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Posts posted by nicmark

  1. Hi Nik,


    It's fairly self explanatory on the website, but that doesn't necessarily make it easy - if it were easy we wouldn't be in business ;) . We can assist you if you like - we've dealt with so many unusual scenarios over the years that we've learnt there are many ways to get the necessary docs together. In terms of time taken, allow 3 weeks plus postage time from Canberra. You've left yourself a reasonable amount of time to get it sorted, so there's no need to be too stressed about the import approval. But get on to it now, just in case DIT ask you for further evidence (which obviously delays the process).



    Hi Ironchef,

    Really appreciate your advise and am trying to sort it myself, like you said it should be fairly straight forward:no: I tried the online assessment and failed miserably so I've emailed the application and documents had the confirmation that its been received but cant find how to make the fee payment apparently theres a secure service but i cant find it.


    can you please assist again



  2. Hi all,

    im in a little panic. Our shippers come in two weeks to put our belongings in storage for two months. I am about to apply to ship our car and which we will be delivering to the shippers in October and I'm struggling a little with the new on line documents and what they want.


    Has anyone got any advice please on what info they want and how long it takes. I think my heads just muddled with everything else


    thanks in aadvance


    Nik x

  3. Dear Ironchef,

    We have decided to bite the bullet and move to Perth in May 2012 on PR visa. We own a very reliable, 52 plate, Mitshubsi Shogun Sport, TD 2.5, Animal, 70,000miles. My query along with everyone esle's is, would it be worth taking it with us. We have limited funds (as i'm sure does everyone esle) but its a workhorse and we are worried to be without it. Also, how much would it cost to move it etc.....


    Cheers in advance


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