    3. Qualification assessment from Vetassess

    4. Evidence of Employment


    Any idea why the Qualification Assessment has been asked for? I have B Tech in Comp Sc. and did a Post Graduate Diploma in Management (equivalent to an MBA). My ACS Assessment is for a System Analyst. Inputs regarding this, or anybody having similar experience regarding this?


    I don't have the answers for your questions, sorry.


    But, if I read your signature line right, you applied on 1/7/11, which makes you the first July applicant to be allocated! We've turned a corner folks!

  6. Am looking forward to hearing news of the first July 2011 175 case officer. This coming week would be good. Come on DIAC!! I am a 20th July applicant and just want this to hurry up!


    As a 13th July applicant, I agree! I think we're a few weeks off from that yet...

  7. I don't want to but a dampener on things here, but we all should be prepared for a bit a slow down at the start of July applications, as they implemented a new system on 1st July 2011!! There may be staff off for training sessions, (which could contributing to why we're seeing a bit of a slow down again), and it could take a short while for the Case Officers to adapt to it! In the long run it's meant to "speed up" processing, but our agent has told us to expect a slow down until they get up and running smoothly with it!! Shouldn't mean we have seriously long delays like that of June, but just don't assume that July is going to be full throttle!!!


    Something to keep in mind when they finally complete June's applications!! :daydreaming:


    Possibly, but remember they have been working with the new system for months now with Cat Is and Cat IIIs. Now, I'm not sure if the same COs work the various categories, but I think so. Remember that Cat 4s don't get allocated unless and until there are COs not taken up by the higher categories. So, it would make sense that they have all been trained because they may have a large influx of higher categories and all COs may need to work those cases.


    That is to say, I don't think that there are Cat 4 only COs, so they all should have had some experience working with the new system with the higher Categories.

  8. Its been 3 weeks since getting my co and 'Im feeling the same here can't stand the waiting , I sit up to check diac online before I go to bed then get up early

    to check it in the morning again... .. it has taken over my life ... PLEASE HURRY UP :confused:


    Have you uploaded everything? If so, it is possible you will go straight to grant.

  9. Amazing...A 29 June applicants got the CO this morning good news on Monday,....

    Other wise on

    paper they have moved only 10 days for category 4 offshore





    THE BOARD????


    yes With news form 29 June applicant I think will be

    touching July applicants next week.... I would not say this week. Because there

    are many applicants who are hidden and never used any forum.. Or never being on

    the internet.


    Actually this forum has about a dozen such people who applied from 15-30 June who have been allocated. Check the first page or the spreadsheet. In fact, a few of them have already been granted.


    It is my expectation that June will be fully put to bed in March, but some July applicants will get COs as well. Remember June was a huge month, but there were quite a few who applied at the beginning of July because the points test change made them eligible. After that, we should see then run through months in no time.

  10. updated till 13th Jun !!!! 2 more update need to be completed Jun applicants i guess.


    2 updates is probably about right until June is totally put to bed. Of course, going by our thread's spreadsheet, we know they have allocated a lot of people ahead of this. I suspect June will be totally done by the end of the month and some July applicants will start to see COs by the last week of March. Just my guess...

  11. Exactly. Believe me, I think everyone is desperate to put the June's to sleep! But I agree with you that the next update will be from June. However, I'm a bit more pessimistic than you are, and I'm giving it June 7! June 15 is way too generous lolol


    On a positive side, I strongly believe that other CO teams will be moving into the July's starting the end of next week.


    I hope you're wrong on June 7. That would be another update with less than a week of movement. There have been more allocations this fortnight, so I'm hoping for more movement than that. If 3-4 day moves continue, then June won't be done for another 6 months...

  12. Oh yeah, I for one think that 30 June will be finalised this week and then the July's!!! woo hoooooooo!!

    I really do believe that when DIAC processes the July's, they'll be able to process August's along with it because a considerably lower number of people have applied in those months in comparison to anything before or on June


    I would like to see June put to bed, however, my guess for the update is going to be June 15. While SOME 30 June applicants might be allocated this week, other late June applicants will still remain waiting. My guess is that June will be done or nearly done by the following update.


    There were some people waiting for July to come around because those changes helped them qualify, however, overall, July and later months are much lighter.

  13. Since the next general election will have to take place in 1.5 years the Labor party may be looking for stability and might choose to retain Ms. Gillard as leader with the objective of avoiding a general election before then. On the other hand Mr. Rudd has a lot of support and the party may decide they have a better chance of success next time round with him at the helm. As we all know anything can happen in politics, and it usually does. I guess we should all be rooting for Ms. Gillard in the interests of maintaining the status quo with regard to immigration policy.


    An election has to take place in 1.5 years, but could come earlier if the Government loses a confidence vote. With Labor only holding the tiniest sliver of a majority, the leadership fight could, possibly, result in a sooner election if, for instance, the loser of the leadership battle and his/her allies resign or if they defect... So if Gillard figures her career as a party leader is over, she could throw Labor and Rudd under the bus by triggering an election (which they would likely lose) by voting with the opposition. Such things are possible when you run Parliament with only one vote.


    I'm just anxious to get to Oz and I worry about things I can't control...

  14. When you say election do you mean Labor Party leadership election or general election?


    I was thinking that with the very thin margin with which the Labor Party maintains control, it might result in a general election someway. Or, with a leadership shakeup, there might be a new minister, new policy, and that might cause delays...

  15. Does anyone think that the political turmoil in Australia's Labor party will translate into longer wait times for grant/allocation? During the last election, I was lurking on this board, and it seemed to really jam things up...

  16. Its good to see that DIAC is getting back up to speed with processing cat 4s. The update is now at 3 June and we're seeing June allocations and grants every day again. Hopefully they'll finish up June in the next couple of weeks and move on to July in March!

  17. Also for those post June 2011 applicants, an August 2011 applicant (mikai) has had their status change to ABPF today on expat forum.

    See the link below:



    While Application Being Processed Further can mean that you have a CO assigned, it does not necessarily mean that. I believe that shows up when someone at DIAC has accessed your file online. This could be a CO checking it over, but it could be someone adding a document or simply checking to see that you are indeed in the right processing category, or any one of a thousand other reasons.


    Since this person is a couple months away from the current month being processed, I would advise them to not get too excited. That said, stranger things have happened.

  18. I'm really hoping you hear from a co on Monday. Fingures crossed. They are crying out for nurses. Maybe next week we both get co!!!. June should be completed before end of Feb-12


    Just a question:


    With there being such a high demand for nurses, did you ever consider trying to find an employer sponsor or even going the state sponsored route? Those applications move very quickly...


    Now I understand it is probably too late, since you've already spent the money on your current visa application, and you should hopefully have a CO within the next few weeks, but it seems to me that getting employer sponsored would be the route to take if possible.

  19. Come on July allocations!!! The wait is KILLING me!


    It's not impossible that we could start to see some July allocations. DIAC doesn't go in exact chronological order, which is why we still have a May date on the update, but many June applicants already have COs.


    That would be fine with me, since I'm a July applicant...

  20. Hey people,


    We got contacted by the CO today and they have requested for the medical, PCC AND FORM 80.. Medicals are booked for the 20th... There is a lot of stress on the work related docs as they have asked for all docs related to payslips and tax however the work ex is only 3.5 yrs and if they omit any experience bit we will be in a soup..


    Pray everything goes well on the work ex bit...:arghh::goofy:


    Yay! Great to hear you got your CO. Good luck with the rest...

  21. Hi guys, I have been obsessively checking this thread looking for news, so I wanted to give back.

    I applied on June 10th, got my CO today, everything is met except police clearance and medicals (which were submitted on wednesday).

    Good luck to those still waiting for a CO...


    Congrats! Looks like DIAC might be getting back up and running...

  22. I expect that it will take them until the end of March to get all of the June 2011 applicants allocated. I hope not, but they have a lot of June applicants and we're only seeing a handfull get allocated per week. This is strikingly different to Nov/Dec, when we saw loads of allocations every week.


    As a July applicant, I started to think that I may be in Oz by August of this year when I saw everyone getting allocated quickly in Nov/Dec, but I may have to push that back a bit. Oh well, I'll get there when I get there.

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