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Status Updates posted by kevnemma


    <p>Hi Michelle,</p>

    <p>That's great news, sorry I have not replied any sooner but not been on here for ages. My youngest goes to South Halls Head, you will need to look at them both and decide, I looked at the schools first then found a rental in that catchment area, they will not accept you unless you have a permanent address. I see in a previous post you were looking at private schools, they are really hard to get into as they are all full, but my eldest has started the new baptist college and my youngest will go there in Feb, you should look at that it is called Austin Cove Baptist College. I am working in a daycare centre now and we are financially alot better off than we were in the uk, my inlaws came out xmas and are coming out again next month. We are still loving it here and no regrets. Yes we will have to meet up when you arrive.</p>

    <p>Again congrats!</p>



  2. <p>Hi michelle, hope you are well, we had family over for xmas so that was nice. Where are at now with your visa app? As for the areas Dudley Park and Greenfields, I would personally not live in these areas although there are some nice houses, it is important that you research the schools before u get a long term rental for catchment. The girls couldn't start school until we had a permanent rental. We looked at the 2 schools in the area we were considering and chose a house in the area of the preferred school. My eldest is going to high school next week, and thats another subject, state high schools, she is going to a new school which opens next week, Austin Cove Baptist College. Anyway hope this helps and hope to meet up soon! Good luck</p>


    <p>hi michelle,</p>

    <p>Sorry not been on for a while, replying to ur last post it is a nitemare just waitin, u can't plan to do anything, just incase. As for the 475 not really any major issues but some do think that it means we are going back in 3 years, but we say it's a 2 year provisional then made permanent. I have now started work only a few hours week so that gets me out of the house it does drive u mad after a while being on ur own all day. The girls r doin fine and now we have just enrolled our eldest into high school, she starts feb. spk soon. emma</p>


  4. <p>Hi, how is your visa app doing? As for the schools South Halls Head is a lovely school and we preferred it rather than Halls Head but it's all according on catchment, we were due out of our month rental on the Friday and didn't hear till the Tues before that we had got this house, that was really stressful and the girls couldn't start school until we had a more permanent address. As for the weather, i usually walk the girls to school and they have never been able to do that before, my youngest takes her bike but today we have drove as the weather has not been very good with alot of wind and rain and you really hear it in these houses. You don't mind the weather being like that hear because you get so much of the good weather. Don't know how Kev is getting on today as his work is all outside they even have their glass benches on the truck and have to cut the glass on site! I am not going to send my youngest to private until she goes into yr 8, private schools are very religious here.</p>

  5. <p>Hi, i now have access to the internet since yesterday. As you know we r now in oz and all loving it OH got a job after 1 week of being here. We are renting in Seascapes and it is lovely here. The girls go to South Halls Head Primary, it's a lovely school. By the way avoid Greenfields and Dudley Park not good areas. OH has worked at the state secondary schools around here as he is a glazier and he says they are all rough so now i am looking at yr8 for my eldest to go in Feb to private.</p>


    <p>That's fine thanks</p>



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