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Posts posted by fleabo

  1. Hi Tracy,


    I would be very careful about deciding when to put your house on the market and hand in your notice. My boyfriend was told that his Visa would be granted around the 5th of May so we decided to arrange flights for the 31st of May thinking this would give us plenty of time. Our CO then moved to the 15th of May, we still don't have our Visa now and we leave in 5 days!!


    Hi - does your CO know you have flights booked?

  2. You know there is no need to kill it. It is harmless.

    Just let it go outside and you feel better about yourself


    Hear, hear - its bad karma to kill a spider indoors anyway.


    My eldest had one crawl through his hair in bed Monday night. He was a bit shocked poor little bugga. As was my son. :laugh:


    It was captured in a glass and taken out for a midnight ramble.

  3. The cost disincentives explain why people don't take their cars but do not answer my question regarding the Aus government's petty & small-minded attitude and their inability to see the big picture & to provide incentives to migrants. They don't get the concept of a "goodwill gesture" as suggested by Carlos because there is no associated measurable dollar amount. They understand cost (easy to control) but not value (takes some thinking about).

    I've dealt directly with another branch of the Aus government who have the same "cost" mentality, trying to squeeze every last penny out of each situation and not seeing that they are pulling the teets off the cash cow. Small country thinking.


    That is a question you could pose on Chewing the Fat - you'll get a wealth of responses - we (me included) are now dragging this useful thread off track. Apologies to the OP.

  4. Thanks Iron Chef for an excellent post.

    Has anybody else been left a bit bewildered at the Aussie government's petty attitude to this? After all, it's only a car. What are they trying to achieve? Aus must be a bureaucrat's dream location.


    If it is only a car, why do you want to import it? Once you answer that question, you will understand the Australian government's attitude.


    Nice post Iron Chef.



  5. That's a shame, I was getting excited! I'll have a read through when I get home later anyway


    Quick question while I'm here. Will a job offer in hand speed up the process at all? I'm likely to have one sorted out in the next month or so, but won't be able to apply for the defacto spouse visa until December. As the company want me to start Feb-ish, the 6 month waiting time is a problem.


    I had a job offer but it did not make a difference - though that was now 8 months ago since when I gather that processing has slowed a little. Good luck!

  6. Congratulations to everyone that have received your visas over the past month or so.


    Our news is that our PR visa grant came through today! It came through in a little under 4 months, exact timeline in my signature.


    I just wanted to sasy thanks to everyone for the advice and support given over the past few months. I also want people to take heart in knowing that my OH's visa was granted despite only being cancer free for 2 years and having undergone a stem cell transplant in April 2008.


    Well done MW and OH! Glad yours has come through. It is worth the wait believe me - just warmng up here in Sydney!:yes:

  7. 16 weeks from the 11th of May is 31st August. I have just added the weeks up again.


    If they say 4 months and you phone up before the end of the 4 months, they will likely just say 'Your 4 months is not up yet'. But if you phone up on or after 4 months you feel some moral justification in pushing for a date when it will be granted. They may then give you an answer. (Though in my experience they still played hardball.)


    The wait is a drag. Good luck!:wubclub:

  8. OK I havent been on here for over a month & have just read the last few replys & I am now officially in panic mode!


    I applied for my Visa on 11th May 2010 & got told the 3-4 months processing time. I emailed my CO beginning of August for an update & got this:


    'Thank you very much for your email. Based on the current update on management of the partner migration program, the processing time for your visa is 4 months from the date you lodged the application (11/05/2010). I am unable to confirm an exact date when I will be able to finalise the visa but will keep you up to date accordingly.'


    I have worked out that 4 months to the date would have been 31st of August. I know its now only the 2nd of September but do any of you think it is worth emailing my CO for another update. Im worried I could now be waiting another 2 months? (My partner is Oz & we'v been apart for nearly 7 months dont know how much longer I can cope!)


    Thanks in advance




    4 months from 11 May is 11 September?

  9. Thanks Michele


    One last question for everyone before I leave this forum for the night (seem to be on it all day every day at the moment!):


    On the immi website it says the following re. where you can be when the visa is granted:


    When you apply: Outside Australia

    When the visa is granted: For the temporary visa (subclass 309) you must be outside Australia. For the permanent visa (subclass 100) you can be in or outside Australia.


    So, for people being put forward straight to the permanent visa (been in a relationship more than 3 yrs) if we were to go to Australia on a visitors visa, why do we need to leave Australia when the visa is granted?




    You apply for a Partner Visa based on where you say you are when you apply (first question on Form 47SP), not on whether it's a 309 or 100. So you state whether you are off- (309/100) or onshore (820/801), and I suspect that determines where you need to be for temporary resident visas when they are granted.


    I think the term 'you can be in or outside Australia' caters for those on 309s that are then changing to a 100 visa. They can be in or outside Australia at the time they apply for this visa. If you apply onshore for an 801 you must be in Australia when the 820 is granted.


    Just my thoughts though, and would be interested to hear what your CO says.



  10. I told my CO my flight was booked 27.08.09, when I applied 8wks ago, just taking me up to the original 12 week quoted, wedding is booked 20.10.2010, I have spoke to airline they will let me change flights to 14th sept free, I haven't checked internal flights, this will give me 5 weeks to "fine tune" as oh puts it wedding arrangments, flowers,bridesmaids,songs,cars etc!!!!!, I am so stressed, I shall ring my CO tomorrow and see what news she has for me...........oh well yet another sleepless night coming on. :arghh::arghh::arghh: AND to add insult to injury, when OH rang immi in OZ they are still quoting London as 4-8 week turn around, and if he say's don't stress one more time, he may get to see a whole new side of me. LOL x


    Hi Maybeamy. I was thinking of Spouse Visas rather then PMVs. My impression (wrong probably) is that PMVs are treated with more 'urgency' as the applicants generally have a date in mind. I do hope matters are resolved in a timely manner.

  11. Hi I too am thinking of doing this.


    We have booked flights for mid Sep as my partner is really missing her family.


    we have lodged this week at London ... So would I have to get a 6month tourist visa?


    Any thoughts would be really appreciated :hug:


    Have you told your CO that you have flights booked? When I was waiting (albeit quite a few months ago and things change a lot in that time) the impression I was given by my CO was that booked flights may help expedite matters. But like I say, policies change.


    I was completely frigged off waiting 4 months. 5-6 months is a tough gig as Peach will tell you.

  12. Hi new to this forum, applied for Prospective marriage visa at London office 08.07.10, 18.07.10 co appointed med and extra info requested 21.07.10 medical 22.07.10, 06.07.10 email from co confirming that medicals and other information requested had been recieved, now just quietly rocking in the corner trying to remain sane. Best diet I have ever been on, didn't for one second expect to feel this stressed. Oh and wedding booked 20.10.2010 stressssss. I need my visa, I am a teaching assistant who breaks up 23.10 and wanted to be back with oh by 07.08.10 fingers crossed


    Have you booked flights? Let your CO know if you have. Cheers and Good Luck!

  13. Have you registered them as Aussie citizens? If you have I'm pretty sure there's a rule that Aussies have to enter Australia on an Australian passport..


    Q8 - I have an Australian passport and a foreign passport; which passport do I use when entering Australia?


    To avoid delays at airline check-in and again at the border entry point, Australian citizens who are dual nationals are required to depart and enter Australia on their Australian passport. An Australian citizen cannot be granted a visa for Australia in a foreign passport.


    When entering Australia, all Australians, including those who hold dual nationality, must be able to prove that they are an Australian citizen. An Australian passport is conclusive evidence of a person's identity and citizenship, and provides the holder with unfettered right of entry to Australia.


    International airlines have an obligation to ensure that they only carry appropriately documented passengers to Australia. In the absence of an Australian passport, airlines are unable to assess a person's claim to Australian citizenship at the time of check-in and may decline to carry the traveller.


    Q9 - I am an Australian citizen but as I did not obtain an Australian passport before departing Australia, I am using my foreign passport whilst I am overseas. Do I have to apply for an Australian passport in order to return to Australia?


    As noted above, Australian citizens must enter Australia on an Australian passport so you must apply in person for an Australian passport to enable you to return to Australia.


    Yes - we almost fell foul of this last year even though we were able to get an Australian e-Visa on a UK passport. If you are an Australian citizen, you must enter Australia on an Australian passport (and similarly if you are a UK citizen attempting to enter the UK).



  14. Getting the kids Australian passports only takes around 10 days (at least thats what it took me!). I put my application in and did the kids passports at the same time. 12 years and 2 kids you should get the Sub 100 right off.


    I would second that advice (assumes your children can be registered as Australian by descent). Once they are registered as Australian they are then not migrating so no need for medicals for them (you probably save money as well as the kids having dual nationality). You will need to get them passports of course but that is relatively easy.


    Cheers and good luck!

  15. ive been told by my CO 4 months...!


    Peach - I could do , but I worry that by adding more info I may delay the process! Ill just deal with a TR if that is what they give me! Thinkinging about it, we did include travel documents, details of flights from April 2007, and emails from those dates, so maybe that will cover it?


    How would I know?


    Not a criticism, but IMO aim for PR straight away. I think PR makes available some support from the Government that you may not get access to as a TR. Some report problems with some employers who view TRs as potentially that - temporary. Therefore may be not worth employing. Not trying to scare anyone. Also, you don't have to worry about going through the process of going from TR to PR in two years time.


    I thought you needed 5 years, not 3, or kids, to be potentially eligible for PR? (The booklet will say - not had to look at it for 5 months!).


    Cheers. Good luck to all those still waiting. Particularly Peach.:wubclub:

  16. Called him and unfortunately got emotional about everything and was on the verge of crying, cus I have started organsiing everything this end and my Boss is demanding to kow WHEN I am going so now its very frustrating. My CO was wonderful about it all though and has said that he is going to look at it this afternoon and call me about it... I am gonna give him until 4pm before I call him back LOL....

    Hope this is nearly the end of my waiting, Jess' Uni workload is really depressing us both and she needs me there so she doesn't have all this worry about when and if I might get the visa, its not helping her concentrate on her UNI work atall.


    Jay - good for you. Sounds like you have a CO that might be human - good luck, I hope you get that call this afternoon!:yes:

  17. I think Special Delivery post gets treated seperately to first class and is therefore probably less likely to go missing.


    I asked Royal Mail about Special Delivery. I got the following response:


    "Special Delivery items travel in their own separate mail stream to First

    Class items of mail. They are tracked at each point of its journey

    including when the item is out on delivery and when the item is delivered

    or if we are unable to deliver the items. Items of First Class mail have

    no tracking at all at any point on there journey."

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