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Everything posted by westwoodwizard

  1. So many people on these forums keep referring to Priority 176 and do not realize they need to be specific about family sponsored vs. regional sponsored. There is a huge difference because the former is at rock bottom of priority and is always waiting for allocation to commence while the latter are actually getting processed ahead of the family sponsored. We applied in April 2009 for 176 family sponsored. Of course, we are not crying like many on these forums who claim their lives are on hold (DIAC never made any promises to you in the first place even if you applied that you would get a visa by a certain date if at all). On the other hand, DIAC should be ethical and provide realistic information so that people do not waste their money on applications they have no intention of processing. Furthermore, it seems to me it would have been more ethical for them to clear their backlog of applications submitted before they made changes to the processing of GSM family sponsored applications and then apply the new rules to new applications but alas they did not do that. That said, please reply if you are somebody in the 176 family sponsored category that actually has had their application allocated to a case officer recently (in the last year or so).
  2. In any event, you pretty much have to get your visa and move first and then look for a job. It is unlikely you both will find jobs in your fields or anything close while in the UK even after you get your visa granted to you. This will always be a paradox for most people if they are considering migrating to another country. Most employers will not take you seriously until and unless you get your visa and living in the country so in that sense you will be taking a chance but that said I am sure you both will find employment.
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