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Posts posted by SGHJLL

  1. Hi, we have moved to the Surf Coast, South of Melbourne.

    Husband came over 3 months ago and the rest of us (me and 3 of our 4 girls) arrived 2 weeks ago.

    After selling our house in the UK and still having a deficit we juggled with money to allow us to get to Australia. After some terribly unorthodox advice from the citizens advice bureau to just skip the country and leave our debts we set up a debt management plan with Step Change and we have a manageable payment scheme in the UK that we send money back for every month. They don't charge for this service and have been brilliant.

    Hubby came out first to set up a job and rental etc and stayed with my uncle whilst doing so, rent free.

    The rental side was difficult as they make you view the property before you can put your application in. Most viewings are during office hours. You apply and they let you know if they want you! Lucky enough we got accepted for both the rentals that we put in for immediately. I had prepared a folder of references etc and they didn't even look at it, didn't ask for bank statements, references or anything.

    We chose between primary schools - one was a play led school but our daughters are quite studious and would prefer traditional teaching. Also we chose the one that ranked higher in the league tables.

    We got the bank accounts sorted 2 hours after landing (I am highly organised)! The tax file number posed a problem as we got redirected online and the paperwork went astray in their system, bit of a hassle - we were told after that if we had gone into Centrelink they would have issued us one on the spot in the tax office part.

    Setting up internet took only a week, very efficient with Telstra. Be prepared to spend some on this it is much dearer than UK.

    School uniform is pricey so I brought over some summer dresses in the right colour from asda £2 each in the sale as opposed to $21.

    Everyone has been sooooo friendly so far. I have met loads of mums through school and pre school groups and been invited to our first party already!

    There seems to be a lot of groups of people from the UK that meet up regularly which is lovely.

    The hubby is a carpenter and is finding work very sporadic, not knowing from one day to the next when he will have work and he is travelling quite a distance but he is getting to know the area very well now!!

    Haven't seen any red backs or huntsmen yet!

    We have found some things to be so much cheaper than UK - electrical goods mainly, printer for $29. Bikes for the kids were crazy cheap from target.

    Food is quite comparable in my estimation as long as you don't buy out of season fruit etc.

    The houses here are so interesting to look around, they are so different to each other, such variations.

    Very much enjoying it so far.

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