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Posts posted by Zack

  1. On 28/05/2017 at 20:37, Home and Happy said:

    Yes this comes up a lot now on TV in the newspapers and in magazines.  Nice if it happens and I hope it will.  Half of UK would move over then, and probably all the young ones from Australia will come over here to work.

    It Would be a Disaster as usual Australia would want everything their way. . It's never worked for New Zealand and it wont for Britain.  ,Britain Needs to be very Careful of Australia's demands  The only thing Britain needs to take on from Australia is Australia's immigration policy nothing else.NO free Movement Deals.

  2. Don't know where you are getting your figures from , But i retired in 2001 and i recieve 98 pounds per week   and my wife receives 48 pounds per week. We get a part pension from New Zealand and a Part pension from Australia.As a Veteran  Our vote is for Labour whatever happens .We would never vote for the Tories they have betrayed  everyone .Even our Armed Forces, Jailing Veterans and serving soldiers ,accused of not following the Rules of war going back decades.All on the information from our enemies,They betrayed  Commonwealth Countries.For the EU.The Tories Betrayed the people's Referendum . They themselves instigated .And Now they have the Buffoon as PM. With a deal he's signed with the EU, and it's a shocker. Brexit in name only.The Tories will never give up The huge EU  bonuses,some business ,The wealthy ,the privileged and the Royals receive.Meanwhile they are bankrupting the country ,they will sell off the NHS It's hemorrhaging Billions P/a. With all this Mass  unvetted immigration into the UK. Britain's debt is now in the Trillions.Cameron And Osborne were even printing their own money ,To arm all the Rebels to overthrow Assad in Syria,including the Taliban and Isis. Then they armed the Rebels in Libya to overthrow Gaddafi.They spent Millions Bankrolling the Muslim Brotherhood to overthrow the elected Government in Egypt.These two Tory traitors   increased The Foreign Aid Budget every year since 2010. Even paying China and India aid and still are, imported over 300,000 unvetted immigrants into Britain every year.And the Tories are still importing them in huge numbers .The buffoon  says we can't get enough, My Restaurant i use is even  short of Labour. Mi5 has warned the Tories over and over . That out of every 1000 unvetted immigrants from the EU there are 9 Muslim Terrorists.THe attacks in Britain go on,and the tories answer was to sack 20,000 police and cut Terror surveillance in Britain by 50%. All the News papers and the Media are Anti Labour . Nothing at all about the Incompetent Tories.The Tories have sold off all of Britain's essential services except one. And it's next the NHS,

  3. On 10/11/2019 at 16:32, Lucie1 said:


    Here goes......


    I’ve wanted to emigrate for about 10 years and have spoken about it continuously.


    We have just come back from our second holiday to north of Perth and am still totally thrown whether to go.


    Home here I have a very good job in being a nurse manager and my husband is in the fire service.


    I have two younger and two older children. My older children are unsure of whether they want to move just yet and given their age (22) they would need to apply for their own skilled visa.


    His concern is he would struggle to get in the fire service in Oz, but would like for any job if we made the move.


    My biggest worry right now is in the UK we live very comfortably from a financial position. I know it’s not all about the money and that’s why we think Oz could offer a better life for our children but could we really have that life if at nearly 40 we have to start again.


    I would love to hear how other families may have decided to love or return and the reason around that.


    All I know is right now the decision is driving me and, I think of nothing else each day.



    Thinking having a better life in Australia for your kids in Australia is a Myth,We brought 4 out with us, and there is one left in Australia and she is divorced.One is dead  One is living back in Britain and the other one is Divorced living in NZ, This Place in the 35 years we have been here has gone from bad to worse. It's Rip Off City. The Banks are still ripping us off and now the Government is Ripping everyone off THe ATO, Australian Tax office has the Power to take money from your bank if they say you owe them money,There's a class action going on against the government. The Tax office is Screwing people wherever they can.And you have to prove they are wrong. If you are financial secure at home. You would be mad to move out  here, in this prolific heat .Our Town in Qld. is not far way from running out of Water ,And The Council has announced it's building yet another park. For $3 Million a 4 'klm stretch of road for $20 million..And there Towns people are screaming for them to sink some Bores  And Build Reservoirs .

    • Haha 3
  4. On 28/10/2019 at 18:46, annatour said:

    some advice pls!! Not sure if I am just too cossetted by uk's work laws but...here is the situation.

    started a new Job. I live on the coast in a tiny town full of rural types, son of whom have never left the region, so I am talking about ultra parochial.

    I swim quite a bit and also love walking along the beach. First day at work some of my co workers asked me what I was doing after work. I replied, walking and swimming.

    next day I am approached by a male approx 60 years old who says leerily "how was the skinny dip?" (I never swam as It was too cold). To which I replied "I did not swim it was too cold". Now each time I see him he asks me if I have been skinny dipping. I got a bit concerned for safety reasons as the beach I empty rural and remote. I asked my husband to meet me after work and walk home with me. That afternoon the man came over to.me and said "are you going skinny dipping", I said "my husband is meeting me" to which he replied " he is going to walk with you on the beach".

    all a bit odd or am I over reacting. Is this normal banter or not? How would you deal with this man?

    personally he makes me feel humiliated, scared and angry with these comments. What should I do.

    . i know where you're coming from. This is the wild west. And these  Ockers will  take advantage if u know what i mean, This mug is trying it on. Your Husband  should have a word with him. . Go to there Police  and things could get nasty. These Ockers can get nasty and  stick together against poms or any other foreigners. 

    • Haha 1
  5. On 02/11/2019 at 03:39, shaunfreo said:

    When you apply now to renew a UK passport,  if you are a duel national with a current passport from any other country ie Australia you have to send that passport with your  expiring one to the passport office , apparently it’s a new thing to check that you have the same name on the UK passport to any other passport you have. And they don’t accept photocopies or even scanned colour copies.

    Not so just renewed our British Passports online  and never had to do that.

  6. Some weird and wonderful stories. You Don't get a full pension in Aus if you have other income.. We have lived and worked in Australia for 35 years and don't Get a full pension.  .. Australia is heading for some  long tough years ahead. I can see this LNP Government having another go at Introducing Work Choices.Then the shit will really hit the fan.Things were tough in Australia when we  had  17.95 % rates and now it's)0 .75% and people are whingeing and  struggling.The problem is they have let the cost of  living and House Prices get well  out of control .It's all unsustainable now. No wonder they are talking about a financial Collapse./ To give a better idea the Regional town we  live in ,In Queensland most of the descent  shops have  closed  ,Taken over by op shops.We have a Council from hell .There are more Renters now than owner occupiers. We are running out of water and they are Building a $3 million new Park. And talking of building Dual Carriageways going to nowhere.And our Rates and Chargers have gone through the roof, up 27% from last year. On a 2.5 Acre block my rates have gone from $238 pa to $1150 Half Yearly.,And we still have no Town Sewerage after 20 years


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  7. Where do you find a good Doctor in Australia? Especially in Regional  Queensland .All our doctors are part time  doctors from 3rd world countries that are at the surgery 2-3 days   a week and  go to training the other 3 days. To get  a appointment  it  takes up to 2-3 weeks.The hospital in our town is useless.No permanent doctor ,understaffed and not even a Xray Machine. News last Week All regional Hospitals in Regional Australia are 3rd world.THey need modernising,and trained staff to run them. and a huge injection of funding.  How the LNP  government is planning to send all new immigrants to Regional Australia to work  in Regional Australia because  the Big cities are bursting at the seems beggars belief. There no services.Then this absolute shocking report ,From the Royal Commision inquiry  into the  mistreatment and absolute cruelty to the Elderly in Care homes. In Australia,  Can't see much happening on that front,with this LNP Government. It will be the same as the banks. That are still ripping us off. .And the Shocking  news about more cruelty to animals.Retired Race horses this time. 

  8. Harmless Pythons . Although i had two in my aviary  where i  kept my canaries . I cut one open and it had two of my Canaries in it.But there is really very little in Australia that will attack you.only the things you can't see. Like viruses.  The worst things what u can see however are flesh eating Spiders in every garden

    • Confused 1
  9. On 22/10/2019 at 08:46, ramot said:

    When I had my medical in Brisbane in March, my blood pressure was very high, this was instantly mentioned. As I have never ever ever had high blood pressure, certainly don’t have white coat symptom and wasn’t at all stressed. 

    I have my blood pressure taken on my left arm due to damage on my right. The nurse said she wasn’t used to that and had perhaps not taken it correctly!!? Re did it, and perfectly normal.

    So the reading was discussed, but I doubt that further medical advice would be given by the nurse. We then saw the Dr. as everything was ok in our case can’t comment if the Dr. would comment further, but do agree it’s up to the assessing board to request more information We were definitely given the impression that apart from waiting for the  blood results it was all looking ok.

    How interesting reading your post.About your high blood pressure .And mentioning White Coat Symptom.Although i have been in Australia for 45 years .In Australia when you reach the a age of 75 you have to have a medical to renew your driving licence every year. I had changed my doctor, when i moved from the sunshine coast back  to the Lockyer Valley. so when i went for my medical /. This  Doctor from overseas , told me in no uncertain terms if i don't get my blood pressure down he wouldn't sign the form.  I went mad at him and told him it was his job to get my blood pressure down and walked out. And went to another doctor who said to me you probably have white coat symptom.Id never heard of it  He said  buy a Blood pressure machine take your blood pressure every morning and night at the same time and come back to see him in a week. Which i did .And it was normal .So now  i take my blood pressure  every day. as he said when you come for your next visit I'll check your readings i go by that.Apparently the majority of Australians have high Blood Pressure besides being obnoxious Why people jump through so many hoops to come to Australia .is to be honest ridiculous.Especially when they have got a good job And probably their own home. When we came here we didn't have to have any qualifications, medicles, a written test or anything else . We have two friends  that have been here over 25 years He is a engineer  And they never took out Australian citizenship. His job takes him overseas now .And every time  he goes overseas he has to have a re-entry permit.As when they went for their citizen test only last year they both failed.And they are both English. So now they have to wait i think it's 4 years to take another one. Just how ridiculous is that.Many are in the same situation had many have gone back to England. Plus if you are a citizen and you are convicted of a criminal office they will deport you And if you haven't taken out citizenship and you get old and sick they will deport you , Some have left it to Late to take out citizenship and have been deported . 

    Is it really all worth it?  one tip to  new immigrants coming  to Australia  never ever buy a new Property or a Highrise Apartment 94% have building defects. And there is no one to turn to,You pay for repairs . If they are repairable. Australia is rip off city. To those on here that love criticising my grammar and spelling !! I don't care. don't read it!!!

  10. 29 minutes ago, BacktoDemocracy said:

    Because Australia takes its lead from America, look at American treatment of its citizens. Look up debt recovery by govt agencies in USA for debts 10-20 years old. Look at the way the media is dominated by the right in USA

    As regards flooding, if you are there since another drought has started you will not have experienced what it’s like when it starts to rain incessantly for days on end and the ground is baked hard and the water just runs off and see the creeks rising and rising.

    We lived at Postmans Ridge Qld  during  the 2011 floods ,i know  about  floods it was the biggest  for over 100 years. But believe it or not the idiots in charge of the Wivenhoe  Dam  Should never  have let the  water out all at once ,they should have started  a week before,not wait till  it was nearly overflowing.  That was what caused Brisbane to flood as much as it did. .But the damage and loss of life  in other places could have  been avoided if houses were not  built in  flood areas , if creeks were cleaned out, And not used as  tips. the same  places flood every time we get lots of rain. Our two elderly neighbours were drowned ,their brick highset  house on Murphy's Creek road  was swept away, to this day the slab only remains.You are right .Be careful where you pick to live.We have  not seen any rain for ten months .And we know what follows drought and Fires  Nothing has been done by Council or the Qld Government We are still paying a levy of $58 on our rates for the 2011 flood. .No Flood drains have been dug,and nothing about the  drought And stop the town from running out of water. The dam is running dry. And they have spent millions beautifying the Parks.Instead of sinking Bores.or even another dam. The authorities would rather just hope for rain.And waste Billions.

  11. On 27/04/2019 at 21:58, BacktoDemocracy said:

    Do take some notice of the flood maps but you do need to realise that localised flooding occurs everywhere where there are low lying areas, the intensity of the rain is on par with monsoonal rain, the last big flood was partly because the water in the dams at Wyvenhoe was not released early enough and built up so rapidly over 3-5days that when the sluices had to be opened the amount of water that had to be released inundated all along the river, but you will see traditional Queenslanders built up on pilings partly to protect from localised flooding but also to provide cooling air to circulate to keep them cool in summer and bloody freezing in winter.

    In the first 18 months you will wonder why everyone is rugged up in the winter and it's 17 degrees and then you will get acclimatised and be wondering why you left all the coats and scarves at aunt Sally's



    On 27/04/2019 at 21:58, BacktoDemocracy said:

    Do take some notice of the flood maps but you do need to realise that localised flooding occurs everywhere where there are low lying areas, the intensity of the rain is on par with monsoonal rain, the last big flood was partly because the water in the dams at Wyvenhoe was not released early enough and built up so rapidly over 3-5days that when the sluices had to be opened the amount of water that had to be released inundated all along the river, but you will see traditional Queenslanders built up on pilings partly to protect from localised flooding but also to provide cooling air to circulate to keep them cool in summer and bloody freezing in winter.

    In the first 18 months you will wonder why everyone is rugged up in the winter and it's 17 degrees and then you will get acclimatised and be wondering why you left all the coats and scarves at aunt Sally's


    Whats back to democracy mean?Australia is very short on that. There's a big thing on that at this point time. The new LNP government doesn't believe much in Democracy .It's their bad  laws,what is the problem  you abide with them or be prosecuted and   go to jail.They need to be changed. Australia is virtually a police state, Journalists homes are being raided. Lawyers and Barristers  are being prosecuted for doing their job. This  LNP Government has given powers to the ATO to take funds from your bank account if they believe you have fraudulently falsifying your tax return.But  9 times out of 10 they are wrong.THen you have to get your money back IT's the same with centrelink They claim you have been overpaid they demand you repay it. And it's up to you to prove they are wrong. Again 9 times out of 10 they are wrong. But some people have had their houses repossessed as centrelink say they have been overpaid for 20 years.

  12. Not a great place to have a investment property ,the Gold coast is full of young drunken or drugged up  thugs, that don't work that club together to rent a flat. You need to do a lot of research. We have friends that have regretted they ever invested in  high rise rental  apartments there. Plus there is a ongoing situation with Building faults in most high rise apartments all over Australia.  And no Insurance. The Message out there is buyers beware.

  13. On 01/10/2019 at 23:21, starlight7 said:

    My daughter and husband and 2 children lost everything in a bushfire and there has been long lasting effects on all of us. I would never live in a bushfire area, ever. It is a truly dreadful thing. My advice to anyone anywhere near a major bushfire is to get out- fast. Don’t think you can fight it because you can’t. Unpredictable, deadly and just generally heartbreaking.

    It's not just Bushfires now ,here in Queensland this week, we were so lucky not to get burnt out ,And we are not in  Bushland  it was dead grass catching alight or some are saying  set alight by kids It's time they jailed them.Thank god for the Volunteer Rural Fire Brigade. And the Volunteer NES people. .They are the Legends of this Country .Not Millionaire Footy Players , Cricketers or any other sports people.And they get no reward at all .Some have even been sacked from their workplace for taking time off to fight fires and floods And ..AS usual   what follows  drought is the floods to come ,as sure as day follows night.

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  14.  Six reasons for not  moving to Australia We   immigrated because of Thatcher Closing Down the Industrious North.And put  a estimated 1 million + Brits out of Work.To favour her beloved EU. Glad to see the Brits are getting their country back hopefully. Never Trust a Tory ! Ask any veteran 

    As a Immigrant and a Pom ,you will get berated, put down. .The kids will suffer at school, and maybe you at work. You need to have a thick skin.You'll never be a Aussie. Some think they are when they get their citizenship ,some  poms even  say they even feel different . They must be deluded.

    Some have a better standard of living .Depending on what you do and who you are. Most workers   today Find it hard to make ends meet. 

    More space ?It doesn't matter a great deal as long as you have good Neighbours.We have Lived on acreage for most of our 46 years .here.And you can have Neighbours from hell  the same in the Suburbs. Aussies  thrive on noise,  bad language and bad manners.. And don't care who hears them.Neighborhood disputes have the Courts clogged up

    Adventure depends again what the individual does .I went hunting all the time in the UK .Same as  in Australia .Most live a mundane lifestyle  in Australia and have never seen the outback.Or even the Barrier Reef. 

    Never Buy a new Build House or apartment . Cowboy Builders ,Shonky workmanship rule in Australia. It's rip off city. And your not even covered . Just  try getting anything done  in the Building industry it takes Years. Try to sue a Car dealerShip. Or a  work contract you may  find yourself in .

    Then there's the  the legal rip offs.Everyone has to bear.With out of control Councils. Some end up getting sacked and some actually go to jail. 

    Then there is Captain Cook . It it  hadn't been for him we wouldn't be here. And we wouldn't have wasted our lives and our 4 kids lives. My Wife and I  say .There is no place like home ,with all your family and life long friends. Giving up your roots And missing all the weddings ,family get togethers.Even  funerals.  Is the worst thing ever .WE think. Even at  81 we  regret leaving  home. And we have tried to blend in. .And before you know what's happened . Your life has gone. And you only get one chance. We have made a Goode Lfe and have a decent nest egg. But it doesn't replace what we gave up.

    • Confused 1
  15. I have got to the stage now ,where i hate everything about Australia.Having Australia rammed down my throat 24/7 ,The cost for medication MRI x rays ect Waiting years to even get to see a specialist.,and years more to get into hospital.It's bad news getting old in Australia. And now they are deporting  sick aged  people who they say are a burden on the Australian  health service.We don't feel secure here anymore.My friend a Australian  recently died of cancer he had to sell his house ,to enable him to pay for his medication of $2,500 p/m That was not on the PBS.His wife said the LNP have still no included his type of cancer on the PBS. Since the Election the LNP have only added another 4 types of Cancer onto the PBS. Many people will still have to pay, if sadly they get cancer that's not on the PBS.. Just can't wait to sell up and go home.After 35 years,although we did go back  in 2012 and returned in 2013. I took too much notice of how different the system was in the UK compared to  Australia .Stupid things really.the way we were treated  at the banks.The Social services,About our  aged pension etc.Even the carry on about the TV licence.We still have our life long friends there. And they kept saying  give it time. And they were right.WE so regret coming back. Our friends that went back just after the 2011 floods in QLD are still there. And are loving it.I have to say i never ever really settled here.I always said i want to die in my own country and i will.We don't think that Australia is the best place to immigrate to .Those up themselves  on this site, that want to criticise  me or my spelling or Grammar ,do so at your leisure.I couldn't care less.

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  16. Hasn't the Government decided to send new Immigrants to places were they are needed?They can't decide where they want to live? Just been reading about the Family that Immigrated 10 years ago from the UK. ,Started up a car mechanical workshop  in Ipswich  Qld. . And have been deported because they were  found to be not not living, in the Post Code they were given by the Government.

  17. What u really need to know about Immigrating to Australia is .What really matters.It's not what many make it out to be. It is very overrated. In  My view if u have a good job and your own house in a good area. Don't leave it to come here. You  may not be any better off at all, you could be alot worse off And the prolific summer heat now in the  40's is unbearable and they say 50's will soon be the norm... Leaving your  Relatives and all u care for ,Is a big rench. Many say they are  immigrating for the kids sake. Your kids  and you could be in for a big shock. Quote  on the  TV this morning on the Today show in Qld. Bullying in schools is at  it highest ever levels Literacy and Education in general  in Schools across Australia are at their lowest level ever.Kids that leave school 48% are semi illiterate,and unemployable.According to  Employers. Many Poms that come over to Australia have got their work visas etc all sorted out and at a cost. But when they get here they may  find their  qualifications they had in the UK  are not acceptable. And remember Employers will employ Aussie's first. And there is plenty of Anti Pom around and anti immigrant in general. , when u eventually find a job.If u haven't got a job to go to.Australia  has been quoted as being Rip Off City, and the most expensive place to live. and the most violent per capita.Plus the drug capital,drugs are everywhere in schools ,even the doctors Make sure u find a doctor that bulk bills.. The country is in the grip of Floods and Fire. Be very very  careful where u Live . Even though the Government now picks the postcode where certain Immigrants with certain skills can live. Health Care in Australia is a worry. Many Medications are not on the BPS and so you pay.  People with Certain Cancers are paying $2500+ P/m for their medication Having had to sell their homes to pay for it. The Older u get the worse it gets We have  have just paid $8000 for my  wife's cataracts to be done. We used to have Private Health Care ,But it got too expensive on a state Pension. $730 For A MRI X Ray. My Wife has been waiting 8 ears to get a knee replacement . Those that do get here all the Best of British . The Old Dart id in a mess ,but it's seen a lot worse .And  is  still the  best place in the World to live. According to all my friends and relatives . Just been watching move to the country . There maybe some truth in what they say , Queensland  is Ugly. Never go by the glossy  pictures of beaches and picked country areas. It's everyday life and where you can afford that counts.

    • Haha 3
  18. On 29/01/2018 at 10:19, Clm said:

    Hi , 

    we as a family ( me, my OH and our two daughters) moved to Brisbane over two years ago.

    However I still feel very unsettled - my OH and youngest daughter feel very settled. 

    But myself and my eldest daughter 11 have struggled.

    I miss home , friends and family, but the hardest thing I have found is genuine friendships?

    i feel like there is not many people here - well I have yet to meet genuine sincere people. Who don't play mind games - take advantage of kindness , play keeping up with the jones - gossip or are just mean to friends when they are not around.

    it just all seems very fake - I've sincerely met some of the rudest people in my life here! I'm not a negative dweller - far from it! I'm polite pleasant and will go out of my way to be kind and friendly. I miss friends that I could share problems with - that were kind , friends you can socialise with and  laugh till you cry. 

    But I'm starting to feel like an alien here. What I think are basic morals , manners and respect - others don't ,and the whole - playing mind games within friendship isn't me.

    I guess in my baffle , what I'm trying to say or ask is - how long before people made genuine friendships or has anyone else felt isolated or met these hurdles ? 


    Thanks for reading ?

    We have been here 32 years and never made genuine Australian friends. My  wife has made Friends ,through the art club she belongs to. We go to tea now and again and Xmas get togethers.But i would say they are just acquaintances. I have had Mates when i was working ,but not mates ,that wanted to take their wives out. they never wanted to go out for a meal in a group of couples to the RSL at Twin Towns at Coolangatta. The Pommy friends we had have all gone back to the UK .We used to go to Twin Towns at Coolangatta  all the time .But Aussies Don't seem to want to mix. Maybe it's  just Brisbane.  Brisbane Used to be known as a graveyard with lights. 

  19. On 26/10/2017 at 15:55, Toots said:


    Yes Ozzie get your washing in and your car under cover as the hailstones can cause a bit of damage.  Hope the weather doesn't get too severe!


     Hail srtipping trees, and smashing  the  pathetic 3mm thick windows,in the poorly build  Houses in Qld.And all over Australia. Houses in Australia need to be built for the weather here.But that would make them completely unaffordable. They are like Ovens in the summers prolific heat, much hotter now, than 35 years ago,and  like fridges and damp in the winter..

  20. On 23/10/2017 at 20:34, starlight7 said:

    Oh ,come on, the weather in the UK is dire most of the time.  The place has many, many good attributes but not the weather.  Never that. I guess it will be one of the few countries to benefit from global warming though.

    Yeah right and the rest of Europe is Beautiful sunny weather all the time The weather is Not Dire most of the time..Just been talking to a Couple of Aussies that live in the Uk  In Nottingham. And are back for their fathers furneral here in Queensland. They say they love the seasonal weather in the UK. And the Life there is so Much to do. The Countryside is jaw dropping   And how do i stand this heat and Humidity?And it's so Baron and Ugly here in the Lockyer Valley.Why do the Poms Come here..There words.

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